Early Childhood and Care Assignment 

Table of Contents

Define organizational change and change management in early childhood education and care services.

Discuss the role of the leader in the change management process.

Identify and discuss processes and strategies that need to be promoted to ensure a positive and effective process of change.


Define Organizational Change and Change Management in Early Childhood Education and Care Services

Change management is the unavoidable and inevitable aspect in the case of early childhood education as well as care services. All educators should be prepared to understand the changing procedure and implement these changes in a professional way. Change management sometimes can be difficult for many individuals because they cannot understand the actual mechanisms that can make the transition more potential. All the policies, guidelines, and methods are frequently revised and that’s why this can be a challenging experience for those involved persons. All educators should communicate continuously with the children to create loyal and trust relationships in the organization. All the children can encourage if the educators give positive reviews on their daily activities (Ma et. al., 2016). Building trust and accepting the challenges are the most fundamental tools for the continuous growth of any child care center. These also give opportunities to all the staff and improve the knowledge of the school-going children. The staff cannot adapt to the professional experience without accepting the challenges. They should build trust and honesty in the children's minds before taking any kind of risk (Bassok et. al., 2019). 

As per the National Quality Reform Agenda, changes at all the stages of the child education are required to ensure the successful measurement of the implementation. All these changes for child care and education have been implemented by the COAG (Council Of Australian Government). 

The changes are the following:-

a. These reforms imply all the instructions of child education of the EYLF ( Early Years Learning Framework).

According to these reforms, the improvement is needed in seven fields:-

1. The educational system,

2. The well-being of the child,

3.The health awareness,

4. The physical surroundings,

5. The arrangement of the employees,

6. The relationship between the child and the staff,

7. The quality of leadership strategies.

b. The enhancement of the regulatory frameworks introducing a new national structure.

c. The reforms address five types of quality measurements that are

1. The high quality,

2.The excellent quality,

3. The unsatisfactory quality,

4. Following the organization criteria,

5. Maintain all the guidelines of national quality.

As per the Bloom theory (2015), the change of any organization can affect the system setting procedure. The surroundings or the circumstances have a direct impact on the change management and all the staff give adequate support to implement organizational change management. Child care is a fundamental key to promote the children’s social and cognitive growth of development. Besides, it also gives support to those parents who have a child with disabilities. Child care is also influenced by the communication between the parents and the neighboring communities. 

As per the Queensland child care act, approx 75 children can enroll in a child care organization based on their age and learning capacity. In Australia, many child care organizations provide a vacation caring system before or after going to school. The allocation of the staff depends on the number of children. The minimum staff allocation is two and the maximum is more than twenty. In Australia, the employees of the child care organization are referred to as the “caregiver of the child” and their designations are the director, team leader, and the assistants. The job role of the director is to guide the children, take decisions, manage the organization, and take care of the overall administration. But they are referred to as the non-contact director that means they do not take teaching classes on a regular basis and sometimes they take classes when any staff is absent or go for the vacation. The job role of the team leaders is to observe the regular activities of the children who belong to a particular group of the ages.

The job role of the assistant teachers is to make the schedule of all the children regarding their daily tasks and give support to their team leaders about child education and care services. The Queensland legislation set some educational criteria for the directors, the team leaders, and the assistant teachers. The director can apply to a child care organization if he completes the advanced diploma or bachelor degrees of any particular field. The team leaders should hold the diploma degree and the assistant teachers must have the certificates on childhood education. Almost 3,655,139 teachers applied in the 20,000 child care organization in Queensland in the year 2001. It shows the growth of all the child care organizations as well as the interest of the staff to teach the children. 

As per the Rodd (2013) theory, the changing of child education can be divided into two categories:-1. The incremental and 2. The transformational. These two categories are depending on the tuning, the adaptation, re-creation, and the re-orientation process. The change management of the child care center is met with many challenges like the integration and navigation. Without change management, any organization can suffer from the lack of profitability, and the risks to implement the current projects.

Discuss the Role of The Leader in The Change Management Process

All the leaders should have a clear idea and they should be able to communicate honestly. The leaders should provide a copy of the papers to their educators to identify the changes if required. They should implement the planning discussions with the educators and reward the children about their positive outcomes (Lewis, et. al., 2016). They can break down the total works into many steps and all the steps should be very manageable so that the educators can understand very easily. All the changing mechanisms should be seamless and understandable for the individual child. The leaders can take help from the stakeholders to discuss the changing procedure and provide the timelines that can explain all the responsibilities clearly. A successful leader is able to provide a positive environmental culture among all the educators and the children in the organization. All the instructions and the guidelines should be comprehensive and the adult staff who are teaching to the children should be appropriate in regards to the organization management. The overall efforts of the leaders are to give the best services in the child care center (Hayes, 2018). 

