Concrete Design Concept

Table of Contents


Detailing of Work.

Planning and Processing..

Stock Holder.

Projeect Management.

Legal Procedure.

Benefits of Contract.

Crucial Part of Construction..

Construction Detail.


Introduction to Construction of Building and Renovation Work

Construction of building and renovation work is very important part in the planning of the construction project. The renovation in existing building is also a little tedious work and need more concentration for the planning of the project. The renovation needs extra care for the project for matching the each detailing with the existing one and new construction. The intimation part of the construction project is to planning and thinking about the construction detail. Generation of many idea and finding pros and cons of each idea is the starting work for the construction of the existing building. The selection of an idea is done and many things have been added for detailing of the construction project. Investigation of side is necessary as it gives many idea for the construction project. Site detailing helps in secondary work such as placing of building material and actual construction work detail. The renovation of the existing site needs extra care because it is a type of finishing work. The finishing work need much care because it is exposed to the eye and any mistake cannot be acceptable for the finishing work. For new construction, the building code should be follow correctly. On the existing plan if the building code is not follow correctly than it should be corrected in renovation part if possible. The site visit gives many idea and it forms a picture of upcoming plan idea. It is suggested to do the site visit before thinking about the innovative construction projects. Supervision of the construction work is needed at each step of construction to give the best result of the construction plan. There should be a supervisor engineer to check the each work done by the worker and building constructor.

Detailing of Work

For the given site there is a existing building which is old and constructed many years before. The condition of existing building is not in well condition. The renovation of existing building is necessary. There is also a plan of new construction of a bedroom, bathroom, living room and outdoor deck. The new construction is the type of extension to the existing building. This new construction line should be matched with the existing construction line to give a better appearance. There should take care that the whole building the existing one and newly constructed should have a whole appearance. It should be looks like two different building constructed at two point of time. The renovation work should be done after the construction of new one. There is a enough space to placing the construction material and actual construction site of the construction. There should be extra care on the overall appearance. The existing building should be checked for the time span remaining for the building. The given site of the existing building has no any problem for material transportation and equipment space. The equipment are also used for the construction site and there is no any restrain for the construction equipment to be available on the given site. The site is at a place where there is shortage of cheap rate worker, but for the construction company the problem of shortage of worker can be solved easily because they owned many people for the construction work on permanent basis. There is an existing building so there is no problem for the living of the worker. They can work on the site and can live on the same place. There are many benefits of the site such as equipment availability and material availability. And there is problem of worker availability but can be solved by the construction company easily.

Planning and Processing

The construction work is very important work for and individual and the company that take the contract for the construction. A huge amount is invested for the construction of the building. For decrease the wastage of money the company should give perfect work to the client and try to fulfill the requirements of the client. The company has to be fulfill all expecting of the client. For planning and process of the construction site the company should be vary careful. This is the initiation of the project if it goes wrong than whole work will be wrong. The analysis of the work should be done carefully and the company should try not to do any mistake for the construction project. For construction project and planning the following process is done carefully:-

