Contribute to Organisation Development

Assessment Task 1

1. Change management is simply stated as the process of determining which team is best suited for change. Besides, it encourages organizational success and outcomes to make teams more flexible and interested to changing processes, priorities, and goals. This structural way is designed to support the people in the employee group and prepare them for the future. One of the most effective organizational change management strategies involves founding a dedicated plan to ensure support for affected employees. They can take part in ensuring the awareness, leadership and training needed to succeed. While ensuring the most affected by change are the most expected to succeed successful, the change management in the organization helps large teams avoid several common problems raised during the transition (Presbiteroet al. 2016).

Along with that, the strategies of change management can help bring about change in organizational development by eliminating problems efficiently that are hampering organizational development. The organization will begin to develop once issues such as identification and change are created. An example of an effective change management strategy is when two competing products in the market and the companies that sell the product decide for improving on their quality and therefore, these me more preferred within the market.

2.The style of participative management provides a variety of benefits at each level of the company making a sense of ownership in the organization, the participative management implants a sense of self-importance and motivates employees to increase productivity for achieving its goals. Moreover, employees involved in the organization’s decisions seem to be part of a team with a common goal and further enhance their confidence and sense of creative self-actualization. Managers who adopt a participative style find that changes are more effective when the input they receive changes and contributes to decision-making compared to employees who have no voice in changing employee conditions(Liand Su, 2015).

Moreover, participants report on upcoming events to staff to be aware of possible changes. Companies can then position the realist fashion more than the reactionaries, because managers can quickly find out that the region is related and has approached the worker towards a solution. Besides, participation aids workers get the full look of the company. Through development opportunities, training, and information sharing, workers can acquire the abstract skills required to become effective top executives or managers. Similarly, it enhances employee commitment to the firm and the decisions they make.

Both innovation and creativity are vital advantages of participative management. Companies benefit from coordination by giving different types of employees the opportunity to make informed decisions. When every labor force, not just executives or managers, have the opportunity to take part, the opportunities are increased that a unique and valid perception will be proposed (Liand Su, 2015).

Another important factor for implementing a successful participative management style is the evident integration of employee feedback into the final implementation or decision. Moreover, workersshouldunderstand what they are contributing. Final decision making is important in the case of employees as it increases job satisfaction, commitment, and motivation. Sometimes it also provides a few options and allows the employee to choose between them effectively as the first-choice employee fails, management can look for alternatives instead of rejecting employee contribution. When a decision or idea is not acceptable, the manager ought to provide a clarification. If the management often deprives employees of their thoughts without employing them, their workers will start to distrust management managing because they have stopped managing them. The key is to develop employee confidence so that decisions or ideas can be strong and creative (Doppelt, 2017).

3. Evaluation improve the program design and implementation. This is needed to make regular assessments and adjust to make sure your activities are effective. Moreover,evaluation method can help manager recognize areas for improvement and finally effectively know your goals. In addition, when you share your outcomes with those who are more or less effective, you are contributing to environmental education. Further, the evaluation illustrates the impact of the program. Evaluation lets manager demonstrate the success or progress of their program. In this way, the information manager collect gives them the opportunity to communicate more about the program to other people that is important for public relations, maintain staff morale, as well as retaining and attracting support from potential and current funders (Verhulstand Lambrechts, 2015).

Two types of evaluation are:

  • Formative Evaluation

Assessors are created during the formative evaluation process. This evaluation is used to determine how fine the process is going on and if any changes are needed.

  • Summative Evaluations

A summative evaluation happens at the close of the program. Besides, the evaluation defines the efficiency of the program as a whole and create proposals to improve it.

4. Threemethods for making options and ideas are:

  • Work with current team members for brain-related problems that may affect the development of the brain organization. By enchanting, employee can create ideas that can contribute to the development of the organization
  • Conducts research and development processes in organizational progress to identify changes needed to improvement on the development of organization. By the research and development processes, the concepts will contribute to the procedure of organizational development can be prepared.
  • By having the standard on other companies to learn how to work from this organization and how to choose the best practices. By doing this, ideas can be created that can contribute to organizational development.

