People and Organization



Dysfunctional Conflicts.

Negotiation Process.

Cross-cultural Collaboration.

Effective Communication.

Ethical Culture.



Introduction to Ambidextrous Leadership

This report is going to discuss the role of leadership by HR managers, and teams in handling the dysfunctional conflicts at the workplace. Furthermore, it entails the significance of the negotiation process and the difference between integrative and distributive negotiation. Besides, it discusses the cross-cultural skills and the role of HR managers to maintain such skills at the workplace. It also entails the barriers to effective communication and the approaches to facilitate this at the workplace to overcome the barriers. Additionally, it discusses the ethical culture and the ways it can be maintained within the organization.

Dysfunctional Conflicts

Dysfunctional conflict refers to the situation which results in declining the entire communication or performance of a group at the workplace. They deter and avoid the corporate goals from being attained and lead to declined productivity. Moreover, this conflict direction is featured by opposing individual interests superseding the complete interest of the business. Contrarily, the functional conflicts are those that assist the goals of the group and refine the performance of the group. This conflict orientation facilitates novel ideas, growth, and learning among individuals (Abiodun 2014). As an HR manager, there are numerous ways through which the chances of dysfunctional conflicts can be reduced to spur innovation in the workplace. The company must focus on corporate-wide goals and effectiveness as workers are more likely to see the bigger picture and work collaboratively to attain corporate goals. HR managers must facilitate intergroup communication by increasing dialogues among teams and sharing information. As far as the healthcare industry is concerned, there must be the avoidance of situations that might worsen the personality clashes with managers, patients, or workmates. One instance of the ego-based clash at my hospital where I currently work can be related to the nurse-physician dysfunctional conflict. The nurse approached a doctor to verify an order for medicine before directing the medication to its anticipated patient. The doctor perceived the question of the nurse as a signal of disbelief in his proficiency. As a consequence, he openly smashed back at the nurse and reported his discontent with the nurse to the in-charge nurse on duty. In contemporary times, healthcare leaders are trained to lead growth, change, and transformation at workplaces (Salas and Jha 2019). Besides, conflict management is an ability that leaders should be able to implement whenever required to aid in nurturing a productive work environment. The study by Probst, Raisch, and Tushman, 2011) stated that the higher management team functions as an integrative hub between explorative and exploitative units at the workplace and plays an important leadership role in managing conflicts. Furthermore, the diverse proposals and coaching concepts of the team enable the development of a contradictory mindset. It further enables the top management associates to embrace tensions rather than to reject them. Besides, this study suggested that the HR managers also play an important role in fostering shared values and aiding direction, assisting members to act ambidextrously on a routine basis (Martin, Keller and Fortwengel 2019). Moreover, HR managers play an important role in making changes in the project's leadership team by replacing individuals with just project proficiency with those who have an operational background. Additionally, it is also evident that team was able to effectively manage the conflict arising from the team configuration and tried to equalize the project team and the typical corporate’s interests. HR managers as leaders must have to focus on the aspects like training & development; performance appraisals & reward system; and planning & selection to effectively manage the conflicting situations at the workplace (Probst, Raisch and Tushman, 2011)