  • Analysis of site- The first step regarding the construction project is the analysis of site. The company engineer should go at the site and analyze each and every detail of the of the site. The engineer should first of all analyze the detail for placing the building material at the construction and the distance for which the worker have to travel to put construction material on the construction site. If any existing site is available and renovation is required then there should be a check for the durability and strength of the site. The settlement of the structure should also calculated by checking the soil beneath the structure and life spent by that building. The engineer can take help from the planning file of the existing building for the settlement calculation.
  • Planning of the building- For planning of the building the drawing of the structure is the first work to be done. The design of the building done on the basis of the all analysis is done with the help of software such as AutoCAD and many other construction design software. The design part of the building is the main part of the construction project. The contractor should give the task of designing of the building to many engineers and discussion of the design should be done among them and a final plan and design. The final plan and design should be finalized and drawing of the plan is done. The plan should be done and all the detail should be given to the client and tell all the detail to the client. And try to satisfy the client and accept his approval. If there is any existing building then analysis of the building is done and the extension should be matched with the existing building.
  • Procurement of building material- For the construction of the building the building material is the very important thing. Without building material the execution of the building project cannot be done. To make the availability of the material the procurement of the material is necessary. The material should be procured for the optimum amount. The estimation of the required material is done previously and try to buy a assumed quantity of the material should be buy at one time. The building material that get wasted for short time than that type of material should be procure for small amount and can be buy intermittently. Other building material such as the bricks, sand ,and aggregates will not get affected for long time but the cement is affected easily and can’t be placed unaffected for long time so the procurement of the cement should be intermittently. The procurement of the material should be done by negotiation, it gives more profit to the contractor and the client.
  • Execution of construction- After procurement of the material and the arranging the manpower for construction of work, the construction can be started. The construction should be starting by the drawing the plan on the actual site and the foundation will be dug. The starting of work is from the foundation and then superstructure. The each and every precaution should be taken care for the construction process. Each and every construction is done on the basis of the building code. Before starting of the work the worker should be trained well for the safety measures and all equipment should be given to the worker. The safety helmet and shoes is given to the worker properly and instructions should be given to use this. Supervision of construction work is done at the start of the project frequently and try to supervise after completion of each activity and each stage of construction.
  • Delivery to the client- After completion of the building as per the requirement of the client the delivery of the work is done. Before the delivery of the work the client check all the specification given by him. The strength check of the building is done by the sample cube and try to check all the specification for the construction of the building. The client can hire his own engineer to check the specification that need to match with the delivered building. If the client is not satisfied with that work and the contractor has done some mistake then it is duty of the contractor to reconstruct the given detail. But if client want to add something extra than it depend on the contractor weather he want to work or not. The contractor will charge extra for this extra work. Satisfaction of the client on the delivery of the project is main things and it is also most important for the contractor that his client should be satisfied and his market reputation should be maintain.

Stock Holder

The stockholder for any project is the activities or any person that can influence the project positively or negatively. The influence may speed up the construction project and can dealt the project. The influence can increase the cost of the construction project and may decrease the cost of construction project. For the project if there is any positive stockholder than there should provide maximum involvement of them in the project whereas if there is negative stockholder then there should minimize the involvement of them in the project. In the construction project the following are the stockholder and their influence on the project.

  • The client- the client is the main stockholder of the construction project. It can influence the project positively as well as negatively. But in most of the cases the client would effect the project positively. Some of the client will not specified their detail at one time and they tell specification after starting the project and because of this the delay in the project and cost of the project may get increases. In other ways if the client give all detail before the start of project and the planning of the project is done well and cost and duration will be optimum for the project. In some cases the client changed his mind and reduce the work of the project this also behaves as a positive stockholder and reduce the cost and duration of the project.
  • The contractor- The contractor also influence the project positively and negatively. The contractor has always a tendency to influence the project positively. But in some condition the contractor has failed to provide the material and equipment to the worker than it will influence the project negatively and increase the duration and cost of the project. If the contractor provides all the material human resources at the perfect time then it will affect the project positively and decrease the cost and duration.
  • The worker- the human resource used for working at the construction site greatly affect the project. If the availability of the worker and trained constructor then the project is influenced positively. But in most of the cases the availability of the worker is not possible and because of this every project is get delayed. Most of the project get delayed because of the non availability of the worker at the project site. The availability of worker plays a most important role in the delay of the project. The influence of the worker on the project can be minimized by hiring the worker on permanent 
  • Building material dealer- The availability of the material at the construction site is very important for the progress of the construction project smoothly. But if the building material dealer not provide the material on time than it will influence the construction project negatively and increase the cost and duration of the project. But if the material dealer provide the material on time than it will influence the work positively and control the delay of the project and cost of the project.
  • The nature- The nature can be positively as well as negatively influence any project. The nature can positively influence the project if there is any availability of natural building material nearby the construction project site. The cost of the material is saved and cost if the total project will get decrease. The nature mostly influence the project negatively. The main component of nature that will affect the cost and duration of construction project is the rainfall. The precipitation is the main thing that delay the project duration. By this way the nature negatively affects the project duration and cost. If the worker are permanent then this cost of construction increases too much die to the rainfall.
  • The project manager- All instant decision is taken by the project manager and because of this the project manager have more and more influence on the project. Each and every decision of the project manager can influence the positively as well as negatively. If there is any sudden emergency to the project then it the duty of the project manager to accommodate that without affecting the affecting the duration of the project. It all depend on the project manager to a complete the project on time with optimum project cost. The availability of material equipment and other things needs in the construction is made available by the project manager. If he anyways fail to make available the construction material or equipment than it leads to the delay of the project. The project manager have great duty for completing the project on the time.

