Written Questions - Assessment Task 1

1. Research an Australian organisation and discuss the legislative and regulatory context.

The bank of Queensland is amongst the leading banks in Australia with having above 252 branches. It was established in 1874 and was founded in 1863, headquartered in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It is regulated by APRA (Australian Prudential Regulation Authority) as a lawful deposit-taking institution. BOQ obeys to its guidelines of authentication and serviceability. The financial statements of the company are made as per the AASB (Australian accounting standards board and the corporation act 2001. The regulatory developments are in terms of unfair contracts; anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing act 2006; consumer credit insurance; royal commission into misconduct; AFCA (Australian financial complaints authority); and more (BOQ, 2020).

2. Provide the mission, purpose and values of an Australian organisation, and explain their importance.

Mission: The mission of BOQ is to become the most loved banks of Australia by establishing long-run associations with clients and by consistently focusing on offering reliable products.

Purpose: The purpose of the company is to deliver sympathetic and more human practices that assist clients and stakeholders to flourish.

Values: The values of the BOQ are integrity, impact, collaboration, and passion. The Company believes that value of integrity is the most vital as it verifies that the business and its people are treating each other with esteem and confirms that it always do the correct thing (BOQ, 2020)

3. Explain the objectives, plans and strategies of an Australian organisation, and outline the planning approaches used to develop them.

Objectives: The objective of BOQ is to focus on niche sections that entail the customers who value more appreciated banking relations

Plans: It is planning to enhance the operational effectiveness in processing mortgage and credit decisions by digitizing the present paper-based credentials and advancing the labour-intensive procedures.

Strategies: The strategy of BOQ is based on the operational brilliance and creating robust client relationships. There are five pillars of strategies of BOQ that are as follows:

  1. Digital bank of forthcoming with a personal touch

  2. Unique brands aiding eye-catching niche client segments

  3. Its compassionate culture

  4. Modest and spontaneous business with robust implementation competency

Preserving a robust financial and threat position with appealing returns (BOQ, 2020)

4. Identify and describe three (3) different leadership styles.

Three different leadership styles are as follows:

Transformational: It is used by managers and leaders that underline vision, enablement, and provision to motivate team members towards change and action. It results in making an optimistic and creative work environment.

Democratic: It is one of the most effective styles as it enables workers at a lower level to have the authority they need to use sensibly in forthcoming positions they may grasp. Members of the group can take a more participatory role in the decision-making of the company.

Autocratic: Leaders following this leadership style have full command and hold over their team. It means that the leader decides by him even without any advice from team members (Dapper, 2019).

5. Outline a personal development planning methodology.

Personal development refers to a constant enduring process of fostering, determining, and refining skills and understanding to confirm maximum efficiency and continuing employability. It can be defined as the recreation of personal growth to augment the quality of life and to attain one’s ambitions. The PDP (personal development planning) is the procedure of formation of aims and goals; evaluating the current realities; recognizing needs for skills, and selecting suitable development actions to fulfil the perceived needs. The steps in the personal development planning methodology are as follows:

  1. Establish the purpose

  2. Identification of development need

  3. Looking at development prospects

  4. Formulation of the action plan

  5. Undertaking development

  6. Recording of outcomes

  7. Review and evaluation (Körkkö et al., 2020).

6. List three (3) techniques you could use to collect data when evaluating business opportunities.

  1. Social media monitoring: It provides marketers an opportunity to collect the data strategically and optimize their social commitment with clients and projections and assess the victory of their social customer care services (Stieglitz et al., 2018).

  2. Surveyor questionnaire: It is a widely utilized method to collect primary data by way of face-to-face; oral communications via mail or telephonic. The most common forms of conducting survey are paper-based questionnaire; and web-based questionnaire (Couper, 2017).

  3. Open data sources: Open data can be defined as the massive datasets which are free and accessible to anyone having internet connectivity.

