
The effect of luck as a determining factor of poverty is lessened in the majority of Western nations, which adhere to democratic ideals, including the protection of fundamental rights and the rule of law. Despite this, luck continues to play a role in poverty as a contributing component in these nations. People who are born with genetic diseases or disabilities, people who are subjected to considerable prejudice and children who are brought up by parents who are either irresponsible or abusive are more likely to live in poverty. However, despite the fact that a sizeable number of people are exposed to the negative impacts of poverty, only a small percentage of people are able to remain in a condition of poverty for an extended period of time. Both the choices that individuals make and the conditions that either help or impede their capacity to climb higher on the social ladder are factors that determine whether or not a person is able to continue living in poverty.


The structural and social variables that impact the lives of persons living in impoverished conditions can be traced to the primary causes of poverty. People who are living in poverty have a far more difficult time gaining access to education of a high standard, which hinders their capacity to develop the critical skills that are necessary for increasing their financial resources. In addition, those who are a part of this marginalized group have a harder time gaining access to medical treatment and are more likely to be victimized by a variety of discriminatory practices because of their caste, religion, or other social categories (Dhrifi, Jaziri & Alnahdi, 2020).

The enormous problem of widespread unemployment needs to be addressed. The widespread problem of unemployment is exacerbated by the existence of a number of subtypes of the condition, including open unemployment, hidden unemployment, underemployment, and seasonal unemployment. As a result of people being unemployed or only occasionally finding work as casual workers, the workforce of the nation is sitting around doing nothing and is underutilized. Casual employees are a particularly susceptible demographic within society as a whole due to the inherent instability of their employment situations and their restricted ability to accumulate assets. As a direct result of this, there has been a decline not only in income but also in purchasing power. There is a close connection between a lack of employment and poverty.

People who fall into the lower-income and middle-income brackets of society are being hit particularly hard by the unabated rise in the prices of mass-produced goods, which makes maintaining a healthy socioeconomic status increasingly difficult for them. The underprivileged population in this region is facing rising challenges, the primary cause of which is the continuous rise in the prices of food and food grains. The pressure of inflation has caused a sizeable section of the population to fall below the line that denotes poverty. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development makes a commitment to the idea of inclusion, which ensures that no persons or groups are excluded, and it places a priority on meeting the requirements of those who are the most marginalized and disadvantaged. It is vital to enact forward-thinking policies that promote sustainable, inclusive, and fair economic growth if one is to accomplish this ambitious development goal. These policies should be complemented by measures that guarantee full employment and good job opportunities for all persons, as well as those that develop social integration, eliminate inequality, boost productivity, and create an environment that is conducive to advancement. Goal 1 of the 2030 Agenda recognizes that ending poverty in all of its forms and in all geographic regions is the most critical global challenge that the international community is currently facing. This recognition is made within the context of the overall framework of the 2030 Agenda. In addition to this, it is considered to be a necessary precondition for the accomplishment of sustainable development (Nwani & Osuji, 2020).

Because extreme poverty has such a negative impact on people's health and happiness, its prevalence in a number of underdeveloped countries is a substantial and urgent problem that calls for immediate action from policymakers. poor access to food and nutrition, poor access to shelter, restricted access to safe drinking water, low levels of literacy, heightened rates of newborn and maternal mortality, high levels of unemployment, and a sense of vulnerability and disempowerment are the expressions of this problem. There are many different approaches that can be taken to lessen the effects of poverty. The stimulation of economic growth is one way that can be used, as this can result in improved incomes and increased work prospects for people who are currently living in poverty. In addition, the implementation of economic and institutional reforms can improve both the efficiency with which resources are used and their use overall. Putting the fundamental requirements of the underprivileged at the forefront of national development policies is another essential component. Promoting microfinance programs as a means of removing obstacles to innovation, entrepreneurialism, and small-scale enterprise can be one way to do this. In addition, the development and enhancement of various marketing systems can make a contribution to enhanced output. The participation of the private sector in efforts to reduce poverty can also be encouraged through the provision of various incentives to that sector. Last but not least, the use of affirmative actions, such as targeted cash transfers, can help to ensure that the social and economic advantages of initiatives to reduce poverty are distributed to demographic groups that might not otherwise receive them. In addition to the steps that have already been taken, the administration has also implemented macroeconomic reforms in the hopes of reducing the burden of domestic debt and bringing down the excessive interest rates. It is hoped that the implementation of these changes will create conditions favorable to the acceleration of economic growth driven by the private sector, which will in turn have a beneficial effect on efforts to alleviate poverty. Increasing agricultural production is a crucial step being taken in different countries as part of the country's ongoing efforts to reduce the effects of poverty. The above focus is backed by the observation that a considerable section of the population of Different countries relies on agriculture as their primary source of both life and money, and that the majority of the country's population resides in rural areas.