5. Conflict encourages new rational. Even though it is often expected that people avoided conflict when it started, many people prefer to conflict with a certain level because it can be the inspiration for new ideas. Seeing perspectives in different cases - in some cases reflecting conflict - can expose new opportunities and help create new ideas that others may not have considered. Moreover, the new ideas that made, which can be effective for the firm (Lozanoet al. 2016).

6. Conflicts in the workplace are general, and when conflicts happen, they can destroy employee morale and greatly affect productivity. In the worst case, they could cause workersto seek employment opportunity elsewhere. Employers need to identify conflicts between your employees and encourage them to make decisions before taking action. If the conflict is on a larger scale, such as between all sections or groups, you should try to increase the level of communication between the two groups. If there is a conflict between employee and employer, the manager should solve it instantlyand away from the public eye(Doppelt, 2017).

To solve the problem, workers should come to work in a safe and conducive environment without interruption. When the parties involved meet, each person should be told that they believe you should be given enough time to listen to someone else. Moreover, no single party ought to govern the conversation and everyone should be encouraged to talk about the conflict and how it feels (Rolkováand Farkašová, 2015).

The main point of the conversation is to resolve the dispute and disagree until an agreement is reached. All parties to the conflict must leave the meeting feeling positive rather than negative. Start by looking for a common field. Of course, there will be incidents between the opposition parties that may have problems or are related to their respective views. If there is a difference of opinion, both parties can agree in the end.

By encouraging opposing parties to follow their goals, you are encouraging them to follow their relationship rather than breaking them. It helps build confidence and chemistry, which ultimately enhances each other’s work. In order to properly resolve a conflict, one must be hurt emotionally and must try to correct the feeling. Apologizing is a good thing for both parties. Apologizing is usually enough to justify hurt feelings. Forgiveness comes after forgiveness. Both sides must be willing to forgive, and this is not just a formality because it will ultimately lead to deep suffering.

Effective collaboration and discussion of ways to resolve internal conflicts When conflicts typically occur between productive and productive employees that are not usually antagonistic, employers can do the best job of encouraging employees to work together to solve problems. Collaborative work can help you build relationships with each other and keep team chemistry better. The strategy is most effective at the first signs of conflict before workers are firmly established in their position (Cameronet al. 2016).

7. William Kahn offered the first formal definition of employee engagement as the connecting of the company member’s personalitiesto their job role. In engagement, individual express and employ themselves cognitively, emotionally, and physically during physical performance. Along with that, employee engagement is a primary concept in an effort to reflect and understand both quantitively and qualitatively, the nature of relationships among employees and organizations. An “engaged employee” is defined as a person who uses and exploits his work consciousness and begins to move towards a more positive reputation in the organization.

It is clear that employees should be seen as real partners and engaged in constant dialogue and processes on how their work is created or how change takes place. This means it is important for leaders to create a safe environment where employees can openly share their work experience. Google stands for creativity and innovation, but the fundamentals of this policy depend on the importance given to individuals(Cameronet al., 2016).

Kahn’s theory of employee engagement has three aspects - attitude, protection and availability. As the driver of employee engagement, Hanifet al.(2015) argues that Kahn’s“meaningfulness” shows effective work. Moreover, employees must know more about their value as well as impact of their role on the company. Also, genuine appreciation of these employees which inspires their employees to do their work. For example, Google selects strategies for recognition, feedback, and appreciation. This has helped employees to polish their work in the gray area and at the same time help to make the work “useful” and keep them employed in terms of their work impact and value management.

Also, with the availability of ears there are many aspects that make the lake suitable for the physical environment for workers to work effectively. Kahan’s employee engagement practices ensure that employees have everything they need to do their job and are given a place to work and work together. Because of this, teamwork, friendship and good management practice. Also, a well-designed work environment like Google can have a more sensitive impact on employees. Thus, a luxurious, fulfilling work environment can make employees internally valued and motivated. Google has great rewards and parking systems. This is another way to keep employees engaged in creating a better and more valuable environment.

