
In the following e-portfolio reflection essay, I will take a deep dive into the various lessons I have learned throughout the week. This will include an exploration of the valuable insights I have gained, the obstacles I have encountered, the accomplishments I have achieved, and the overall influence these experiences have had on my personal and academic development. In this reflective essay, I will explore the profound impact of consistent reflection and learning on the journey of self-discovery and continuous improvement. This transformative process is beautifully captured through the lens of a weekly e-portfolio, which serves as a testament to the power of personal growth. By delving into the depths of my experiences and thoughts, I have come to appreciate the immense value of introspection and the positive changes it can bring.

Weekly Presentation

Throughout the weeks, my e-portfolio has become a captivating collection of various experiences, valuable learnings, and a range of emotions. Through each entry, I have been able to catch a fleeting glimpse of my ever-evolving comprehension of diverse subjects and skills. Throughout this transformative journey, I have encountered a plethora of invaluable lessons that have profoundly influenced the way I perceive the world. These key learnings have played a pivotal role in shaping my perspective, allowing me to grow and evolve as an individual.

In analysing the situation at hand, it is evident that Bruce has transgressed one of Alan McCarthy's rules. The specific rule that Bruce has violated remains to be identified. In 1983, Peter Kraljic published a seminal paper that introduced a groundbreaking concept known as the portfolio matrix. This matrix, which plots the profit impact against the supply network complexity, has since become a widely used tool in the field of supply chain management. Kraljic's paper not only provided a framework for analysing and categorising different types of products and suppliers, but also shed light on the importance of understanding the interplay between profitability and suppl In reflecting upon the text, it is evident that despite its age, it holds significant value in shaping the mindset and actions of supply chain professionals even in the present day. The source, though older, establishes a fundamental principle that continues to guide the decision-making process within the field (Kraljic, 1983).

PTC - A Fictional Rail Network

In embarking on this endeavor, my initial step would involve conducting an internal audit and performing a comprehensive SWOT analysis across the various departments (A-D). By undertaking this assessment, I aim to gain a deeper understanding of the inherent strengths and weaknesses within each department, while simultaneously gaining insights into their respective procurement processes. The case study highlighted the fact that the purchasing director was solely responsible for coordinating the procurement of all groups in addition to his existing duties. The observation made is that entrusting a single individual with the responsibility of leading a significant endeavour while also managing their regular obligations is a concept that seems promising in theory. However, it is acknowledged that this expectation places a considerable burden on one person. In considering the various scenarios that may arise when individuals are on holiday, off sick, or occupied with other duties, it becomes evident that certain consequences and implications may emerge. These circumstances often lead to a disruption in the normal flow of operations and can impact the overall functioning of individuals and organisations alike. It is crucial to reflect upon the potential outcomes and challenges that may arise in such situations, as they can significantly influence productivity, efficiency, and the overall well-being of those involved. In contemplating the question of whether individuals can allocate 100% effort and sufficient time to all of their responsibilities, one is compelled to delve into the complexities of human capacity and the demands of modern life. At first glance, it may seem plausible for individuals to dedicate their utmost energy and ample time to each of their obligations. However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that such a feat is fraught with challenges and limitations. To begin with, the notion of being an expert in multiple fields is an arduous task, especially when those fields are vastly different from one another.

In considering the formation of a supply chain, it becomes evident that developing a contingency plan against potential supply disruptions is of utmost importance. This is due to the fact that once strategic decisions have been executed, the ability to make quick changes becomes challenging, as highlighted (Matta, 2016). The case study highlights the absence of a contingency plan, which has resulted in the departments operating autonomously and devising their own approaches. In order to enhance the current situation, it is recommended to implement a strategic approach by engaging the expertise of four individuals who possess the necessary skills to effectively oversee and coordinate the activities of groups A-D. By assigning specific responsibilities to these experts, the overall management and control of these groups can be significantly improved. This approach aims to optimise the performance and productivity of each group, ultimately leading to a more efficient and successful outcome. In considering the potential benefits of reducing the workload of the procurement director, one cannot overlook the significant advantage it would bring in terms of enabling them to concentrate more fully on strategic leadership. By alleviating the burden of day-to-day operational tasks, the procurement director would be afforded the opportunity to dedicate their time and energy to higher-level decision-making and guiding the organisation towards its long-term objectives. This shift in focus would undoubtedly enhance their ability to shape the procurement function in alignment with the overall strategic direction of the company. Consequently, the redistribution of workload holds great promise in empowering the procurement director to fulfil their role as a strategic leader.

In the course of Procurement II during week 7, I have gained valuable insights into various aspects of the procurement process. Specifically, I have focused on specification, negotiation skills, and portfolio analysis. Through my studies and practical exercises, I have come to appreciate the significance of these areas in achieving successful procurement outcomes. Specification plays a crucial role in the procurement process as it sets the foundation for identifying the right products or services to meet organizational needs.

