Early Education Philosophy and Practice

Executive Summary of The Efficacy of Early Childhood Education

The purpose of this study is to evaluate all the approaches of early childhood. Learning can also help to grow an individual personally. Early childhood learning is a right for everyone regardless of any discrimination irrespective of culture, race, and gender.



Learning in Pedagogy.


Equality within the Education.


Childhood assessments.

Principle in Practice.


Introduction to The Efficacy of Early Childhood Education

The root of early childhood education was bought by Martin Luther in the 1500s. He believed that education should be equally distributed in everyone so that they can understand their independence. Learning is necessary for the benefit of society. Childhood education plays an important role in the development of the child. Education promotes learning for students. Pre-school is related to playing so that the child feels comfortable in the environment, but kindergarten, it’s all about learning (Pramling, Klerflet, & Williams Graneld, 1995). Playing develops a child while learning develops an adult. The evolution of early childhood changes the views of adults and their guardians to understand education opportunities. In past, early learning was given to children at home only, but now everyone attends pre-school as the first step to education.

Learning in Pedagogy

Pedagogy refers to the way of practicing education. It refers to the strategies and methods which promote learning and provide opportunities, skills, knowledge, etc. It is a learning bond between the teacher and the student. A child sees preschool as a play garden where he is free to explore things (Pramling, Klerfelt & Graneld, 1995). The value of education has been always praised for years (Lascarides & Hinitz, 2000). It has been said that childhood education increases public awareness. Early childhood learning and programs make a positive difference in adulthood. The percentage of admissions and inquiries are increasing with time. It is said that there should be quality learning for early childhood for the development of the child and society. Here, the act of learning is more focused than the object. In early childhood pedagogy, there are some similarities between the play and learning that children experience, cognitive experiences, etc. Here children make their own world of experiences, relations, situations which are everything for them. Whatever is going in front of them, is their world (Hundeide, 2006). Pedagogy plays a major role in developing the curriculum. The curriculum can be referred to as a method or a key by which learning can be provided to the children. Each and every teacher has their own curriculum to teach. It is revealed that by studying every aspect of robust discussion we can understand many ideologies related to it, however, there are many contexts to it (Lovat & Smith, 1995). Pedagogy depends upon the needs and the supporting article a child may need. It is important for both parents and teachers to discuss this with each other in order to provide a comfortable and healthy environment for the learning students (Jensen, Brostrom & Hansen, 2010, p.247). According to Williams-Siegfredson, (2012) pedagogy makes it possible for the students to get involved in learning and to develop their skills with the help of four learning principles.

  • Development of mental and physical skills
  • To experience the power of self, and other wonderful experiences
  • To enjoy and feel the nature
  • To understand the difference between right and wrong ethics, and moral behavior.

There are certain principles for early childhood education. According to my thought it will be-

  1. Respectful relations and moral behavior- It is something which we should learn from our childhood, it is the sense to identify the difference between right and wrong. Similarly, learning also comes in two forms right learning and wrong learning, it is very important for the parents to see what type of learning the child is receiving because it is not only the internal school learning but can be external learning as well.
  2. Equality – It refers to a diverse environment within the school, there should be no discrimination and a valid learning for everyone equally. Whatever learning the child will receive at this point of time he will absorb it for future.
  3. Appreciation- Appreciation is a form of praising the student for their work. It is noted that every student is equal regardless of caste, gender and their learning capability. Measuring scores are for future purposes. To embrace children it is very important to appreciate them for every small thing they do to keep them motivated and interested towards the learning programs.
  4. Communication- It is important for the parent and teacher both to have a proper communication about the child’s growth as they both are their guardians and making his/her future together. It says lack of communication between parent and teacher can make learning complicated.
  5. Cultural diversity- There are different ways to show equality between cultures. As a school or a teacher, it is important to respect each culture and make them learn about equality by celebrating a number of celebrations for each caste and culture together.
  6. Character formation- Winning and failure both require energy. Child should not receive any negativity while learning. Teachers are the second important person who gives their heart and energy to make their character.
  7. Learning from Basic materials- It is not possible for the young pre-school to remember everything they read or write but they will remember everything related to the practical knowledge. It is important to minimize theoretical education and maximizing the practical knowledge programs and learning fun activities to make their mind sharp.
  8. Childhood assessment- It is the process of collecting all the necessary information about child from their parents in order to know them better and to plan their educational activities accordingly. As every child has a different way of learning, this assessment helps them to unite with other students in the class.


The Principles are already mentioned in Part A here we will describe them briefly to get a deep and better knowledge for it.