8. The theory of expectancy is driven by the fact that employees are based on their individual efforts to do them well and the need to earn rewards in the workplace. If you want to encourage specific work for your employees, establish a reward structure with clear goals, set goals, and regular evaluations. Employees need to be aware of the actions required to achieve the required performance. The amount of effort required should be challenging but it is not impossible if you want to stay on top while pursuing your goals. Expectancy theory is profitable in many ways.

For example, it helps to identify people who are interested in organizations that are doing well. These employees can achieve maximum work satisfaction. The theoretical outlines expected that each of them would work in a certain way because motivation with action as needed. Individual performance should be combined with organizational expectancy about achieving the organization’s set goals. Motivation is the motivation for people to act in a certain way instead of other activities. The expectancy is that it will help in developing and planning thedevelopment of organization asworker will work hard for achieving specific goal set for them (Muyomba-Tamale, 2015).

9. The theory of reinforcement is the process of determining behavior by controlling the outcome of the behavior. In theory of reinforcement, the combination of punishment or rewards is used to strengthen the desired behavior. The reinforcement theory will help the organization develop by providing appropriate behavior and punishing unwanted behavior (Naranjo-Valenciaet al. 2016).

10. The McKinsey 7S model is the framework for an effectiveness of organization that assume that there are seven internal factors of the business concern, which required to be reinforced or aligned in order to be successful. Here are seven factors:

  • Strategy
  • Structure
  • Systems
  • Shared values
  • Skills
  • Styles
  • Staff

The strategy is the plan used to run the organization and the strategy to help the organization develop the organization. The structure is the management configuration and responsibilities of the employees. The structure is accountable for introducing change, the system reflects decisions about improving day-to-day procedures, workflow and decision created to enhance the standard of operation.

Share value are generally accepted norms and standards in the organization that temper and affect the behavior of all employees and management. In other words, the skills include the capabilities and talents of employees and management of the organization, which determines the kind of success as well as work the organization can achieve (Alvessonand Sveningsson, 2015).

11. The Fair Work Act 2009 (Act) is a key part of the law governing the workplace in Australia. This is the basis of all regulations and standards for employment as well as something that managers within every industry and in entire business size ought to be familiar with. Moreover, they protect minimal rights, allow flexible work arrangements and equality in the workplace, and prevent discrimination against employees.

12. Abiding by the anti-discrimination confirms here is quality as well as that the one gets a job. This similarly confirms that the workersare trained based on their skills and knowledge. Besides, every employee will work efficiently in the non-harassment environment, therefore,more profit in the firm.

13. Organizational culture is one of the strongest forces in any business concern. This is planned to latter for generations and is fabricated of linking entities (i.e. mission, process,vision,behaviors, values, methods, etc.). The internal and external structure of the organization is fundamental. These are usually made for time testing and are designed in a way that cannot be changed. Usually the strength of the organization and the meaning of everything related to the organization and its relevance. Organizational culture does not undergo any regular changes when it comes or cannot withstand the test of time; This means that any development of an organization must be integrated (directly or indirectly) into the culture of the organization. So one-time efforts designed to change culture are rarely used. It is a great challenge for the changed leaders to try to create a new culture or to try to change the existing culture(Hanifet al. 2015).

In other words, the primary components that influence the organizational culture of an organization are employee commitment, departmental interactions, performance appraisal systems, and project planning. Departmental interactions can be effective and create meaningful relationships between project managers. This increases the likelihood of information sharing and the success of the project. Employee commitment is key to maintaining employee motivation. Employees can work (and work longer) successfully if they feel personally committed to the organization's goals. When designing resource constraints for projects, it is important to build trust and understanding between staff and manager.

Moreover, managers are often responsible for coordinating the use of resources from the department and are consulted on time requirements for specific tasks (Guoet al. 2017). If managers are created as an active part of the design process, they are more likely to use resources and predict them appropriately. Employees should also be aware that they will not be penalized if they are not punished within the time limit (unless it is a persistent problem), otherwise, they (or their managers) may exceed the expected amount to complete a task.

Finally, the performance appraisal criteria should encourage entrepreneurship and take risks within the project environment. Also, the gift must be consistent with the purpose of the project. Executives who want to move away from a hostile, supportive culture to deal with a variety of issues. First, companies need to establish a broad vision of the organization that unites and motivates workers. Finally, they willrequire to create explicit policies on short lines of communication and authority. It will help manager make quick and efficient decisions (Krishnaveniand Monica, 2016).

