Mobile and Executive Computing





Success Factors.

Enablers for a Successful Implementation.

Cost Factors and Key Components Influencing Costs.



Introduction to Mobile Business Solution

Mobile application development indicates the procedure of creating application software for handheld devices like personal digital assistants, and mobile devices. With the utilization of mobile apps, the consumer is offered numerous features that will facilitate him to meet his desires, and so on (Baktha, 2017). In contemporary times, most of the businesses from all corners over the globe are providing an outlandish variety of products. They have started migrating from the physical world of giving out flyers, printing trailers, and hanging announcements to the mobile world. It has become an essential part of a business to offer more value to its clients and today companies are utilizing mobile applications to their advantage to interact substantially with their customers. With the considerable growth in the mobile phone market over the past abundant years, the consumers or users are progressively utilizing smartphones and tablets rather than using desktop computers to access services and products (Smutný 2012). There is no doubt that the usage of mobile applications of enterprise has transformed the way of doing business, improves the user experience, and enhances the return on investment (ROI). It can be said that the long term achievement of contemporary companies relies upon establishing mobility solutions. Furthermore, the mobile solutions strategy must be part of every business's digital transformation approach (Berghaus and Back 2014). This report is going to discuss certain key components to be considered while implementing a mobile business solution for customers. It further entails the technologies, success factors, enablers, and platforms required for the successful implementation of the mobile business solution. Additionally, it will discuss the cost factors and other major components of a mobile solution that will influence these costs.


The enterprise-wide application development is emerging to become more collective and supple wherein the information technology team works to create applications both with interior corporate teams and exterior agencies. This kind of app development can only be possible with the prompt acceptance of cloud technologies (Inukollu et al. 2014). Cloud computing refers to the technology that utilizes the internet to store and exchange data across numerous devices with safe and protected virtual networks (Hashem et al. 2015). Users can be able to work with packages and services without worrying about time-taking or exclusive hardware system and substructure app, with the cloud technologies. Furthermore, the cloud technologies facilitate better communication and present partnership between teams, and businesses concerned in business mobile application development.

Moreover, the cloud app development technology can do most of the heavy lifting in regards to the creation of customer apps. It is having the data integration, APIs, user management, built-in tools, reusable UI elements, and security that are all required to resolve the challenges of business application development (Alamri and Mustafa 2014). In the nutshell, it requires:

  • APIs: It is named as application programming interface that entails fragments of software developed helping to interrelate not just the app and the back-end server but also connecting the app with the OS elements and current systems in use by the business.
  • Backend technology: Database and server-side items become imperious for assisting operations of the business mobile app by linking to a network. Additionally, changes and alignment may be required to assist the anticipated mobile app functionality if a business is utilizing a prevailing backend platform.
  • Mobile App front-end: The mobile applications entail interactive user experiences that used the connections with the back-end for handling data through APIs.
  • Java: It, an object-oriented programming language, indicates to the official android development language that is simple to manage. Further, it is a technology that provides the best certification and communal support.
  • Swift: It is mainly a language for iOS products and having advanced features with little coding to be maintained easily. It assumes a safe programming pattern and also adds contemporary features to make to more easy and supple.
  • Kotlin: It is a statically type of programming language to be used for making current android applications. It is also known as the advanced version of java (Vinayak 2019)
  • HTML5: This is best suited for the web0based applications for mobile phones (Rieger and Kuchen 2018)

There are lots of benefits when a business uses cloud technology in mobile app development. It has the capability of storing all information on the server that can be accessed using the internet and hence it does not need extra space within a mobile device. It further enables the user to utilize smartphones space for other activities. Moreover, creating a mobile app using this technology evades the need to produce an app for every channel and device. Without any issue, the app running on cloud technology can be operated on web browsers and numerous platforms also (Catruc and Iosifescu 2020).