We can categorize the leadership styles for the change management process into the following types :-

  1. The directive leadership style:-

This leadership style defines the specific targets and guidelines of any leader of an organization. But all the guidelines and directives should be properly understood to all the members and the educators. This leadership style can be effective for those people who are facing difficulties and complexity regarding their whole tasks. The overall clarifications of the performance and covering all the obstacles are the purpose of directive leadership (Williams, 2018).

  1. The aversive leadership style:-

The aversive leaders believe in the coercive power and they set the punishments for those who do not follow the rules and the guidelines of an organization. According to the researchers, these leaders are very strict and they mainly focus on the negative points or weaknesses of the members in an organization. Sometimes these leaders can show negative behaviors in front of their followers. Sometimes this leadership style can affect the performance of any child care center and create dissatisfaction among all the educators. So, it can be easily assumed that the staff of a childcare education center who are working with an aversive leader are not satisfied with their job and it can decrease the organization's performance.

  1. The transactional leadership style:-

The transactional leaders only focus on the performance or the outcomes and they look after the total systems of any organization. These leaders always notice the individual activities and group performances on a daily basis. They set the criteria for all the staff in accordance with the already specified requirements. In a child care organization, the transactional leaders review the performance of the staff, give feedback, and maintain their status.

  1. The transformational leadership style:-

The transformational leaders always work with their team members and define the required changes. They always motivate their staff and implement their strategies with the group of employees. A transformational leader is a role model of any organization and they follow many mechanisms. The leadership style of a transformational leader is:-1. They can accept all the strengths and the weaknesses of their staff, 2. They are always ready to take new challenges, 3. They have the confidence to lead an entire group and they have the self-managing power. In a child care organization, a transformational leader trains all the individuals and inspires them to perform beyond their self-expectation. They like to influence their educators and expect the best outcomes from them ( Breevaart & Zacher 2019).

  1. Empowering leadership style:-

This leadership style underlines the improvement of self-management knowledge. An empowering leader believes that their staffs have the capabilities to manage the whole tasks and he or she gives the power of taking any crucial decisions to their staff. These leaders believe in delegation and divide the tasks among their employees. In a child care center, an empowering leader breaks down all the manageable tasks among the staff and guides them on how to complete all the works within a limited time. The staff feels job satisfaction and can focus more on their responsibilities (Doppelt, 2017).

  1. Lassiez-Faire leadership style:-

This leadership style acknowledges complete independence and chooses a realistic approach. The leaders believe that they cannot make any essential decisions and take required actions without monitoring and supervision. The positive features of this leadership are commitment and execution of priorities, strategies, goals, and mobilization of the innovative ideas of individuals. The staff can be motivated to prepare themselves as well as they can find the appropriate solutions at the crisis time independently. They can also create a group among themselves, share their views, take decisions, and make suitable solutions. As they have the responsibility to take care of the child that’s why all the members should follow these leadership strategies so that they can take quick suitable decisions (Wong & Giessner 2018).

In Australia, the job roles of all the effective leaders are excellent in the child care center. Their genuine concern is to maintain the productivity and quality services. As per the Queensland child care report, all the leaders build a professional relationship with all the educators and they monitor the performance of the staff regularly. Their expectation is that all the management of the child care center is performing well and they can achieve their leadership responsibilities. The Australian believes that an effective leader focuses on the client targets and makes a challenging atmosphere that can provide all the management about their working purposes. The directors who are responsible for the child care are generally aware of their duties and their vision is to achieve the organization targets. Effective leadership can be beneficial to all the members, the children and their parents that a successful leader and the organization serve. A quality service depends on the supportive environment, straight forward communication and encouraging all the participants to make innovative ideas. The continuous improvement of the performance depends on the children activities, day-to-day works of all the staff, and the individual decision-making.

Identify and Discuss Processes and Strategies that Need to Be Promoted to Ensure a Positive and Effective Process of Change

Change management is an effective system that is connected with the efforts of all the individuals in an organization and it is required for the development of any organization. A successful leader believes in the required changes with the involvement of the employees (Tang, 2019).