In developing nations, corruption is a significant contributor to the poverty dilemma. It may result in the erroneous distribution of funding and the removal of cash from crucial social programmes. Corruption in government officials may utilize their position to benefit their personal motives at the cost of the general populace. In light of a lack of financing in crucial sectors like infrastructure, medical care, and schooling, economic hardship may continue. Foreign investment may be discouraged by corruption, which may make the issue of poverty worse. For instance, The World Bank estimates that nearly 40.1% of the overall population of Nigeria is listed below that nation's official poverty level (World Bank Group, 2020). An overview of corruption in Nigeria is given in the research paper by Global Integrity Anti-Corruption Evidence. According to the study, Nigeria has a Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 25 rank on a scale of 100, making it one of the nations with the highest perceptions of corruption in the entirety of the globe (, 2021). Which links corruption as a direct cause of poverty.

Obtaining an education constitutes one of the best methods for obtaining financial security, and the limitation ofequitable access to education is an important indication of poverty trickling down from the current generation to the future. For instance, compared to the global average of 75%, school enrollment is low in several sub-Saharan African countries. Therefore, the Sub-Saharan African region's high poverty rate hinders millions of inhabitants from a reasonable standard of living and perpetuates inequalities and injustices (Nwani & Osuji, 2020). There are several ways in which a lack of education causes poverty. Initially, those who leave schooling have a greater chance to be jobless and less likely to find rewarding careers. Since untrained workers receive lower income and have little ability to pay for their children's education, a lack of education contributes to the persistence of poverty throughout generations. Hence, a dearth of education renders a second challenge to enable individuals to be independent; they require assistance through governmental programmes. Thirdly, inadequate levels of education can have a negative impact on physical well-being and prolong poverty for centuries.

Furthermore, inequality in developing nations may constitute a significant factor in causing poverty. It might be challenging for individuals to escape poverty when money accumulates in the ownership of a small number of people. In addition, societal turmoil and turbulence brought on by inequality can worsen poverty. For an established rate of growth, expanding inequality increases poverty immediately while beginning substantial amounts of inequality hinder the efficiency of economic progress hence elevating poverty (Davidai, 2022). It may result in disproportionate access to crucial services like medical care, educational opportunities, and other necessities, limiting people's ability to better their lives. Unbalanced wealth and distribution of resources brought on by inequality could end up resulting in a dearth of funding for social programmes and facilities that are essential for eradicating poverty. Such occurrences undermine openness and transparency, which makes it difficult for citizens to effectively hold their elected representatives answerable. Therefore, in some countries wherein the distribution of income is extremely unfavourable, it would seem appropriate to devote inequality a specialised attention.

The amount of poverty and economic growth in developing nations can also be significantly impacted by foreign dominance. In developing nations, there is a dominant link between foreign aid and poverty. When economic growth and poverty vary, as well as when both are concurrently induced by foreign aid, foreign dominance tends to return to the long-run equilibrium trajectory.

Effects of poverty in developing countries

Economic growth in emerging countries might be hampered by poverty as investments in critical areas are constrained by it. Individuals who are poor have a lower probability to have possession of resources or make investments in their generation's future. This may result in a dearth of creativity and entrepreneurial thinking, which might make poverty worse. For instance, over 73% of people live in poverty in countries like Zimbabwe. Poverty rates in the nation climbed from 65% in the year 2014 to nearly 73% in the year 2022, corresponding to the National Financial Inclusion Strategy II (Nyoni, 2022). Therefore, widespread poverty and hyperinflation have caused Zimbabwe's economy to suffer for years. It's critical to recognize the nuanced and complicated nature of the connection underlying poverty and growth in the economy (Amar & Pratama, 2020). While poverty might impede progress in the economy, the latter can also contribute to its eradication.

