Organisational Behaviour

Executive Summary of Organizational Behaviour

The report highlighted the analysis of organizational behaviour as it applies to one of the companies named Apple Inc. The report aimed to identify the factors from the perspective of organizational behaviour that can be linked to the success or the failure of the company. In the following sections, the report depicted the key factors from the work culture of Apple that have contributed to its success and fall under the scope of organizational behaviour. The list of factors includes the work culture, ethical practices, employee benefits, company's value system, health, safety and wellbeing of the employees as well as the adoption of technology. As per the findings of the report, Apple is one of the companies that promote a good culture at work while ensuring no discrimination among the employees. Along with this, the analysis has also highlighted that the company promotes its values and further implements the ethical code of conduct to regulate the activities and practices of management and the employees. The report has thus significantly helped in the understanding of the management of organizational behaviour in Apple. Lastly, the report presented recommendations to Apple for improving the work culture.

Table of Contents


Background of the company

Analysis of the factor

Conclusion and recommendation


Introduction to Organizational Behaviour

Organizational behaviour is the study that is undertaken to analyze the behaviour and the performance of an individual or a group of individuals working in a company. The aspect of organizational behavior as applied to a company, therefore, helps in the effective examination of human behaviour while at work. Furthermore, the study thus links the behaviour in the work environment on the job structure, communication, leadership, motivation and also performance. In this respect, organizational behaviour is based upon a number of factors and concepts such as the differences as exists between the individuals along with the perception of people working in the company, furthermore, organizational behaviour is also dependent upon the level of motivation from the side of the management and the initiatives were undertaken to promote employee engagement within the company (Gelfand et al. 2017). The aspect of organizational behaviour further involves a number of aspects that have the ability to bring success to a company or leading to its failure. It is therefore very significant for companies to ensure that there is positive organizational behaviour from the side of the employees towards the company and its management at all times (Tasselli et al. 2018).

The aim of the report is to conduct research on the way in which organizational behaviour contributes towards the success or the failure of a company. The following paragraphs will take the example of a company named Apple Inc. Along with this, the report will also identify the factors from the perspective of organizational behaviour that can be linked to the success or the failure of the company. The report will lastly provide recommendations for the future.

Background of Apple Inc.

Apple is a multinational technology firm which has been founded in America back in the year 1976. The company operates in the industry as the market leader while offering some of the most innovative and trending products. The products and services offered by the company are popular throughout the world. The success of the company can be linked to the way in which the company manages the employees (Heracleousand Papachroni 2016). The company and its management have always worked to promote a good and positive work environment that has added to the list of strengths. Therefore, the success of the company can be linked to some of the factors from the perspective of organizational behaviour.

Analysis of The Factor for Organisational Behaviour

The following are some of the key factors from the perspective of organizational behaviour that can be linked to the success of Apple:

1. Work culture –The work culture within a company is determined to be one of the key factors that directly add to the productivity of the employees and further promote a positive work environment. The work culture within Apple facilitates rapid innovation at all times. The effective leadership in the past under the management of Steve Jobs has helped the company to excel in its industry. The work environment of Apple is determined by some of the key and unique characteristics that include the way in which the company aims to promote creativity in the employees by giving them an opportunity to explore new areas. Along with this, the secretive management ensures that the key strategies used by the company are not leaked and thus the company is able to ensure competitive advantage. Along with this, the new corporate cultures that are being developed under the leadership of Tim Cook has aimed to promote the work culture to become more sociable and thus enhance the output and productivity of the employees at all levels (Pathiranage 2019).

2. Ethical practices- Another factor from the perspective of organizational behaviour that has contributed to the success of the company. Apple pays high consideration for the promotion of ethical practices and values at times. In fact, the company expects all its suppliers to ensure the highest standards of ethical conduct while dealing with the company. The company has also established a supplier code of conduct which clearly highlights the practices of the suppliers which are essential for dealing with the company. Along with this, the company also works to promote ethical conduct among the employees and in ensuring that all the employees are treated equally without any kind of discrimination on the basis of race, religion, colour and gender (Newton et al. 2019). The implementation of an ethical code of conduct has enabled the company in delivering a safe and conductive workplace to the employees that have in turn resulted in a motivated workforce and maximum productivity.