Equality within the Education

Equality simply means no discrimination. It is said that all racial discrimination should be violated (CERD, 1965). Early childhood holds an important place in building a child’s future. Equality does not mean just only the equality of caste and religion. Every child has a right to participate in each and every practice organized for students without any discrimination. It is very important for each and every student to feel recognize and important as other students (McDaniel et al. 2005). There should be no racial inequality, language inequality, or any other type of inequality. All children are equal and deserve high-quality education in addition to the childhood programs which will increase their chances of success and happiness in the future. It is revealed that the students who attend learning programs and appreciations show more improvement than other students. It is important to introduce learning and development programs that can embrace childhood education. Teachers and administrators should conduct sessions with parents in order to know the child better make necessary changes in his/her curriculum. Pre-school curricula should be based on child learning and development only (Bredekamp & Copple 1997). Health and nutrition programs should be organized wherein the medical expert should observe the physical and mental condition of the child to develop his personality. It is believed that the exams related to equality, racism, and color can be conducted to understand their thoughts and clear their doubts. There should be fun activities that will motivate students to make a bond with other students while playing, talking, eating lunch together. It is very important to understand that a school is a place where the character and moral values of the child built, it is responsible work to provide them equal thoughts and values.


Communication is the key but in Pre-school. Sometimes it is very difficult for teachers to communicate with small children and to understand what exactly they want (Helm & Katz 2001). Communication is an important part in the development of young children. Communication does not always means to say something but also to understand the unspoken. Communication is not always verbal, it could be non-verbal and technical as well. It is necessary for the child to be interested in the conversation so that he can learn the skills and can feel confident about his learning. More than communication it is important to have a positive environment where the communication will take place. By creating a friendly and a comfortable environment students are more likely to develop themselves with skills. Communication gives children the feeling of being acknowledged. While forming the conversation it is important for the teacher to stay patient and to give students a chance to speak their heart and mind without interruptions. It is important to provide special care and communication to disabled children. A teacher should have selected questions of students choice in the very first meeting to make him comfortable and to form a bond for the complete session. For example, if a child likes car you can probably ask him the color of the car he likes, not why you do not like aircrafts. Simple questions can help to form a bond while the complex questions will only create difficulties. Allow him to respond so that he can also feel the conversation. Children can communicate and express themselves in number of ways by laughing, by taking interest in your class, by writing, by making drawings. It is very easier to teach him new skills once he started the conversation and find the bond with the respective teacher. Communication can promote education to next level which can lead to successful career.

Childhood Assessments

Assessments help in the development of young children. Schools and organizations are organizing free learning programs for economically disabled children to remove the barrier between them and their development. These programs are funded by the public or the government. These programs promote child safety and health. The No Child Left Behind law was passed in 2001 for the development of these children. It was asked to keep a record of a child’s achievement and the reason for their failure to resolve the complications and problems and analyze their strength and weakness (Katz & Chard, 1996). To analyze everything it is important to keep a record of their work and assessment, behavior, and interviewing their parents (Lewis & Sugai, 1999). There should be a responsible team of policymakers, practitioners to understand the standards of the assessment, and its data reports. The motive is to remember that all this is for the learning and development of the child so there should be someone who takes care of the student’s complaints and provide them related support. For the understanding and the learning of the student, it is vital to provide him the easy design of teaching which could be understood easily even if some curriculum and assessments have to be changed. With teachers, it is also important that teachers should be also trained so that they can create a fun learning environment and have the patience to understand and answer the student. Each child should have the opportunity to ask questions and to achieve equal goals with the resources provided by the teacher. Teachers have to be cautious to deal with pre-school children with care. New ways should be found to keep learning simple for example charts and models in classrooms (decoding) or lab can help students to learn things and keep them in mind with the help of practical education (Catts, Fey, Zhang, & Tomblin, 1999; Ehri, Nunes, Stahl, & Willows, 2001; Prefetti, 2003; Rayner, Foorman, Perfetti, Pesetsky, & Seidenburg, 2001; Whitehurst & Lonigan, 1998). Checking sample assessments and giving them reviews is the most important task for the assessment teacher, unchecked or unseen assessments could become a restriction in a child’s growth and learning.