7. Explain what a PEST analysis is and how it can be applied to conduct external environment scanning.

PEST analysis is a technique or tool to analyse the external environmental factors named as political, economic; socio-cultural; and technological that may have an impact on the business environment. Furthermore, it directs the business to recognize effective approaches for setting priorities, assigning resources, scheduling for time and expansion roadmap and creating control method. It enables the company to identify the prospective opportunities and threats linked with the business strategy and determine the ways to take advantage of them and avoid them. It is the foundation of environmental scanning. Besides, it assists a business to adjust to changes in the external environment and to convert the opportunities into the outcomes (Ho, 2014).

8. Explain what emotional intelligence is and how it can be used in the workplace to improve effectiveness.

Emotional intelligence can be referred to as the capability to recognize emotions, to access and produce sentiments to aid thought, to comprehend emotions and expressive knowledge, and to thoughtfully control them to endorse rational growth (Mayer, Caruso & Salovey, 2016). There are five components of the Emotional intelligence theory that are given be Goleman and are named as self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, social skills, and internal motivation. Emotional intelligence can be used at the workplace to improve the effectiveness as it is a valuable ability assisting in improving communication, problem-solving, and building relations within the organization. One can become more emotionally intelligence with training in the areas like development of self-awareness; practising self-regulation; cultivating of intrinsic motivation; refining social skills; and become more empathetic (Kewalramani, Agrawal & Rastogi, 2015).

9. Explain organisational transformation.

It is noteworthy that each company should be able to improve its competencies in forestalling environmental changes by vigorously looking at the forthcoming of the company. Additionally, the changes to one component of the environment will cause a change in other environments too. Organizational transformation can be defined as a strategic technique of getting a business from where it is now to where it will need to be in forthcoming. It is the concentrated effort in making a novel vision for the business. The goal of organizational transformation is to respond to the environment changes. Moreover, it indicates the unforeseen events in the forthcoming and is attended by unsolved current events. Besides, it can be considered an essential solution for any organization for its existence, sustainability, and efficiency (Weber, 2015).

10. List the stages in the stages of change model.

The ‘stages of change model’ is also known as the Transtheoretical model that emphasizes on the decision-making of the individual and is a model of planned change. This model makes use of six stages to assimilate the most influential values and procedures of change from important theories of counselling and behaviour change. The procedures and values that are used at each stage to reduce conflict prevent decline, and enable progress entail self-efficacy; procedures of change; and decisional equilibrium. There are six stages in this model that are illustrated below:

  1. Precontemplation: Individuals not acknowledging that there is a problem that requires changes.

  2. Contemplation: Acknowledging that there is an issue, however; not sure of making change.

  3. Preparation: People get ready to change.

  4. Action: Changing behaviour

  5. Maintenance: Preserving the behaviour change

  6. Relapse: Returning to older behaviour and leaving the novel changes.

11. Explain how a change in customer or market conditions will be responded to through organisational design and building.

Organizational design refers to the procedure for modelling the way companies are organized and lead. It entails numerous aspects at work like lines of reporting; communication channels; team building; decision-making process; and more. It indicates to the strategic procedure of framing a corporate structure and roles to enhance competencies for competition in the market. Moreover, organization building and design can respond to market changes as the key factors considered are competition, resources, and uncertainty. Besides, the changes in customer or market conditions by suitable organization design that aims to eliminate bureaucracy; simplify the environment; endorse collaboration and sharing of notions; putting the best talent for suitable tasks; and establishing systems for the seamless knowledge sharing (Prochaska, Redding & Evers, 2015).

Role Play Assessment Task 2

Part A:

Importance of Empathy in Personal Communication

Empathy can be referred to as essential communication ability used by individuals to comprehend others and to exchange their ideas, personal experience, and outlooks. Moreover, it can be called as the main quality for effective communication (Dal Santo et al., 2014). The compassionate understanding is an essential determinant of how well individuals communicate with each one as well as a personal feature that enables their ability to encourage others to agree the notions or follow a specific course of action. It can be said that the business organizations in their daily personal communications must exhibit empathetic nature. The digital transformation of businesses indeed force them to develop effective interpersonal skills to connect with the people or customers. Furthermore, due to the globalization, there have been more cross-cultural teams and in regards to this leaders must have empathy to better communicate with diverse culture people (Senbel, 2015).