The necessary steps to ensure the positive changes are:-

a. Identifying the problems

b. Gathering the right information,

c. Analyzing the whole situation,

d. Find out all the possible solutions,

e. Thinking for necessary steps,

f. Implement the planning and

g. Evaluate the overall progress.

  1. The education and the communication structure:-

The education and the communication system is one of the fundamental keys to overcome all the barriers and make a positive change within the organization. Any successful organization follows to educate their employees and communicate with them to make a trustful relationship. This procedure can include individual meetings and group presentations. Suppose, in a child care organization, the leader can arrange an audiovisual conference with their staff and underline all the required changes with the right explanations. These two systems are perfect mainly when the resistance is focused on insufficient and incorrect knowledge or observation. All the staff should be involved in this procedure and it also builds strong relationships between all the members in an organization.

  1. The participation of the staff:-

When all the potential staff are involved with the designing and the implementation of changes with their efforts, the growth of an organization is sure. In an organization, the directors have both positive and negative feelings about participation at the time of changing efforts. The participation needs both the dedication and successful implementation. When the changes are needed immediately, every individual should be very careful to manage the tasks otherwise the participation of changes can lead to a bad idea.

  1. The facilitation:-

This process includes the training for the new strategies, giving support on a stress period to all the staff, listening to the opinions of the other, and giving time. The facilitation process is useful when all the staff are suffering from fear and depression. Many leaders want to ignore this idea and they show negative behavior in front of their staff. The time and patience are the most fundamental key to a successful facilitation process.

  1. The selection of the strategies:-

In the case of an organization change scenario, many leaders can choose their strategic ideas depending on the participation of the staff members, the quality of the pre-planning, and the efforts of the team members. An effective change effort within an organization is possible when the logically consistent strategies are implemented. The clarification of the planning, proper involvement of the participants, and the required actions can lead to a successful and positive change within the organization.

  1. The collaborative change:-

The collaborative change is involved with the collaboration of all the participants within a team. The collaborative changes have the following features:-1. Find out the problems and solve those together.2. Build trust in each other and make genuine commitments,3. Take required action on time. This is a very successful and sustainable changing procedure which is implemented from the entire groups of an organization.

The ADKAR Channing model implies that:-

A (Awareness for the change)

D (Desire and support of the participants)

K (Knowledge on the change procedure)

A (Ability for the implementation of changes)

R (Reinforcement to sustain on the change process)

This model has been implemented for the change management system (Das,2019). The main objectives of this model are:-

  1. This model focuses on the individual changes and guides them accordingly. This model allows all the change management team to concentrate on their efforts that can improve the performance of individual team members and get successful results.
  2. This model provides specific targets and observable performance for the practices of change management. 
  3. This model provides a very user-friendly framework for individuals so that everyone can manage easily.
  4. This model provides a common language for the leaders and the staff to make their communication easy.

References for Manage an Education and Care Service Assignment 

Bassok, D., Dee, T. S., & Latham, S. (2019). The effects of accountability incentives in early childhood education. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 38(4), 838-866.

Breevaart, K., & Zacher, H. (2019). Main and interactive effects of weekly transformational and laissez‐faire leadership on followers’ trust in the leader and leader effectiveness. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 92(2), 384-409.

Das, V. (2019). Comparative Study of Kotter’s and Hiatt’s (ADKAR) Change Models. Journal of Leadership and Management, 1(15).

Doppelt, B. (2017). Leading change toward sustainability: A change-management guide for business, government and civil society. Routledge.

Hayes, J. (2018). The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave.

Lewis, S., Cantore, S., & Passmore, J. (2016). Appreciative inquiry for change management: Using AI to facilitate organizational development. Kogan Page Publishers.

Ma, X., Shen, J., Krenn, H. Y., Hu, S., & Yuan, J. (2016). A meta-analysis of the relationship between learning outcomes and parental involvement during early childhood education and early elementary education. Educational Psychology Review, 28(4), 771-801.

Tang, K. N. (2019). Change management. In Leadership and Change Management (pp. 47-55). Springer, Singapore.

Williams, W. E. (2018). Principal Leadership Style, Teacher Motivation, and Teacher Retention. ProQuest LLC.

Wong, S. I., & Giessner, S. R. (2018). The thin line between empowering and laissez-faire leadership: An expectancy-match perspective. Journal of Management, 44(2), 757-783.

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