Principle in Practice

It is said that early childhood education has an effect on a child’s future (Haskins, 1989). The outcome of early education decides the future of the child. Early studies have a lasting impact. Everyone wants to relate their studies in their profession about what they learned so I choose a similar profession to help and teach several students like me. I thought to pursue my career in childhood education because I understood the importance of early childhood education in life and career. Early education is a wide and interesting path where it seems like you are giving your contribution and doing something not just for you but for others as well. I enjoyed spending time and to teach children with my heart. Here, I was using my early childhood training for other children. For me, it is a rewarding field. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it is urged that an early childhood instructor should be strong and ready to take daily challenges. The annual salary of Pre-school teachers is around $28,990 approximately in the early years. Pre-school is not something you just go to complete the timing of your working hours, there is no promotion for years, and every instructor or teacher should be prepared for this. I started working in a pre-school with 24 hours service in addition to a hostel for students. Many of my classmates also joined the school with me. It is very important to feel positive and motivated about what you are doing. There are several vacancies you will find related to pre-school or early education like family staff service, development programs, infant specialists, admission instructors, home visitors, administrators, head staff, etc.

The best feeling was equality what I learned in my school was still there for both teachers, students, and other staff regardless of what work they do. I work as a teacher here and I can say that with the latest example, yesterday I was teaching in my class when the director called me to discuss the changes he is about to execute in my class. Opinion matters here, as you are the head of your class and students know you it means you are the one who knows what they want or what they did not want and the great thing is everyone understands this as a result of the education given to them. We share these examples with the students so that they can also feel proud, special, and equal. There is not just theoretical but practical knowledge as well in the form of videos, activities, learning programs, and discussion board. I am proud that my students are not just limited to book topics but also try to gain practical knowledge related to it, this makes the task more entertaining and challenging.

Conclusion on The Efficacy of Early Childhood Education

It has been stated that early childhood programs are very beneficial to the world. As it gives a starting step to gain knowledge, through various mediums. The moral activities teaches a child to become independent in career and life. Equal rights should be given to every student to ensure their growth.

References for The Efficacy of Early Childhood Education

Bredekamp, S., & C. Copple, eds. (1997). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs. Rev. ed. Washington, DC: NAEYC.

Catts, H. W., Fey, M. E., Zhang, X., & Tomblin, B. J. (1999). Language basis of reading 31 and reading disabilities: Evidence from a longitudinal investigation. Scientific Studies of Reading, 3(4), 331-361.

Ehri, L. C., Nunes, S., Stahl, S., & Willows, D. (2001). Systematic phonics instruction helps students learn to read: Evidence from the national reading panel’s metaanalysis. Review of Educational Research, 71, 393-447.

Haskins, R. (1989) Beyond metaphor: The efficacy of early childhood education. American Psychologist44:274–82.

Helm, J.H., & L. Katz. (2001). Young investigators: The project approach in the early years. New York: Teachers College Press.

Jensen, A.S., Broström, S. & Hansen, O.H. (2010). Critical perspectives on Danish early childhood education and care: between the technical and the political. Early Years: An International Research Journal, 30 (3), 243-254, DOI:10.1080/09575146.2010.506599

Lascarides, V.C., & Hinitz, B.F. (2000). History of early childhood education. New York: Falmer Press

Lewis, T. J., & Sugai, G. (1999). Effective behavior support: A systems approach to proactive schoolwide management. Focus on Exceptional Children, 31, 2—24.

McDaniel, G.L., M.Y. Isaac, H.M. Brooks, & A. Hatch. (2005). Confronting K–3 teaching challenges in an era of accountability. Young Children 60 (2): 20–26

Perfetti, C. A. (2003). The universal grammar of reading. Scientific Studies of Reading, 7, 3-24.

Pramling, I., Klerfelt, A., & Graneld, W. (1995). Forst var det roligt, sen blev det trakigt och sen vande man sig. Barns mote med skolans varld [It’s fun at first, then it gets boring, and then you get used to it… Children meet the world of school; in Swedish], Goteburg, Sweden: Institutionen for metodik i lararutbildningen.

Pramling, I., Klerfelt, A., & Williams Graneld, P. (1995). Fo¨rst var det roligt, sen blev det tra˚kigt och sen vande man sig. Barns mo¨te med skolans va¨rld [It’s fun at first, then it gets boring, and then you get used to it … Children meet the world of school; in Swedish]. Go¨teborg, Sweden: Institutionen fo¨r metodik i la¨rarutbildningen.

Rayner, K., Foorman, B. R., Perfetti, C. A., Pesetsky, D., & Seidenberg, M. S. (2001). How psychological science inform the teaching of reading. Psychological Science, 2, 31-74.

Whitehurst, G. J., & Lonigan, C. J. (1998). Child development and emergent literacy. Child Development, 69, 848-872.

Williams-Siegfredsen, J. (2012). Understanding the Danish forest school approach. Oxon, UK: Routledge.

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