It is noteworthy the choosing an accurate mobile platform is vital for the success of a business mobility strategy. Mainly, there are two famous mobile platforms named as Android from Google and iOS from Apple. These two platforms need developing applications utilizing their exclusive development environment (Greene and Shilton 2018). A mobile application features are custom-made for every platform of mobile that offers its users an exclusive experience particular to their mobile phones. There are two such applications named as native mobile apps and mobile web apps (Huang et al. 2016).

  • Native mobile apps: These are constructed particularly for android or iOS. These have the most access to the hardware and firmware of a mobile phone meaning that native apps can advantageous from the entire capabilities of the device. Additionally, they act better and offer the best user experience. A business can indeed develop separate mobile apps for android and iOS but it will be more expensive. Thus, it is recommended that a business must choose one platform from iOS and android that will reduce the delivery time, decrease original investment, and have a prospect to the seamless application (Vaupel et al. 2018).
  • Mobile web apps: These are websites that can be accessed via a mobile browser. Further, these are receptive and can seem like a mobile app and work across all android and iOS devices. It is true to say that these apps get little access to a mobile phone’s hardware capabilities. Thus, the business with current web-based solutions may find such apps as a low-cost and faster way of implementing novel mobile solutions (Jobe 2013).

Success Factors

The extremely successful enterprise mobile solutions consider all of the chief factors impacting performance from mobile devices and application competencies to system performance and eventually user experience. The key success factors for the implementation of a mobile business solution are illustrated below:

  • Prominence and Analytics: While companies are doing substantial investments in business mobile solutions, very little are assisting these investments with the obligatory prominence and analytics. If a business is being capable of monitoring the performance and tracking the mobile assets through its lifespan, then it can suggestively improve the user experience while dropping the entire support costs of these investments.
  • Scalability: It is one of the essential factors a business must consider while choosing an accurate mobile solution. A business application must be scalable for the long-period, by considering numerous constraints entailing supporting the supreme number of users, device multiplicity, backend business applications, novel functioning structures, and systems.
  • Configurability without code: A decent mobile solution must provide flexibility for extreme level customization, as a classic business solution might not sufficiently talk of the necessities of a definite business function in regards to the diverse staff, as appropriate for each company. Configuration can be as easy as adding novel areas, modifying the current one, or even altering the business logic.
  • User experience: The mobile screen is indeed much smaller in size than the desktop screens. Therefore, a business must make the mobile interface of an application as modest as possible to offer extreme convenience and flexibility to the users.
  • Response time and speed: There is no doubt that customers might need to access numerous applications from their mobiles and in respect of definite ERP apps, such applications may need to unite with the backend server to send the data. Therefore, the response time in mobile applications undertakes implication in which the chief emphasis is to improve the experience to either provide users the data they desire right away or someway confuse the user to hold their devotion for a while.
  • Security: It is an important thing to consider while boarding on the seamless mobile approach due to the progressive events of data interference, malware, or even hacking of accounts. Thus, companies must certify that their mobile solution integrates robust security controls to safeguard private business data and networks. While having two or three-layer security is preferable, though, such controls must be more non-destructive and user-friendly. It means that users must not be requested to retype passwords recurrently.
  • Manifold devices and OS support: The presence of a variety of mobile devices like tablets, smartphones, multiple operating systems (Android, iOS, and more) demands a good mobile solution to be compatible with such platforms. Though, considering the technical difficulty and the associated costs, it might be practical to aim chief operating systems and then steadily encompass multifold platforms. Therefore, a business must decide on which mobile phone or operating system is suitable for its business mobile solution to accomplish the basic tasks of the company.
  • On-premise or cloud technologies: Traditional computing was indeed based upon the on-premise application. It allows the company to decide the best model based on business processes, number of users, security constraints, and so on. But, with the progression in modern technologies and the arrival of cloud technologies, companies are moving towards a cloud-based system from the on-premise systems. It is because there has been growing substructure and server upkeep costs for on-premise systems as equated with cloud-based systems that are mainly subscription-based and provide benefits in respect of protection and security.
  • Focus user: The main goal of any mobile application is how finest it helps the users in regards to ease of use, humble interface, decent appearance, and so on. Further, it also aims to determine how distant it is adding worth to end user in regards to efficiency and cost savings (Innovapptive 2020)