Project Management

The construction project is also a project and completion of the project depends on the perfect management of the project. If each activity of the project is managed well than the completion time of the project I matched with the deadline and optimum cost is required for the project. So for every project of the project management is necessary. The following things should be kept in care for the for project management of the construction project.

  • Supervision- For any project to be done on the given time deadline with the best quality the supervision is the best things to be done. It has many benefits for the project. It improves the quality of the work and try to be a make the project to the perfect condition. The supervision should be done by the engineer regularly. The frequency of the supervision can be less in start of the project but it will me more when project is going to the end. The minor supervision should be done regularly and but major supervision should be done at some interval and the major supervision should be intensive. Some instructions will also given to the worker and project management if there is any irregularities.
  • Time management- For completion of any project on time the time management of the project should be done. For time management the there are many method but famous one is the critical time method in which the critical time of the project is found out by the network analysis. After deciding the critical time of the project the crushing of the project is done.

The time is get increase due to the leveling of the resources is done. The management of the time is very necessary for the completion of the project on time.

  • Material management- for construction project the material management is very necessary for maintaining the quality of the project outcome and completion of the project on the time. The material management is done by the perfect estimation of the project. The estimation of the the material should be perfect and there should no any shortage excessive of the material. The project management should take for the material management.
  • Human resources management- For completion of the project the human resource management is very necessary. If human resource management is done well then there is chance of increase the cost of the project. The levelling of the human resources is done to minimize the cost and give the availability of the work to worker on a regular basis. For different days there is different number of worker required but this type of variable worker required cannot be fulfilled because each worker have a need of the job security. So the levelling of the resources is done so that daily the number of worker required is get equal each day. By the levelling of the human resource the project duration get increases. But the management is necessary for the job security of the worker and because of this the delay is also beneficial.

For the construction project to be done on the time the all type of the management is done. The project manager has a duty to complete all the project on the with safety of the worker and the equipment. The safety is the issue at construction site because there are many accident has been occur at the site. The project manager and a duty to instruct all the worker properly follow the safety measures at the site.

Legal Procedure

The contract between the client and the contractor is very necessary for the work under the provision of legal formalities is necessary. Any dispute between the client and the contractor has to managed by the legal procedure. The contract should be done on the legal circumstances. The legal procedure is safe for both the parties. As any of the party try to cheat another then the legal procedure of contract save them from the any type of fraud. There is some cases in which contractor leaves the project without completion of the project after getting full payment then this type of fraud is solved by the legal method and refund of the payment from the contractor to the client is done. In some cases the client refuse to pay after the work because of dissatisfaction. This type of dispute is also solved with the legal procedure. So it is very important to do a legal agreement between the contractor and the client. The legal agreement contains each and every thing about the project. All things is mentioned in the agreement. The agreement contains the estimate of the building and renovation and time of completion of the construction project. the most complex and your question is not very clear, however, I will try to answer the same. First be clear on the fact, whether the team members will be treated as co-founders or as employees. Generally, the co-founders will hold a substantial number of shares. Identify the number of shares to be held by the members according to the consensus taking to consideration the contribution made by each member. In the initial stage, you can start with a co-founder's agreement, wherein rights and liabilities of each member can be laid down, this can be continued till you develop a marketable prototype. The second stage would be to incorporate the points in the Articles and Memorandum of Association of the Company. The Founders agreement and the Articles may have founders vesting clause, which might be effective in keeping the founders together. Generally, if the founders leave before a specified time or trigger of a particular event, the unvested shares can be re-purchased by the company at a nominal price.

The legal agreement have some benefits that is noted below-

  • Security of quality work- The legal agreement gives the security of the quality work. The contractor have a fear of the legal matter and because of these the contractor do the quality work as the expectation of the client and try to satisfy the client.
  • Timely completion of the work- The legal agreement force the contractor to do the work on timely basis because of the fear of the penalty which have to pay to client if the work is not done before or on the completion time.
  • Control of fraud by the client- The client is also cheated the contractor in some cases and because of the legal fear the client is also not do the things.