In the context of this session, I have taken the liberty to slightly reinterpret the 'ten rules’ of successful negotiation. In accordance with the principles of educational psychology, it is suggested that short positive statements are more effectively retained in memory. With this in mind, our approach is to focus on presenting "dos" rather than "don’t". In considering the origins of these principles, it is noteworthy to acknowledge the significant influence of Alan McCarthy. It is through his contributions and insights that these principles have come to fruition. McCarthy's invaluable contributions have laid the foundation for the development and implementation of these principles, shaping the way we approach and understand them today.

Great value is placed on empathy by FBI hostage negotiator Chris Voss, who is also the author of Never Split the Difference. Sometimes, in the realm of negotiation, it is not uncommon for the other party to exhibit resistance towards the offers you present. This resistance may persist until you are able to effectively demonstrate your comprehension of their perspective, including both their thoughts and emotions (Voss and Raz, 2016). Listening attentively involves actively engaging with the speaker's words and seeking clarification when necessary. Did you mean X? In return, empathy can also be requested. When faced with an impossible situation, I often find myself asking, "How am I supposed to do that?"

Understanding that people react differently is another key aspect of empathy. If one finds pleasure in the lively exchange of ideas, one may appreciate the spirited nature of a vigorous discussion. However, it is important to consider that some individuals might feel offended if one's conduct does not uphold the highest standards of politeness and courtesy. To effectively navigate the culture in which you are operating, it is important to gain a deep understanding of it. By doing so, you can better comprehend the norms, values, and customs that shape the business environment. Additionally, it is crucial to communicate your own business preferences to the other party involved. This allows for mutual understanding and facilitates smoother interactions. Being 'difficult to do business with' is something you definitely want to avoid, whether it's as an individual or a company.

It is important to remember that life is not solely focused on money. If an item is offered at a low price, it may seem appealing at first. However, it is important to consider the potential risks that may accompany such a purchase. A low price per item may not be as beneficial as initially perceived if one finds themselves constantly chasing after things or vigilantly monitoring for potential quality issues. Pursuing a low price at the cost of everything else may lead to negative consequences, such as potential setbacks in other areas like time management.

Weekly Reflection Task

This week, I had the opportunity to learn from Tim Jenkins, a consultant at WheelSpinner Consulting. One of the key insights he shared was the importance of collaboration in the world of business, particularly when it comes to purchasing and selling. This advice resonated with me as I reflected on my own experiences and observed the success of businesses that have embraced this approach. Collaboration, according to Jenkins, can be a game-changer for businesses. By working together with other companies, organisations can leverage their collective strengths and resources to achieve mutual benefits. In the context of purchasing and selling, throughout this week, I have been reflecting on the importance of mutual understanding and effective communication in the context of buying and selling. It has become evident to me that successful transactions heavily rely on both parties being on the same page and having a clear understanding of each other's expectations. In my interactions with buyers and sellers, I have realized that misunderstandings can easily arise if there is a lack of clarity in our communication. It is in reflecting on this week's discussions, it is evident that Jenkins shares the sentiment that the procurement process often lacks consistency. He acknowledges that skilled salespeople possess the ability to adapt to the diverse needs and preferences of buyers. This observation highlights the inherent unevenness that exists within the procurement landscape.

During this week, I have observed that salespeople who achieve success consistently demonstrate a strong commitment to preparation and research before their meetings. This proactive approach allows them to gather valuable insights and information about their clients, enabling them to tailor their sales pitch effectively. By investing time and effort into understanding their client's needs, preferences, and pain points, these Throughout this week, I have been utilizing various social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to gain insights into the backgrounds, interests, and associations of potential buyers. These platforms have proven to be valuable resources in understanding the individuals I am engaging with. By leveraging these tools, I have been able to gather relevant information that has helped me tailor my approach and establish meaningful connections. It has been an enlightening experience to witness the power of social media in enhancing my understanding of buyers and ultimately improving my interactions with them. Throughout this week, I have been focusing on building rapport and personalizing my approach. I have realized the importance of establishing a connection with others in order to create a positive and meaningful interaction. By taking the time to understand their individual needs and preferences, I have been able to tailor my approach to better meet their expectations. This has not only strengthened my relationships with others but has also allowed me to provide a more effective and personalised This week, I have been exploring the benefits of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. One key aspect that stood out to me is its ability to store valuable knowledge for future use. By utilizing CRM software, businesses can effectively capture and retain important information about their customers, interactions, and preferences. This knowledge can then be accessed and utilized by teams across the organization to enhance customer experiences, improve communication, and drive business growth. I am excited to continue learning.

In this week's reflection, I want to discuss the importance of proactive research for sales teams and how it can give them an advantage over procurement professionals. It has become increasingly clear that in today's competitive business landscape, simply relying on traditional sales techniques is no longer enough. Sales teams need to be proactive in their approach and constantly stay ahead of the game. One key aspect of this proactive approach is conducting thorough research. By investing time and effort into researching potential clients, their needs, and their industry, sales This week, I focused on the importance of thorough research as a salesperson. I realized that while buyers may take the time to examine the supplier's firm and products, it is our dedication to conducting comprehensive research that truly gives us an edge in negotiations. By going above and beyond in gathering information about our potential clients, we are able to better understand their needs, preferences, and pain points. This knowledge allows us to tailor our approach and present our products or services in a way that resonates with them. I have learned that investing time and effort into research not only enhances our credibility but also enables us to anticipate objections and address them effectively. Moving forward, I will continue to prioritize thorough research as a key component of my sales strategy, as it has proven to be a valuable asset.