In the context of developing nations, residents are compelled to rely more on unsustainable practices like deforestation and overusing natural resources in order to satisfy their fundamental requirements, poverty can result in environmental degradation. By using statistical techniques for three distinct sub-panels, Africa, Asia, and Latin America, a worldwide panel comprising 98 developing nations from 1995 to 2017 showed the existence of a bidirectional causal association between emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and poverty (Dhrifi, Jaziri & Alnahdi, 2020). In vulnerable or less desirable environmental areas, poor people in rural areas are frequently congregated. As a result, their way of life may be heavily dependent on the usage of natural resources and services provided by ecosystems. As a result, those who are poor in many developing nations may turn to illicit activities like poaching, illegal logging and more for a means of making necessities meet. This causes environmental degradation by causing the annihilation of endangered species as well as the damage of natural ecosystems. Moreover, slum dwelling has also emerged in metropolitan areas of developing countries as a result of poverty. People possessing little to no earnings adore living in these inexpensive dwellings. This kind of habitation is undesirable since there is a significant risk of disease transmission, which worsens the environment.

In developing nations, societal strife and turbulence are contributed by poverty. High levels of stress are frequently a result of poverty. Due to insufficient availability of possibilities for employment, outstanding medical care, and adequate sustenance poverty may result in greater crime rates. These elements are capable of causing social marginalization and desperation, which may tempt some people to turn to crime. Poverty has long been recognized as a root rationale of crime or, at least, it is recognized as a substantial risk factor for society. The overpowering impulse to satisfy certain fundamental demands takes precedence. If these needs are not addressed as time passes, some people may eventually commit vandalism, robberies, and other crimes. Inequalities caused by poverty lead to increased aggression as a consequence of societal prejudice and discrimination, which raises the number of violent crimes. China is an economically developing country with a sizable immigrant population. It is claimed that migrants in China are responsible for the majority of crimes because of the extreme poverty that exists in this part of the population. A prevalent analysis in the media claims that more than 80% of violent offences in China are committed by migrants (Dong, Egger & Guo, 2020).

Several countries’ programs to fight poverty have focused on the country's farming business. Part of these plans are giving away free fertilizer and seeds, encouraging the growth of high-value crops, fixing and growing irrigation systems, and making it easier to get low-interest loans. All of these efforts are made because people want to lessen the bad affects that a lack of capital has on agricultural output. To get more crops grown, the government has put a high priority on fixing and streamlining the selling system and expanding transportation networks in rural areas. In order to improve food output, the government is doing things like this.

These initiatives have the goals of improving access to markets for persons living in poverty, fostering economic prospects, and creating work opportunities. There are now robust activities being put into place with the intention of increasing agricultural exports in order to boost domestic agricultural output and increase the amount of foreign cash that is brought into the country. Several strategies to alleviate poverty are now being put into action in the African nation of Different countries. These include the promotion of small-scale income-generating enterprises, the subsidization of education and healthcare to alleviate financial burdens on impoverished households, the implementation of school-feeding programs, the establishment of rural employment schemes through public works projects, investments in technical and vocational training to equip young individuals with skills in fields such as carpentry, masonry, and auto mechanics, as well as the implementation of school-feeding programs.


Every nation's lack of progress is mostly caused by poverty. The authority thus has to make an effort to raise the quality of life and living of its citizens by offering job possibilities along with additional ways for people to make money and support their households. This would help the government control the effects of poverty on society as a whole by first removing all the causes of poverty, which are frequently interconnected.

Reference List (2021). Grand Corruption in nigeria - global integrity anti-corruption evidence.

Amar, S., & Pratama, I. (2020). Exploring the link between income inequality, poverty reduction and economic growth: An ASEAN perspective. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change11(2), 24-41.

Davidai, S. (2022). How do people make sense of wealth and poverty?. Current Opinion in Psychology43, 42-47.

Dhrifi, A., Jaziri, R., & Alnahdi, S. (2020). Does foreign direct investment and environmental degradation matter for poverty? Evidence from developing countries. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics52, 13-21.

Dong, B., Egger, P. H., & Guo, Y. (2020). Is poverty the mother of crime? Evidence from homicide rates in China. PloS one15(5), e0233034.

Nwani, S. E., & Osuji, E. (2020). Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: The dynamics of population, energy consumption and misery index. International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (IJMESS)9(4), 247-270.

Nyoni, M. (2022, November 25). Poverty levels in record rise. The Zimbabwe Independent.

World Bank Group. (2020, May 28). Nigeria releases New report on poverty and inequality in country. World Bank.

Also Read: International Poverty Eradication Day

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