Health and Wellbeing of Older People

Healthy ageing is a process in which health care professional are expected to support the older individual by developing development and positive surrounding environment to support the functional ability. There are the different aspect that needs to be improved in the healthy ageing process that includes helping them to meet their basic requirement, help them to make their decision, increase their mobility, develop a professional relationship and improve the contribution of the patient in society (World Health Organization, 2020). The normal functionality with the active involvement and social presence help to maintain the healthy ageing which is important to stabilize the health status. The older individuals are more susceptible for the increasing prevalence of different disorder that can increase complication this increase the need to promote the healthy ageing concept in the care process to improve the self-efficacy (Valer et al., 2015). The case study is about an old couple facing issue due to the ageing followed by deteriorated health status and Mrs F is facing a serious psychological issue which leads to an increase in the stress of Mr F. The case document that both Mr and Mrs F have been spending a good life with family time before Mrs presented some issue which leads to the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. After the diagnosis, she was shifted to the residential care facility that increased complication for Mr F and she was faced deteriorated physical as well as mental health. The essay is going to discuss the importance of promoting healthy ageing concerning the case study.

There are different health determinant that directly impacts the health status and one of the major factors is increasing age which leads to increased risk for the diseases. Health promotion plans that target the older population help to empower their ability to stabilize their health to improve the ageing. Promoting healthy ageing is requiring improving the functional capacity of the individual which is important to decrease the complication of the older patient. Functional capacity is important for the individual to improve the sustainability which helps to increase the healthy ageing of the individual. The individual facing issue due to the ageing requires extra care due to their increase susceptible and their need to help them to improve their skills to increase the self-efficiency to deal with the health issue. There are the different factor that directly impacts healthy ageing that needs to be modulated to improve the patient experience some of them is a personal factor, behavioural factor, environmental factors and socioeconomic factor. These factors directly influence the promotion of healthy ageing thus needs to be optimized to improve the accuracy of the intervention (Golinowska et al., 2016). There is the decrease in the functional capacity of the Mrs F that need to be improved to promote the healthy ageing which will help in improving the health of the Mrs F. The Alzheimer’s has increased complications for Mrs F and it has eventually decreased the functional capacity that needs to be improved to initiate the healthy ageing. There is functionality issue that needs to be addressed with Mr F also due to his arthritis that increases her reluctance behaviour toward the different care activities as he is not able to cope with the task. 

Moreover, the study presented by Cyarto et al. (2012) added that positive ageing is considered to be an important aspect in the care of the older individuals to improve the ability to deal with the health issue. Promoting health ageing also need to address the physical health of the individual and provide the right support that is required to increase the physical wellbeing of the individual. The health care professional is expected to optimize the skills and ability of the older individuals to improve their working process which helps to develop the social, physical or mental wellbeing that is the aim of promoting healthy ageing. There is a need to reframe the services and policy to promote the healthy ageing of the population which help to decrease the burden over the health care sector linked to deteriorated health of the older population. The healthy ageing promotion needs to help in resilience, increase connectedness and establish a goal for ageing that will improve the patient participation in the activities eventually improve the ageing process. The health care professionals are expected to engage in these activities to support the patient and skills which are important to initiate the steps toward the healthy ageing process of the patient in the care. The case study indicates that Mrs F is very connected to her family and wants to go home these aspects can help to frame the goal for the Mrs F so that she can actively participate in the interventions to improve her ability to control her fluctuated health status.

Another article presented by Stephens et al. (2014) discussed the healthy ageing idea follow the neo-liberal ideologies that discuses that individuals are expected to improve skills that help to manage their later life to establish the better health by adhering to advice related to the promoting healthy ageing. The promotion approach for healthy ageing helps the individual to improve their individual decision-making approach related to the health and improve the balance between the different health-related aspects. One of the approaches that are considered to be very important related to the promotion of healthy ageing includes capability approach as it is framed concerning the individual need and ability to support their health by improving the skills. The capability approach helps to identify the individual capacity to gain the clustered health-related goal which is important to promote healthy ageing. Promotion of healthy ageing needs to address the physical comfort of the patient, social integration, security, autonomy and better care experience (Illario et al., 2016). The capability approach can help Mrs F to express her wish concerning the care and skills which will improve the person-centred approach to care that aims of promoting healthy ageing in the patient. The negative impact of the Alzheimer’s has increase complication for Mrs F as she is not able to recognize her family and there is very less communication from her end which need urgent attention to develop the skills for healthy ageing.

The increasing older population is one of the major concerns for the health care sector as they are very prone to gain different health-related issue which directly deteriorates their health leading to increases risk of morbidity or mortality. The promotion of healthy ageing is important to help the older individual to understand their strength and skills that can help to decrease chances of negative health episodes which can deteriorate health status. Health care services are expected to reframe and develop the supporting approach of the individual which help independent approach for the older individual. The promotion of healthy ageing follows the family approach as it helps to indulge the family in helping the individual to understand their capacity to deal with the different health-related condition and improve the ageing without any physical, emotional or mental issue. The promotion of healthy ageing helps the patient to collaborate with the health care professional and understand different approaches that can be used to improve the lifestyle (Wu et al., 2020). In the cases study, there is a need to incorporate Mr and Mrs F daughter in the care so that they both can understand the importance of change they need to adopt to establish healthy ageing. The family involvement can help in reducing the issue faced by Mrs F in residential care and improve their understanding concerning the importance of care skills.