Negotiation Process

There is no doubt that negotiation is the key business activity that can be related to the aspects like new value creation; conflict resolution; interpersonal communication process; mutual dependence between parties; and mutual exchange of tangible and intangible values (Kozina 2014). The negotiating process entails harmonizing the difficulties between two parties so that the negotiator not just gets what he needs but also gets what he wishes in the best promising manner (Chebet and Rotich 2015). It can be said that robust human resources negotiator is important to innovatively influence business interest when there arises time to employ the best suitable individual for a job. Collection bargaining is indeed a negotiating process and a part of labour contract negotiations involving the draft of an agreement between the employer and the labour union. The entire negotiating process includes the steps as preparation, discussion, proposal, bargaining, and final agreement. The outcomes of the collective bargaining negotiating process by HR managers are in the form of procedural agreements; partnership agreements; employee relations procedures; and new-style agreements. The negotiation process is of utmost importance at the workplace as it is true that the resolution of issues by negotiation is helpful due to its win-win proposal. Moreover, higher management can meet the requirements of employees and enhances their satisfaction level. The negotiation is the art of persuading the participant of the interchange by asserting their best attention in any decision-making process. It is also significant for making the stakeholders understand their best interests while keeping organizations' strategic objectives intact (Maiti and Choi 2019). There are mainly two types of negotiation named as distributive and integrative. Distributive negotiation refers to the strategy wherein a fixed quantity of resources is shared between the parties while integrative negotiation refers to a strategy wherein a mutual problem-solving method is utilized to increase the assets which are to be shared between parties. In a domain of managed care, hospital-doctor combination, and multi-institutional unions, memberships of the healthcare business are confronted with generating contracts in which the difficult services of healthcare can be provided in a synchronized and monetarily feasible fashion. In a bid to fulfil this challenge, healthcare specialists must improve negotiating abilities that can attain jointly beneficial, value-added covenants. Moreover, the negotiating skills are essential for the healthcare leaders or professionals as they have to negotiate with each other to clarify the roles and responsibilities to share assets among patient care teams. It has been suggested that there must be the use of integrative negotiation methods in hospitals or healthcare organizations as they can increase the value of the business without additional cost, by endorsing the integrative win-win outcomes. The integrative negotiation skills in healthcare professionals are proved to be valuable at the workplace (Clay-Williams et al., 2018).

Cross-Cultural Collaboration

Progressive globalization and cross-cultural collaboration are indeed altering the manner businesses operate today. There is no doubt that healthcare professionals must have adequate competencies to manage people from different cultures. It is because hospitals, specifically, are international by nature wherein there are employees and patients from different cultures. There is a wider range of cross-cultural skills needed for healthcare professionals to get success in the Industry. These include self-reflection; context; collaboration; communication; and cultural understanding (Kathirvel and Febiula 2017). It can be said that only a self-aware doctor or healthcare expert can fully comprehend his responses to or prospects of a patient. Further, offering the best healthcare to all individuals means understanding partialities and utilizing self-reflection as a method to develop the understanding of culture to evade making stereotypes about philosophies other than one’s own. Besides, cultural understanding is another skill as a lack of understanding of cultural differences leads to inequalities in healthcare like poor obedience to the treatment plan, underutilization of precautionary healthcare, and so on. Thus, a clear cultural understanding helps the physicians to react to these prospective differences. It is also essential to be capable to have an understanding of culture in context and to comprehend the state of an individual client. To do so, physicians must be able to consider the interplay of other individual factors like age, sexuality, gender, and more contexts (Young and Guo 2020). Communication competence in a cross-cultural setting denotes the capability to overcome ethnic and language barriers to attain mutual understanding and deliver information. It also needs the capability to adjust communication styles, and take signals from the public to attain common understanding. The physicians must also be able to be sensitive and approachable to changing cultural standards relative to non-verbal and verbal communication. It can be said that an upsurge in collaboration between healthcare experts and ethnically varied groups and their groups could refine services and staff productivity and gratification (Kaihlanen, Hietapakka, and Heponiemi 2019). As an HR manager, the strategies, in regards to the upkeep of the above-stated skills, that I would like to implement are embracing diversity; endorsing open communication; fostering robust relations among employees; and so on. I would like to organize cross-cultural training for all the staff members including leaders of a company so that they can be able to manage their beliefs of diverse cultural shades within the company. It is the best recommendation for organizations to manage diversity and it will be a successful technique for enabling efficient cross-cultural communication and collaboration (Tahir and Ertek 2018).