Significance of An Inclusive Approach for Good Leadership

The inclusive approach to good leadership offers the prospects for development in the areas like creating a shared vision; building relationships; creating change; and practising self-awareness. Besides, inclusive leaders dare to make decisions to eliminate the obstacles for individuals at risk of being excluded from society. Further, their main motive is to create, change, and innovate and balancing the needs of all. This approach to leadership allows the diverse team members to participate in the decision-making and make them realize that their efforts are encouraged and invited. When the leaders are inclusive then their team members can feel secure and trust them (Booysen, 2014).

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the capability to comprehend, utilize, and positively handle one’s emotions to release stress, connect effectively, sympathize with others, resolve clashes, and overcome challenges. Further, it assists to build robust associations, succeed at the workplace, and attain personal and professional goals. Moreover, an effective leader is the one who can identify what the needs of all team members are, in a bid to fulfil those needs and that inspires greater productivity and work satisfaction. Additionally, an emotionally intelligent leader is capable of building robust teams by intentionally using the emotive diversity of their members o advantage the entire team (Watkins et al., 2017).

How to Manage Workplace Relationships

It is noteworthy to say that effective personal work relationships are the cornerstone for the gratification and victory with an individual’s job and career. It can be said that decent work relationships are dependent upon implementation of diversity practices; trust; mutual esteem; and fostering open communication. A leader can be able to manage work relationships by developing people skills, emotional intelligence, showing appreciation, building relations; active listening; and so on. Building effective work associations is indeed a tremendously essential competency for any worker. A positive working relationship within the organization not just develops a healthy environment but also assists in the expansion of a business (Ehrhardt & Ragins, 2019).

Understanding Leadership Styles in Various Contexts

There is no doubt that there are different leadership styles for different situations in the workplace to exploit the efficiency and welfare of employees. They vary as per the corporate structure, environment, workforce, and nature of the task. Autocratic leadership style is best applicable in the condition where control is required and when taking prompt decisions. (Ejimabo, 2015). Furthermore, transformational leadership style is effective when an organization desires for business change (Van der Voet, 2014). Further, democratic leadership style is the most effective while problem-solving and decision-making of the company and to foster innovation. It is ideal for a leader who wants to keep workers informed regarding business matters (Mohiuddin, 2017).

Part B:

Roleplay scenario Act 1:

Transformational Leadership Skills Utilized During the Meeting

During the meeting with project team leaders, the transformational leadership skills utilized by me as HR manager at Zing Technologies are as follows:

  1. Visionary

  2. Interpersonal skills

  3. Inspiration

  4. Active listening

  5. Diversity, adaptability and creativity

Effective Communication Techniques Applied During the Meeting

In the meeting, I made use of effective communication techniques named as attentiveness; decent listening skills; a positive body language; show empathy; stay enthusiastic; use of proper tools to effective meeting outcomes.

Highlight the Details of The Project Team Lead’s Constraints/issues

The issues that stop project team leaders at Zing technologies to provide flexible working arrangements to women employees are as follows:

  1. Flexibility leads to laziness in workers.

  2. Deliverables are not fulfilled when providing flexibility to employees

  3. It is not possible in a big team project leaders manage at Zing technologies

  4. Deadlines are not met with a flexible team.

How Did You Lead and Guide the Discussions to Provide a Culture of Cohesion and Inclusiveness

As HR manager at Zing technologies, I would like to discuss with you about the importance of workplace flexibility that must be provided for women employees. The reasons for which such flexibility arrangements must be put in place at the organization are:

  1. Retention of staff

  2. Declined costs

  3. Enhanced productivity

  4. Augmented creativity

  5. Attracting a pool of talent

  6. Ease of management with inclusive staff

Moreover, the workplace practices in this regards can be related to policies of flexible working hours; part-time work; leave, and so on for the creation of an inclusive environment. It is therefore requested to all project team leaders to merge all staff with the strategy of consistency, inclusiveness, and harmony for elevating the Zing Technologies and preserve employee retention process (Ciarniene & Vienazindiene, 2018).