The chances of the multimorbidity increase in the older adult due to the risk of multiple issues which directly lead to increase issue for the patient. The promotion of healthy ageing helps the individual to improve their ability to decrease the risk for the multiple issues and improve their ability to adopt changes that are required to improve the lifestyle (Daskalopoulou et al., 2019). There are different aspects of the healthy ageing that are important to be considered while framing the promotion of healthy ageing that includes survival to a specific age, reduce cognitive or functional impairment, better social participation and improved vision of health. These aspects help to provide the holistic support to the older individual which is important for the overall wellbeing which eventually promotes healthy ageing. The process of promoting healthy ageing lead to developing the skills in the individual to improve the functional ability that leads to the overall wellbeing of the individual (Fuchs et al. 2013). The health care professional is expected to help Mr F in reducing her discomfort and help to improve her understanding regarding the health issue which is required for skills development that will eventually improve healthy ageing. The issue faced by the Mrs F increase her reluctance for the care services and this need to be reduced to improve the patient satisfaction which improves participation in the care to promote the healthy ageing for the patient.

Moreover, the article presented by Dev et al. (2020) discussed that healthy ageing is the condition to help the individual to free from any disorder or diseases that increase the risk of disability or cognitive dysfunction. The three important components that are required to frame the characteristics of the intervention include person-specific component like physiological level, psychological level and cognitive level. The second characteristics include social components that are important of individual it includes community participation, social engagement and community services. The last aspect is the spiritual need like individual belief and values that are important to promote healthy ageing. The positive approach and facilitators help the care provider to consider these aspects during the care which help to promote the healthy ageing in individual. Different activities are utilized by the health care professionals support the older individual and encourage the adoption of the skills that are important to lead to healthy ageing (Sowa et al., 2016). There are different aspect needs to be considered while helping Mrs F in promotion of healthy ageing in the lifestyle. The different needs that are important to support her include her language, connection with family, her wish to go home and her participation in the family activates. These aspects will help the health care professional to provide effective care to the Mrs F which eventually helps to promote the healthy ageing in the patient in care.

There has been a major drastic shift over the demographic proportion which increases the percentage of the older individual and this increase the responsibility of the health care sector to fulfil their need. The age trajectory has been influenced by different factors which are important to decrease the issue related to increasing age and improve self-determination ability to deal with fluctuation of health. The ageing leads to the increase complication for the individual as it directly impacts over the different body functioning unit which directly increases the deteriorated health of the individual thus there is need to improve the individual ability to deal with the issue. Different biomarkers are evident to discuss the individual has attained healthy ageing and this includes biomarkers of physiological function, endocrine function, immune function, cognitive function and physical capability. Thus there is a need to adopt the holistic approach to address all these biomarkers to attain the healthy ageing which is important to improve the lifestyle. The holistic approach will help to improve the patient care perspective which leads to better individual ability to deal with the negative health event (Lara et al., 2015). There has been a different issue that is related to the biomarkers observed in Mrs F and to promote the healthy ageing there is a need to improve these biomarkers to attain healthy ageing in the patient. Some of the issues that can be related to the biomarkers of healthy ageing include lack of cognitive functioning, poor ability to do the routine task and physical issue that require attention to promote the healthy ageing in the patient.

There has been greater attention of the policymakers toward the promotion of the healthy ageing intervention in the community as it helps to reduce the health care burden. The main aim of promoting healthy ageing is to increase the quality of life of the older individuals that will improve their social presence. The primary responsibility for encouraging the individual to adopt healthy ageing is family as they are first advocating members of the patient and they can help them to understand the importance. The second responsibility is of the health care professional as they are the major care providers thus can improve individual self-efficacy to perform their task. The healthy ageing needs to improve the individual lifestyle by decreasing dependency, perform all activities, doesn’t require assistance all the time, free from disorder. Some other aspects are improving physical activity, improving mental strength and prepare for the consequences of ageing. These aspects are needed to be uplift in the older individual to help them to decrease their issue by improving their approach to deal with a health issue (Manasatchakun et al., 2018). Mrs F is facing an issue with completing her daily activity and requires assistance in every task thus there I need to decrease the dependency over the staff to complete her work. Mr F and her daughter need to increase their participation in the care so that they can support Mrs F by improving her understanding and ability to involve in the perform activity which helps her to attain healthy ageing.

The essay can be concluded by adding that there has been increasing in the percentage of the older population lead to the increasing need for enforcing the promotion strategy for healthy ageing. Healthy ageing is considered a too important aspect to support the older individual in promoting their health and wellbeing at the holistic level. There has been an increased issue that arises due to the increasing age as the body different functioning system slower down that require support to improve body functioning and promote healthy ageing. The promotion of the healthy ageing adopts the holistic approach of the care to address the physical, emotional, mental and social need of the patient to empower them to take account for their health status. The healthy ageing helps the individual to improve their knowledge concerning the different strategies which are important to reflect the individual ability to deal with the fluctuation in the health status. There are the different aspect that is important for the promoting the healthy ageing that starts from decrease the dependency of the patient over the staff, improves their ability to complete the task and be prepared for the odds of ageing. The healthy ageing requires equal participation of the family members to emotionally support the patient to understand the importance of healthy aging and adopt different skills which are important to promote a healthy lifestyle. There are the different aspect that is needed to promote the during the healthy ageing which includes freedom from disorder, engage in different activities and improve physical activity. 

References for Promoting Healthy Ageing

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