Benefits of Contract

There are many benefits giving the construction project to the contractor because some of the people have urgency to build their house in short duration. The construction of the building is a tedious work and it takes much time and there are many dispute in the scene because of this type of dispute hiring a contractor is very useful. There are many problems associated with the unorganized construction sector so there is a great need of the legal contract to the best work of the building projects. All instant decision is taken by the project manager and because of this the project manager have more and more influence on the project. Each and every decision of the project manager can influence the positively as well as negatively. If there is any sudden emergency to the project then it the duty of the project manager to accommodate that without affecting the affecting the duration of the project. It all depend on the project manager to a complete the project on time with optimum project cost. The availability of material equipment and other things needs in the construction is made available by the project manager. If he anyways fail to make available the construction material or equipment than it leads to the delay of the project. The project manager have great duty for completing the project on the time.

Crucial Part of Construction

In design of building structure the shear force and bending moment plays an important role. In the beam and the building structure, the main force by which the beam is effected very much is the moment. The effect of moment is more as compared to the axial and shear force. So the beam is designed for the moment and checked for the shear force. For design of the structure the analysis of the bending moment and shear force is very necessary. The different type of load have different type of moment and shear force pattern. The beam is designed for the maximum bending moment and checked for the maximum shear force. The location of maximum bending moment and maximum shear force should be found out firstly. And the cross-section of the beam is determined by the maximum location and magnitude of the maximum bending moment. The different type of load has different effect on the beam. The different type of load has given different value of factor of safety depend on the effect that can created by them on the beam. When here are different type of load acting on the beam at one time then the factor of safety is given by the effect of all loads on beam when acting together. This will decrease the individual factor of safety for the load. Bracing excavation method is used for the construction of trenches and deep foundation. In this method as the depth increases the both side of trench asided by braces. This method is good than open cut method because it takes a little space and ensure the safety of the slope of the excavated site. This method is appropriate because it is useful to almost all type of soil.If there is sandy soil than use of rectangular plates is used to safe the slope. The bracing provided the strength to the side slope to withstand the earth pressure created due to excavation.

Construction Detail

The contract detail should be include all the things such as the given data the estimate of the building detail and the renovation cost of the given building. There are many problem associated with the formation of embankment and exacavtion activities. In formation of embankment there is problem if stability of slope of the embankment. And in deep excavation there is a problem of failure of sides of excavation. For these problems there are many solutions such as braced exacavation and compaction of side slope. . There should be extra care on the overall appearance. The existing building should be checked for the time span remaining for the building. The given site of the existing building has no any problem for material transportation and equipment space. The equipment are also used for the construction site and there is no any restrain for the construction equipment to be available on the given site. The site is at a place where there is shortage of cheap rate worker, but for the construction company the problem of shortage of worker can be solved easily because they owned many people for the construction work on permanent basis.

Conclusion on Construction of Building and Renovation Work

The construction process is very tedious work and many thing involved in the construction project. A specified knowledge is needed for this work. A client which has not much knowledge cannot handle the work. So it is advise able to take help from the given contractor or company that can handle the work properly. There are mainly two type of materials is used in the structure to provide the frame of the structure. The first one is the concrete and second one is the steel. The concrete have good compressive strength and the steel have good tensile strength and because of this nature of the both material they are combining to each other and provides a material called reinforced concrete. It is very economical as compared to using only concrete or the steel alone. Each and every decision of the project manager can influence the positively as well as negatively. If there is any sudden emergency to the project then it the duty of the project manager to accommodate that without affecting the affecting the duration of the project. It all depend on the project manager to a complete the project on time with optimum project cost. The availability of material equipment and other things needs in the construction is made available by the project manager.

Bibliography for Construction of Building and Renovation Work

Duben, J. F. (2015). deign concept of concrete . 618-698.

gere, t. a. (2010). mechaics of material. In machenics of material. (pp. 36-97).

Popov, E. P. (2015). engineering mechenics of solid .

Turnbull, D. W. (1994). Design of ACP tunnel-diode-coupled circuits. 514-545.

 Soil mechenics –VNS Murthy

Gaint earth moving equipment-Eric c Orlemann

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