3. Employee benefits- Another factor from the perspective of organizational behaviour which has a major role in providing success to the company is the employee benefits. The benefit that Apple has offered to its employees has directed positive behaviour from the employees towards the company. Apple has also supported the payment of pay to its employees at competitive rates where it has further lead to the delivery of rewards linked to the performance of the employees. Along with this, the company has also ensured that it is paying a salary that is higher than that of the competitors so as to retain the high performers and keep them motivated. In addition to the wage system, the company also ensures that it offers the employees with some of the benefits in kind as well. While considering this, the company offers the employees a number of benefits including paid holidays and health and life insurances. Furthermore, Apple is also considered for the fitness of its employees and has therefore offered some key facilities to promote the health and wellbeing of the workers. In addition to this, another company also offers the services of offers the facility of counselling to its employees so as to ensure a work-life balance and promotion of mental peace.

4. The company's value system- The value system as defined by Apple to its employees and the other stakeholders is another factor from the perspective of organizational behaviour that has a direct influence on the success of the firm in the competitive industry. The key-value system of the company is dominated by the empathy that the employees and the management of the company hold towards the customers and the users. It is ensured that the company listens to the issues and the grievances of the consumers and act to the best of their interest. Along with this, Apple ensures that there is a positive contribution towards the society where the employees and the management are continuously involved in activities that promote the welfare of society. Furthermore, innovation and working towards the achievement of the vision and mission of the company is another motive. Moreover, some other values that are embedded in the culture are the team spirit where the company ensures that there is a high team cohesiveness among the team members and each task is undertaken by the team with full support towards each other (Wisniewski et al. 2019). Rewarding and good management coupled with the goals for achieving excellence and quality is also the contributor to success as looked from the perspective of organizational behaviour.

5. Health, safety and wellbeing of the employees- As highlighted above, Apple is very concerned about the health and well being of its employees. To ensure the promotion of health, safety and wellbeing of the employees, Apple adopts strict safety standards. The workers are regularly provided training to meet the safety standards in the product and while at work. Along with this, the company has in place, employee assistance programs where these programs are aimed to improve the well being of each of the worker. Along with this, the aspect of worker's health, safety and well being are taken so seriously in the company, that it undertakes a half-yearly inspection of all its plants and the production line (Prud'homme Van Reine 2017). This ensures that the company that all the practices and processes implemented by it is in good interest to the workers and their health as well as safety. Moreover, the inspection at several points of time helped the company with the identification of issues and thus leads to the correction of any kind of deviation that has the ability to bring losses to the safety and health of the workers at any point in time.

6. Adoption of technology- The adoption of new and innovative technology as undertaken by Apple is known to the world. Apple has offered the customers and the market place with some of the most innovative products that have never been offered before by any company. This has proven to be a key source of competitive advantage for the company. This has further contributed towards the positive and the conductive work environment where in order to ensure the adoption of the latest technology; the company provides its employees with empowerment and delegation of the key roles and responsibilities. This way the employees working in the company are able to engage themselves and further ensure that

7. A culture of responsibility- Along with the above features of the working environment of Apple Inc., there is another aspect that highlights the fact that the company operates on the principles of sole responsibility. This implies that if the name of a person is written against a task, it is the sole responsibility of the person to ensure that the task is being performed effectively. No other person would be held responsible in the future and this is a key feature of the work environment (Yuand Shih 2017). This way each and every employee working in the company is aware of the fact that the sole responsibility of the task lies in their respective scope and thus extends the contribution towards the task and its success. This ultimately adds to the optimum organizational behaviour.

Conclusion and Recommendation on Organisational Behaviour

From the above discussion and explanation, it can be concluded that organizational behaviour helps in the analyses the behaviour and the performance of an individual or a group of individuals working in a company. Organizational behaviour is based upon a number of factors and concepts such as the differences as exists between the individuals along with the perception of people working in the company. The report has discussed the case of one of the most successful companies named as Apple Inc. Apple Inc. as discussed in the above section of the report is a multinational technology firm which has been founded in America back in the year 1976. The company operates in the industry as the market leader while offering some of the most innovative and trending products. The report has highlighted a number of factors from the perspective of organizational behaviour that can be linked to the success or the failure of the company.

The list of factors includes the work culture, ethical practices, employee benefits, company’s value system, health, safety and wellbeing of the employees as well as the Adoption of technology. In this respect, the above sections of the report have been successful in illustrating the way in which these factors when looked from the perspective of organizational behaviour as lead the increase in productivity and thus have been able to offer success to the company as a whole. As per the findings of the report, Apple is one of the companies that promote a good culture at work while ensuring no discrimination among the employees. Along with this, the analysis has also highlighted that the company promotes its values and further implements the ethical code of conduct to regulate the activities and practices of management and the employees. The report has thus significantly helped in the understanding of the management of organizational behaviour in Apple.