Roleplay scenario Act 2:

Assignment Assessment Task 3

Draft a Brochure for Team Leaders

The Organisational Direction and Values

Mission: Zing Technologies undertake to captivate clients through superiority, innovation, and performance, using diversity & inclusive practices and practical knowledge to not just deliver the best-tailored solutions but also a complete cooperative business experience.

Vision: To allow our clients to respond quickly and more spontaneously to varying dynamics of the market, by offering unified solutions that add enhanced value to their business.

Values: Zing technologies business values are built upon making an environment of equality; teamwork; respect; integrity; and pride. Our shared standards not just beneficial to employees, customers, and peers, but also impacting the corporate environment we operate in. We believe that such aims can be attained only via cooperation and mutual respect.

Significance of Leaders in Managing Change

At Zing Technologies, leaders manage changes sustainably and effectively along with meeting the expectations of all stakeholders. Moreover, while managing changes, the team leaders must first clarify the vision & communicate it efficiently; stay connected with their members, and be responsible and transparent. They will show care and commitment during the change management at the organisation. It can be said that a higher level of dedication to the change process from the leaders certifies the victory of the process.

Transformation and Transactional Leadership Styles

It is true that transformational leadership style develops a vision and encourages its members to thrive beyond necessary prospects while the transactional leadership style emphasizes more on the extrinsic incentive for the performance of the business jobs.

In context of transformational leadership style, the project leaders are creative and direct members in the manner that they endeavour more than their capabilities at workplace and also create and invent in their work field (Korejan & Shahbazi, 2016).

In the context of transactional leadership style, the leaders must play a role in strategic leadership for corporate effectiveness and motivate the workers to do the things (Hussain et al., 2017). Moreover, this leadership style is more suitable for projects requiring definite and linear processes. 

Capacity and Competence During Change

  1. Leaders need to assess a team’s capacity and competence to embrace change processes. This will involve undertaking an analysis of the team’s skills and knowledge base.

  2. Confirming a team’s capacity to embrace change will require that people demonstrate skills relevant to the change that is planned. These skills can include:

  1. Interpersonal skills

  2. Technical skills such as IT

  3. Trust-building

  4. Personal resilience

  5. Digital literacy

  6. Strategic analysis and planning

Leaders need to improve the competencies of their team members in case they are lagging in skills to bring change. They must have the responsibility to provide training sessions for the same.

The Learning and Communication Approach for The Change. This Should Include the Feedback Process.

  1. Leaders to model and encourage collaborative communication by creating a cohesive culture in the workplace. It will need a certain amount of cooperation among team associates in a bid to reach an agreement about project goals and suitable changes.

  2. Information flows across the team to be managed to collaborate successfully with team members. Further, it is necessary to bring quality teamwork during change.

  3. The team leader should be able to provide training to team members by using a variety of communication tools like PowerPoint presentations; internet-based devices, team collaboration tools; social media channels; video chat; intranet; and so on.

  4. Leaders to encourage and set up channels for feedback which will help to create a transparent environment and promotes a culture of friendliness

  5. The feedback from team members can be attained using survey method; interviews; workplace reviews; asking for ideas; meetings; and so on.

Any perceived risks and steps to mitigate those risks.