Enablers for a Successful Implementation

Enablers, in respect of mobile business solutions, can be referred to as supplementary improvements or facilitators for mobility solutions. Furthermore, these are flexible tools, technologies, and outlines that are utilized as catalysts to create enterprise mobility solutions. Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM), cross-platform mobile app development tool, Mobile Enterprise Application Platform (MEAP), Sync platforms, Mobile test automation tools, Mobile Device Management (MDM)/ Mobile Application Management (MAM), Enterprise App Store (EAS), Push notification gateways, Purpose-built devices, Mobile data protection/service tools act as a catalyst to build enterprise mobility solutions (Faber, Hernandez-Mendez and Matthes 2017).

Cost Factors and Key Components Influencing Costs

It is noteworthy that the cost of developing a mobile application differs extensively according to the viewers and the necessities. The most significant factors determining the final cost to create a mobile business solution in the form of app development for customers are demonstrated below:

  • Associated APIs and backend infrastructure
  • Number of app features and complication
  • Complex UI and UX design
  • Location and vendor type
  • Number of platforms to be developed like web, Android, iOS, and more
  • Development methods like a hybrid, native, and so on
  • Presence of additional exclusive visual components

Security is one of the chief factors that cost much to a business and must be considered while computing the budget for application development. It is because a business owner has to adhere to the regulations and rules of cybersecurity before creating an app and hence it adds to the cost for the business. Furthermore, a business must also consider the costs needed to integrate with the third-party app. As location needs GPS, analytics need Mix Panel, e-commerce needs a payment gateway. Additionally, updation of application is indeed obligatory to insert needed changes into the app. This will bring novel features which need additional budget therefore business must keep in mind the maintenance costs for app development (Kundariya 2019).

There can be different costs as per the size of the app (basic, medium, and large).


Basic App (1 Platform, and core features)

Medium App (2 Platforms, more complex designs, and features)

Large App (2 Platforms, and complex app design, development, and assistance)

Entire cost

$ 50k to $ 80k

Above $ l lakh

Above $ 240000


Within 3-5 months

Within 6-9 months

Above 9 months

Conclusion on Mobile Business Solution

From the above report on the implementation of mobile business solutions, it can be concluded that business mobility solutions in form of application development for customers offer infinite prospects that assist to widen the scope of a business and its clients. It can also be inferred that cloud computing is the best technology that must be used to implement a successful mobile application for customers. The cloud technologies facilitate better communication and present partnership between teams, and businesses concerned in business mobile application development. Furthermore, mobile App front-end, backend technology, APIs, java, swift, Kotlin, are other associated technologies needed for the successful implementation of a mobile solution. Moreover, there are two famous mobile platforms named as Android from Google and iOS from Apple. These two platforms need developing applications utilizing their exclusive development environment. The native mobile apps and mobile web apps are two such applications suitable for the android, and iOS platforms. It can be concluded that the success factors are found to be Prominence and Analytics; scalability; response time; Security; Manifold device and OS support; Focus user; On-premise or cloud technologies; Configurability without code; and so on. The vital factors that can influence the costs and budget for the implementation of the business mobile application are Associated APIs and backend infrastructure; Number of app features and complication; Complex UI and UX design; Location and vendor type; Number of platforms to be developed like web, Android, iOS, and more; Development methods like a hybrid, native, and so on; and Presence of additional exclusive visual components.

References for Mobile Business Solution

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Innovapptive 2020. 10 drivers to maximize enterprise mobile adoption and success into your enterprise [Online] Available at Accessed on 8 September 2020

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