As I reflect on the past week, it becomes evident that the techniques we have been implementing have had a profound impact on both our professional and personal lives. This week, I had the opportunity to witness some impressive sales skills in action. It was inspiring to see a salesperson effortlessly establish rapport with clients and navigate discussions with confidence. On the other side, I also observed a buyer who received a fantastic offer that they were truly pleased with. It's always rewarding to witness successful negotiations and positive outcomes in the world of sales. This week, I focused on improving my negotiation skills and making better-buying judgments. I made a conscious effort to be proactive in my approach. By taking the initiative, I aimed to enhance my ability to negotiate effectively and make informed purchasing decisions. Being proactive allowed me to take control of the situation and actively seek out opportunities for negotiation. It also helped me to be more assertive and confident in expressing my needs and preferences. By In reflecting on this week's negotiation strategies, I have come to realise the importance of conducting thorough research on sellers' backgrounds and methods. This crucial step ensures a balanced and informed approach to the negotiation process. By delving into the sellers' history and understanding their methods, buyers can gain valuable insights that can greatly influence the outcome of the negotiation. This week has taught me the significance of being well-prepared and knowledgeable about the other party involved, as it allows for a more strategic and successful negotiation. Moving forward, I will continue to prioritize research as an integral part of my negotiation tactics

Throughout this week, I have been reflecting on the importance of seeking equality and openness in transactions. It has become clear to me that by doing so, we not only create a fair and balanced playing field but also improve our ability to anticipate and confront rival strategies. This is crucial in both professional and personal negotiations. By striving for equality, we ensure that all parties involved have an equal opportunity to express their needs and interests.

I could easily adapt the e-portfolio assignment to other marketing courses. I anticipate that the implementation of courses like advertising, which emphasise creative assignments and analytical exercises, and international marketing, which involve tasks like country analysis, will enhance my learning as a student. When I am prompted to interpret my own experiences in executive-level graduate courses, I realise that e-portfolios have the potential to generate sharper insights and foster deeper learning. The e-portfolio presents me with a unique opportunity to integrate student learning assessment with the promotion of integrative learning and collaboration among my students. I achieve this by connecting various assignments that may seem unrelated at first glance. As I read through the reflective writings of students, I can see that they have been able to evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses. It's interesting to think about how they could potentially utilize their e-portfolios as a diagnostic tool to identify suitable careers while they are in the process of searching for jobs. I can see that the e-portfolio assignment has indeed enhanced my self-awareness. It has prompted me to embark on a journey of critical thinking as I confront my own strengths and weaknesses. If I continue on this path in the future and take control of my own learning, the institutional mission of the school will be fulfilled.

Furthermore, portfolio-based approaches foster increased personal communication between students and teachers, promote active participation in the classroom and facilitate the development of critical thinking skills. Moreover, these approaches create an awareness of students' own learning process and instill in them the recognition of the importance of taking control of their learning activities as a means to achieve professional success (Fitch et al., 2008). The process of meta-learning is facilitated by the reflective practice inherent in the development of an electronic portfolio. The advantages of portfolio-based approaches encompass several aspects. Firstly, these approaches improve students' understanding of learning objectives. Additionally, they encourage students to engage in contemplation and reflection of the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) they have acquired (A. Buzzetto-More, 2010).


In conclusion, I was assigned to compose a reflective essay as an integral component of my electronic portfolio. It was anticipated that the implementation of this novel methodology would result in heightened engagement among learners, as they would actively engage in the learning process by means of reflective thinking and self-directed learning.


Kraljic, P. (1983) (PDF) Purchasing Must Become Supply Management - SiPM · Purchasing Must Become Supply Management Harvard Business Review No. 83509 Peter Kraljic - DOKUMEN.TIPS . Available at: (Accessed: August 16, 2023).

Matta, R. de. (2016) Contingency Planning during the Formation of a Supply Chain - Annals of Operations Research SpringerLink . DOI: 10.1007/s10479-015-2085-0.

Voss, C. and Raz, T. (2016) Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended on It . Harper Business.

Buzzetto-More, N. (2010) “Assessing the Efficacy and Effectiveness of an E-Portfolio Used for Summative Assessment.” Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Skills and Lifelong Learning , 6, pp. 061–085. DOI: 10.28945/1164.

Fitch, D. et al. (2008) “THE USE OF ePORTFOLIOS IN EVALUATING THE CURRICULUM AND STUDENT LEARNING.” Journal of Social Work Education , 44(3), pp. 37–54. DOI: 10.5175/jswe.2008.200700010.

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