Effective Communication

It is noteworthy that communication is a key component in delivering superior healthcare services and that leads to higher patent gratification and welfare. Effective communication is the main interpersonal competence that is about understanding the sentiments and intentions of being the information. However, there can be certain barriers to effective communication at the workplace like negative body language, lack of focus, and so on. In the healthcare setting, mainly in hospitals, it can be said that shift changes are one of the main sources of communication breakdown. There are chances of information not reached or passed on to healthcare experts at the time when a doctor has to hand over a patient to another physician. Further, the barriers in effective communication at the hospital may include the differences in language between patients and doctors; family intervention; the presence of emergency patients in the ward; physical discomfort; overworked employees; and so on (Norouzinia et al. 2016). The healthcare professional barriers may include environmental barriers like heavy work; lack of rime; absence of support; conflicts between staff; absence of privacy; and so on. Besides, there can be fear and anxiety barriers to effective communication related to making patients more worried by asking hard questions (Bramhall 2014). As an HR manager, I would like to promote transparency within the organization as it assists to refine the workforce trust and enhance workplace communications. Furthermore, I would like to develop a documented communication policy that overcomes the language barriers within the organization. This will be helpful to encourage workers from diverse backgrounds to collaborate effectively. I suggest that listening skills must be focused, specifically for staff who are more persuaded to talk than stay silent. Training and development sessions must be designed to help staff to become more empathetic and competent to avoid communication breakdown with patients. I would also like to foster one-on-one meetings of staff to comprehend or know their competencies and communication skills. In the ongoing pandemic COVID-19, there have been numerous techniques that are implemented to foster effective communication between doctors and patients. There are technical methods adopted by hospitals like video communication that offer a more personal connection and viewers can better evaluate the non-verbal signals. Furthermore, there has been a wider use of applications like Skype, Google Hangouts; Zoom; and so on to foster effective communication within the hospitals (Fang et al. 2020). Moreover, healthcare systems are better furnished than ever with effective communication networks. Implementation of all channels, mainly easily automatic options such as social media, email, and so on, will enable services to reach the greatest audience in a very short period (Taylor and Compton 2020).

Ethical Culture

The culture of an organization indeed impacts the ethical decision of workers and other stakeholders. The businesses that work to develop a robust ethical culture stimulate all staff to perform and speak with integrity and trustworthiness. Moreover, ethical organizations can be able to retain the potential workers for the long-run that declined costs linked with employee turnover. It is equally true that healthcare companies should be managed and run with trustworthiness and consistency by adhering to corporate values, moral and professional norms (American College of Healthcare Executives 2011). Applying morals approaches and actions enable workers to abide by the organization’s instructions and guidelines defined in policies. The health care organization depends on strategies, such as the values of behaviour policy to help leaders with modifying poor behaviour by applying business aims. Self-control, action plans, teaching, and documentation are common practices to develop employee conduct in such an organization (Li et al. 2018). The HR managers and higher authority in healthcare settings should implement decision-making models provided in their codes of morals. With this strategy, there is an organized method to safeguarding the basic values like respect for patient dignity; fair decisions by physicians; avoidance of harm; beneficence, and patient autonomy to take decisions. Furthermore, as an HR professional, I believe that to foster ethical culture, there must be effective leadership training and enthusiastic self-assessment by providers. Leadership is the sign of a healthy and moral company (Grundy, et al. 2017). Thus, the staff within the healthcare setting must self-observe their actions, practices, and choices to guarantee that they align with strong norms of conduct and ethnic assumptions promoting employee well-being. The human resource department can help training supervisors to recognize ethical restrictions and apply approaches to change the corporate culture. The HR managers must use a code of ethics to regulate standards, refine morals, and stop workplace exploitation, and hence endorsing positive ethical culture. It can be said that the social accountabilities of leaders may include their participation in integrating ethics training as an approach to develop employee ethical conduct (Hill 2019).

Conclusion on Ambidextrous Leadership

From the above report, it can be concluded that resource management has a crucial role to play in making effective policies for the welfare of all stakeholders in the organization. It concludes that there are numerous strategies of HR managers that can be put in place at healthcare organizations in respect of negotiation process; conflict management; effective communication; ethical culture; and cross-cultural collaboration. Furthermore, it can be inferred that HR managers as leaders must have to focus on the aspects like training & development; performance appraisals & reward system; and planning & selection to effectively manage the conflicting situations at the workplace. Besides, there must be the use of integrative negotiation methods in hospitals or healthcare organizations as they can increase the value of the business without additional cost, by endorsing the integrative win-win outcomes. Additionally, it can be concluded that training and development sessions must be designed to help staff to become more empathetic and competent to avoid communication breakdown with patients. The physicians must also be able to be sensitive and approachable to changing cultural standards relative to non-verbal and verbal communication. Furthermore, HR managers must use a code of ethics to regulate standards, refine morals, and stop workplace exploitation, and hence endorsing positive ethical culture.

References for Ambidextrous Leadership

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