The following are some of the key recommendations that Apple Inc. should consider in order to ensure optimum organizational behaviour and further add to the success:

1. Individual goal setting- It is important that the company aims to establish an individual set of goals that helps the individual in setting up the desired benchmarks. Apple should organize goal-setting meetings with the employees at a regular interval, which would, in turn, enable the company to listen to the suggestion and in communicating the vision (Borkowski 2016). Setting up the goals will also empower the employees with a feeling of ownership in the firm and thus promote products that would thus add to the success.

2. Recognition- Along with this, it is also important that the company recognizes the contribution of the employee's forms from time to time. in this respect, the recognition should be provided by the company through interoffice emails, corporate events also through the quarterly newsletter. This recognition will act as a boost to the employees who will work beyond the current level of productivity to contribute even more than before (Kremer et al. 2019). The company is further recommended to give the employees some or the other team leadership roles and the responsibility of acting as the mentor of the company that would enable them to create an environment influenced by the positive organizational behaviour and the ethical code of conduct.

3. Enabling informal learning- Another recommendation to Apple in order to ensure positive organizational behaviour coupled with the success of the firm as a whole. In this respect, the use of informal learning should be done by the company where it can be undertaken in a number of ways including self-study. Reading articles, chat rooms, viewing videos and also through games as well as coaching sessions. The implementation of informal learning in Apple would offer the company with opportunities where it can add to the existing skills and capabilities of the employees (Tomczak et al. 2018). Along with this, the improved skills and capabilities would enable the employees to contribute effectively towards the goals and objectives of the company and thus improving overall productivity.

4. Effective communication- Another key recommendation to Apple to ensure a positive organizational behaviour is through effective communication. It is recommended to the company that there should be listening of the suggestions, feedback and even the grievances of the employees so that they are able to express their views and thoughts (Tharikh et al. 2016). It is often also recommended that the company should organize meetings that help in the exchange of ideas between the management and the lower-level staff.

5. Offering a challenging environment- in recent times, employees have shown an interest in companies that are able to offer them with challenging tasks. The same can be implemented by the company as well where the work environment must be challenging and complex. The achievement of challenging tasks and objectives would offer the employees with a sense of achievement (Gelfand et al. 2017). Therefore, in order to prove the skills and capabilities, the employees would aim towards a better contribution to the goals and objectives of the company. This will thus improve the existing organizational behaviour and lead to organizational success at the same time.

References for Organisational Behaviour

Borkowski, N. 2016. Organizational behavior in health care.Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Gelfand, M.J., Aycan, Z., Erez, M. and Leung, K. 2017. Cross-cultural industrial organizational psychology and organizational behavior: A hundred-year journey. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(3), p.514.

Gelfand, M.J., Aycan, Z., Erez, M. and Leung, K. 2017. Cross-cultural industrial organizational psychology and organizational behavior: A hundred-year journey. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(3), p.514.

Heracleous, L. and Papachroni, A. 2016. Strategic Leadership and Innovation at Apple Inc. United States: SAGE Publications Ltd.

Kremer, H., Villamor, I. and Aguinis, H. 2019. Innovation leadership: Best-practice recommendations for promoting employee creativity, voice, and knowledge sharing. Business Horizons, 62(1), pp.65-74.

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Pathiranage, J., 2019. Organizational culture and business performance: An empirical study. International Journal of Economics and Management, 24(2), pp.264-278.

Prud'homme Van Reine, P. 2017.The culture of design thinking for innovation. Journal of Innovation Management, 5(2), pp.56-80.

Tasselli, S., Kilduff, M. and Landis, B. 2018. Personality change: Implications for organizational behavior. Academy of Management Annals, 12(2), pp.467-493.

Tharikh, S.M., Ying, C.Y. and Saad, Z.M. 2016. Managing job attitudes: The roles of job satisfaction and organizational commitment on organizational citizenship behaviors. Procedia Economics and Finance, 35, pp.604-611.

Tomczak, D.L., Lanzo, L.A. and Aguinis, H. 2018. Evidence-based recommendations for employee performance monitoring. Business Horizons, 61(2), pp.251-259.

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Yu, O. and Shih, R. 2018. Developing an innovative organizational culture: A people-centered and value-focused approach with case studies. In 2018 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

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