Assignment Task 3

Leadership Behavior in Organization

It is quite an evident fact to mention in this report that the concerned person in the organization needs to have execute certain leadership behaviors and they are as follows: Firstly the concerned person needs to show the behavior which have ethics and integrity in it and from that comes the factor which is known as the integrity which in turn help the concerned person to work dedicatedly for the overall growth of the company or organization not only this it also reveals the fact that the concerned person is quite consistent in nature, secondly comes to the aspect of the building a sense of trust among the members of the team and also among the members of the concerned organization and that in turn contributes a lot for the overall progress and the development of the concerned company or the organization in fact it also helps in the creation of the sense of transparency , other than this one of the leadership behavior that needs to be there in the concerned person is that of the working for the particular goals together and also to give credit when the success is achieved but if the failure is taking place then the concerned person will take the entire responsibility on his or her shoulders, the concerned person also needs to spread a sense of positivity in the entire working environment of the concerned organization and that in turn motivates each and every members of the concerned organization and work towards the assigned goal in an effective manner, one of the important leadership behavior that the concerned person needs to have is that of the good level of confidence to take decisions and that also by taking in considerations each and every minute details and the aspects that are happening in the organization and that in turn makes the decision quite effective in nature and that makes a positive impact on the development of the concerned organization and the last two important point that is related to the leadership behaviors of the concerned organization are as follows: Firstly there needs to have a sense of encouragement for the innovation and the new ideas that is required of the development of the concerned organization and the second aspect is the rewarding each and every member for the share of contribution that they have put in for the development of the concerned organization (Li, 2015 ).

 A good and effective Leadership behavior is very much important because it makes the employees of the organization motivated in such a manner that they perform at the best of their capabilities. It is an important aspect to be mentioned in this report that a good Leadership behavior is a big contributing factor in the maximization of the overall competence of the concerned employees of the organization. In this report one of the aspects that need to be mentioned in this report is that it plays an important role in handling the crisis that might in the near future and that in turn contributes a lot in the overall growth of the concerned organization. A good leadership is quite important because it builds a sense of ownership among the people or the employees those who are working in the concerned company or the organization.

In this report it is also an important aspect to be mentioned that a good leadership behavior plays a pivotal role in achieving not only the short term goals of the concerned organization but also it contributes lot for the achievement of the long term goals of the concerned company or the organization. Good Leadership behavior needs to be an effective quality as it is going to give birth to the future vision to the people those who are belonging to the senior management of the organization’s administration and that in turn contribute a lot for the overall progress and the development of the concerned company or the organization.

Good Leadership Behavior is quite crucial for the improvement in the level of the adaptability of the senior managers of the concerned organization and that in turn contributes a lot for the overall growth of the organization not only for a shorter span of tine but also for a larger period of time. In this report it is quite an important factor to be mentioned in this report that Good Leadership behavior is one of the aspects which includes the god and effective communication and networking skills and that in turn contributes a lot in making the people understand that in a proper manner and that also creates a sense of transparency among the each and every members of the concerned organization or the company.

Other than this it is also an important fact to state in this report that there needs to be a senses of openness among the members and the people those who are belonging to the senior management of the concerned organization and that is going to play an important role for the overall development and the progress of the concerned company or the organization. Good leadership behavior plays a pivotal role in knowing the people in a proper manner and that add on a lot for the overall progress of the concerned organization for a current time and also for the future time span and that in turn contributes a lot for the maximizing of the sustainability of the concerned organization

. Meanwhile to mention in this report that a good leadership behavior also plays an important role in influencing the behaviors of the others and that in turn change the overall approach of the employees towards the work and that contributes a lot for the overall development and the growth of the concerned organization or the company to large extent. Good Leadership behavior plays an important role in making effective negotiations and that plays a significant function in enhancing the financial development of the concerned company or the organization in the future time (Tanentzap, 2015 ).