Risks may include

  1. Lack of motivation

  2. Increases in workload

  3. Micromanagement

  4. Providing ineffective feedback

  5. Perform without integrity

  6. Bring over critical

  7. Unfair treatment

Steps to mitigate risks may include

  1. More team building activities

  2. More training support

  3. Motivational activities

  4. Implementation of improvement approaches or strategies

  5. Asking for feedback

  6. Creating a positive work environment

  7. Delegate roles and responsibilities as per suitable skills of individuals

    The significance of compliance

Compliance with regulations and policies of Zing technologies will help it to develop its brand equity or reputational image in the marketplace. All leaders need to adhere to the policies made by HR for the welfare of all staff to sustain the retention rate. Moreover, it is to be noted that compliance plays an important role as a driver of innovation and change. Leaders need to model integrity in routine decisions and ensure to inspire team members to act ethically by adhering to corporate rules. Furthermore, with the correct compliance with the company’s policies, Zing technologies will be able to attain all the benefits and work for higher productivity and better performance in market (Langevoort, 2017).

Relevant Legislation

  1. Fair Work Act 2009 (FW Act)

  2. Industrial relations and employment

  3. Privacy Act 1988

  4. WHS (work health and safety standard)

  5. Workplace gender equality act 2012

  6. NES (National employment standards)

Report Assessment Task 4

1) A reflective analysis of

Empathy in personal communication

As per my best understanding and learning, I perceive that empathy is a key element in the personal communication that needs active listening, complete courtesy, and understanding outlook. It can be said that active listening enables an individual to invest in what another person in conversation is interested in. Moreover, I understood that leaders offer their workers a deep level of esteem via effective communication when understanding them and listening without judgement.

An Inclusive Approach in Leadership

I am aware of the fact that I am an inclusive leader as I possess all required skills. I am people-oriented; great auditor; capable to tap into the inspirations of my team member. Further, I am a soft-spoken who just wants to see the team succeed. The inclusive leadership, a novel approach to leadership style, focuses on the relationships to complete the assignments for the mutual benefit.

Emotional Intelligence

According to my competencies as a project leader, I believe that I am inquisitive, willing to comprehend myself and open on a bottomless level. It clearly shows that I have qualities of emotionally intelligent individual. Instead of allowing my decisions to control me, I use them to develop and grow as an efficient leader. I need to demonstrate esteem for others and be familiar with their competencies.

Workplace Relationships

I must say that I am a good leader in managing workplace relationships and developing a rapport with all my team members. I perceive that there must be robust relationships between the staff and their leaders to perform or deliver the hassle-free assignments or deliverables. Moreover, I am good at sharing the work between the individuals without micromanaging the things, like to work as a family, ensure healthy work relations, have conflict management skills, and so on.

Leadership Styles in Various Contexts

As per my learning, there are several leadership styles to be used in diverse contexts. As far as my leadership style is concerned, I usually follow the transformational leadership style as being a project leader; I have to produce innovative solutions that can be done with the inclusiveness strategy. The set of skills for a transformational leader that I have entails self-empathy, inspirational, innovative, creative, foster two-way communication, involve others in decision making, and more. Additionally, I always try to be an ethical leader by treating my team members with respect. Further ethical practices are equally essential to create a compliance environment.

2) A reflective self-assessment on

Your Capacity of A Role Model

I have all the qualities to become a role-model at workplace. These include customer-driven; result-oriented; motivator; self-empowerment; problem solver; flexibility for change; decision-maker; quality excellence; nurturer; performer; open communication; and so on. I have much capacity to help employees to emphasize on what matters most not just at work but in every facet of their lives like in their society, at home, and in their quest of mystical well-being.

Strategies You Used to Encourage Feedback

I used to encourage feedback at work by using certain strategies:

  1. Assist a secure environment for feedback: Open door policy for constructive feedback

  2. Asking for particular feedback: By asking questions like what can I improve upon?

  3. Practising active listening: By being fully attentive at the time of any meeting or session.

Your Ability to Manage Behaviours by Regulating Your Own to Meet the Situation.