Overview of Cost and Benefits of The Human Resources

Human Resource is quite important and they include various aspects such as: Firstly there is need for the orientation of the outcome and that is quite important for the on the whole development of the alarmed corporation or the association, Secondly comes the aspect of the alternate ways and the solutions which are quite important development and the development of the corporation or the association for a longer period of time, Thirdly comes the aspect of the guidelines and the instructions that are associated with the development of the cost and that in turn plays an important role for the development and the growth of the concerned company or the organization for a larger period of time, it is also an important fact to mention that it plays an important role for the cost benefit analysis of the concerned company and the organization and that in turn plays an important role for the overall financial growth and the development of the organization and that in turn enhances the sustainability of the concerned company for a longer period of time and that in turn enhances the profitability of the organization, Good Leadership behavior plays an important role in making effective negotiations and that plays an important role in enhancing the financial development of the concerned company or the organization in the future time. Coming to the aspect of the benefits of the HR it is quite evident that it resolves much internal conflict and that plays an important role for the growth and economical development of the concerned company in the current and also in the future time span, other than this it also acts as a pivotal role to enhance the employee turnover and that in turn positively effect on the growth of the concerned company or the organization, it also performs an important role in meeting the satisfaction level of the employees those who are working in each and every strata of the concerned company and that in turn enhances the retention rate of the concerned company (Verhulst, 2015).


1) What are the essential behaviors for the leader?

2) Ways it is beneficial for growth of organization?

3) Improvements that can be done?


1) What are proficient behaviors?

2) Ways it is impacting the growth of the organization?

3) What is the importance of the proficient behaviors?


1) What is the exempletary behavior?

2) Ways it is effecting the growth of the organization?

3) Importance of the exempletary behavior?

Leadership area


How to measure


To further develop the skills and the qualities

Complete leadership program


31 June 2020

To widen the understanding of leadership

Observe and learn


29 June 2020



Key message



University community


June 2020



Verbal communication

July 2020


References for Organisation Development

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Cameron, D.B., Mishra, A. and Brown, A.N., 2016. The growth of impact evaluation for international development: how much have we learned?. Journal of Development Effectiveness8(1), pp.1-21.

Doppelt, B., 2017. Leading change toward sustainability: A change-management guide for business, government and civil society. Routledge.

Guo, J., Marsh, H.W., Parker, P.D., Morin, A.J. and Dicke, T., 2017. Extending expectancy-value theory predictions of achievement and aspirations in science: Dimensional comparison processes and expectancy-by-value interactions. Learning and Instruction49, pp.81-91.

Hanif, F., Naqvi, S.R. and Hussain, K., 2015. The role of employee engagement in work-related outcomes. Advances in Economics and Business3(6), pp.204-214.

Krishnaveni, R. and Monica, R., 2016. Identifying the drivers for developing and sustaining engagement among employees. IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior15(3), p.7.

Li, C.H. and Su, K.S., 2015. The impacts of team learning on the development of a learning organisation: a cultural perspective. International Journal of Learning and Change8(2), pp.178-191.

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Muyomba-Tamale, L., 2015. Mitigating Incidences of Violence and Emergent Conflicts in Uganda’s Electoral Processes. The Situation Room Uganda Debate Briefing Papers, (7), pp.1-10.

Naranjo-Valencia, J.C., Jiménez-Jiménez, D. and Sanz-Valle, R., 2016. Studying the links between organizational culture, innovation, and performance in Spanish companies. RevistaLatinoamericana de Psicología48(1), pp.30-41.

Presbitero, A., Roxas, B. and Chadee, D., 2016. Looking beyond HRM practices in enhancing employee retention in BPOs: focus on employee–organisation value fit. The International Journal of Human Resource Management27(6), pp.635-652.

Rolková, M. and Farkašová, V., 2015. The features of participative management style. Procedia economics and finance23, pp.1383-1387.

Tanentzap, A.J., Lamb, A., Walker, S. and Farmer, A., 2015. Resolving conflicts between agriculture and the natural environment. PLoS biology13(9).

Verhulst, E. and Lambrechts, W., 2015. Fostering the incorporation of sustainable development in higher education. Lessons learned from a change management perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production106, pp.189-204.

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