I have strong abilities to control my emotions and reactions to situations and other individuals. Since my childhood, I possess such abilities that helped me become an emotionally intelligent leader. I used to manage behaviours at the workplace by keeping the lines of communication open, make my purposes clear, and perform as per my values. I feel strong to have such skills as it prevents me to behave in a manner that may cost me, my team, and the entire business organization.

Your Effectiveness in Developing Competence in Teams, Leading Change, and Building a Workplace Culture

It can be said that I have enough capability to make my tea members competent to deliver a successful project. Since I am a transformational leader, I can better bring about changes and effectively leading them. As far as the culture of the workplace is concerned, I always endeavour to foster a friendly culture and open communication also. I am a good coach and having good empowerment skills rather than micromanagement skills.

Personal and Professional Development Objectives

My personal and professional development objectives include developing or improving myself in becoming a strategic leader during project management so that I can focus more on the objectives of the company strategically. Furthermore, I want to get more knowledge of diverse departments within the organization to be an effective leader. On an individual front, my personal development goals entail to build my confidence level; enhance my networking skills; practicing listening skills; commit to lifelong learning; and so on.

Areas for Personal and Professional Improvement

  1. Listening

  2. Marketing

  3. Learning and development

  4. Leadership behaviour

  5. Collaboration with departments

  6. Goal-setting

  7. Engagement and focus

3) A Detailed Personal and Professional Development Plan


It is true that by determining the interest and skills I currently have, I can identify the areas that require to be improved for the forthcoming development. As per my self-assessment results, it can be said that my strengths lie in my transformational leadership skills; communicative skills; emotional intelligence skills; role model abilities; and so on. Furthermore, my weaknesses are that I am not a strategic leader, less networking skills, and more that needs to be improved for the future success. The strategies that I used as a project leader demonstrate that there will more demand for such a blend of abilities of mine in the future project management practices. The threats may be in the form of changing desires of customers and employees; changes in technology; and more. I am preparing myself to deal with these threats.


I have set SMART goals to improve and develop myself for the future. These are demonstrated as follows:

  1. To attain at least 5 competencies to become a strategic leader by the end of this year.

  2. To increase the effectiveness of team members by 10% each year.

  3. To build robust collaborations with every department at the workplace within three months

  4. To enhance my confidence level by practising the things beyond my comfort zone and asking for constructive feedback from workers.

  5. To increase my learning abilities and knowledge by learning 10 new things on a routine basis

  6. To acquire networking skills or abilities by remain active on social media platforms and analyse the things on weekly basis.


This section defined the approaches I will use to attain the above-stated goals within the stipulated time. The strategies are as follows:

  1. Complete a leadership course to become a strategic leader

  2. Practising the things beyond my comfort zone and asking for constructive feedback from workers

  3. Attend networking events, and spend time on social media monitoring

  4. Review personal benchmarks frequently

  5. Establish a sense of community and collaborative culture


  1. The educational institutions providing training courses on strategic leadership skills

  2. Webinars

  3. Internet-based devices

  4. Presence on social media

  5. Time and money

  6. Videos on diverse platforms to increase learning abilities


In one month: Attainment of five abilities to become strategic leader, enrol in the training course

In two months: Increase of confidence level

In three months: Collaborate with diverse departments

In a year: Networking with individuals in the market

List of References:

Booysen, L. (2014). The development of inclusive leadership practice and processes. Diversity at Work: The Practice of Inclusion, 296-329. BOQ (2020). About us. Retrieved from https://www.boq.com.au/About-us/company-overview

BOQ (2020). Annual Report 2019. Retrieved from https://www.boq.com.au/content/dam/boq/files/shareholder-centre/financial-results/2019/annual-report-2019.pdf

Ciarniene, R., & Vienazindiene, M. (2018). Flexible work arrangements from generation and gender perspectives: Evidence from Lithuania. Engineering Economics, 29(1), 84-92.

Couper, M. P. (2017). New developments in survey data collection. Annual Review of Sociology, 43, 121-145.

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