Health Manager Development Plan

According to department of disability services, health care management plan is a comprehensive and individualised document used to summarise an individual’s effectiveness to meet health needs and highlight interventions required to maintain effective management procedures and optimal health (Department of disability services). Planning is the first step for the development of any plan to implement. Planning itself consider time, recourse and management skills. Along with planning, the health management plan also depends on individual characteristic. The person’s nature and his/her professional behaviour also help in developing a sustainable plan.

For example, if the health provider has developed the prospective strategy depending on nursing shortage situation in coming year, then the flexible strategy would be relocation of resources to other area of hospitalisation. This strategy is implemented because of his/her characteristics of caring, and adaptive thinking. Hence, this essay will enhance the professional plans which are essential for the changes needed in health development management plan. In this essay, I have identified my sound qualities of caring, dedication, diplomacy, adaptability, and management. I have reflected upon my vision, style, experience, and further identified those areas which can be enhanced into making a good health management plan which are essential for development of health modernisation programme. I have contributed my self-reflect qualities which may be helpful to acknowledge them in development of health management plans.

Calmness is the art which reflect one’s attitude toward situation and how he/she can implement the work in working place or at home (Meehan, 2015). Reflecting towards my work experience, I was calm those days which had help me to work in unforeseen situations. The calmness, quietness, peace, and stillness also helped me to find solution in tough situation. One of these times, around 10 years back, when I started working in general hospital with ministry of health. There I enjoy working as I am involved in patient care and safety improvement. There I learned how things changes rapidly without notification, as one day, nurses are experiencing higher work load due to reduced staffing, increasing demand for nurses, and increasing patient stay.

This further negatively impact health worker work time. This leads to work with increasing overtime without proper leave and relaxation. This is difficult for me to handle my nurse colleagues and junior health provider. Then I remember that calmness is the best model within the large medical centre which will help me to overcome the situation, (Lester, et, al., 2019). Then I thought that I have to deal with calmness and peacefully to find the solution. So as my colleagues and junior health providers also get time to relax and also the work not get effected. Next morning, I had a meeting with the nurse and healthcare providers, and distributed them in 10-15 teams in one department. Each team comprises of 4 nurse, 2 junior health care provider and one team leader (senior nurse).

I made the team leader, a responsible person for team in various activities such as work implementation, work division, shifting timings, alternative leave application, and regular accordance with doctor with respect to work. This pilot strategic method is review under my supervision, and I had also made a suggestive box in which any one can provide suggestion. The pilot program was reviled in next 15 days and checked for the positive feedback. I am glad to mention here that this strategy method helped me to make nurse to work effectively and efficiently without their overtime duties.

After 15-20 days, this method of work was adopted in other department too when they face the difficulty in managing workload with limited resources. It can be said that calmness is a practice principle which influence all the dimension of careful nursing practice. It deepens individual’s capacity to engage in healing the tough situation and to relate in sensitive and harmonious ways with each other (Meehan, 2015).

Dedication is another set of behaviour and attitude which is helpful for everyone to attain a professional identity in one’s carrier. I have always thought of myself as being of dedicated person in my carriers so that with times, I can attain a good professional knowledge and excellence in my profession. Berdnikova and Korchagina, 2016, opined that professional dedication is act as a subsystem of the personal professional activity. It is a stable emotionally positive attitude of the person toward his profession which has aimed at achieving significant results. Dedication is caused internally through condition an attitude while organisation is due to external factors (Sadovaya, and Korchagina, 2016). Dedication is an influential factor which helps in structuring healthcare organisation culture and self-esteem.

This I learned from my past experience when I worked in general hospital with ministry of health. In my last organisation, one thing which is under development and is not properly facilitated from a decade is proper emergency department. This is due to lack of awareness, irregular duties of caretaker in department, lack of implementation, lack of Knowledge, and ineffective emergency practices. Due to this, various issues in hospital arises, which includes lengthy patient stay, decrease survival rate, misbehaviour between nurse and patient family, increase chance of infection, and improper patient care. These problems and issues create disturbance in normal functioning of hospital, although other department are working perfectly, but the emergency department on time become the worst domain.

As a management head, I am eager to spot the issue and solve the situation so that this department also become the best. Then, I started investigating the issues and problem and make the desired notes on it. I recommend to my senior that there must be a separate team with two senior doctor along with junior doctor and nurses. The doctor’s responsibility is to give a formal training in emergency medicine and emergency first-aid. The doctor will lead the team with clear strategy aligned towards the hospital mission and vision. Day and night I made notes with respect to emergency management and emergency treatment which I shared with the team and ask them to implement the ways of action.

The training modules and proper adoption of suggestive measures helped the team to be empathetic and care the patients. Other than this, I had also request the head of the department to add suggestions on this and keep an eye on the emergency floor for the proper functioning of emergency department. With times, the department become the best place for the proper treatment of patients, which was earlier not so good. It can be ascribed from a paper by Zafiropoulos, 2017, that with dedication one can solve the situation. It help in setting the criteria with respect to relationship, standard of performance, respecting colleagues, and providing good standard of practice (Zafiropoulos, 2017).

Diplomacy is an art of restraining power, a quote by Henry a. Kissenger. Diplomacy bridges the gap between core business activities and keen to understand the political social elements in places within business operates. Holmes and Wheeler, 2019 state that there is a critical importance of face to face interactions in generating intention understanding and building trust. Many exciting studies are performed which decipher that empathy and intention understanding are necessary conditions for leaders to build trust through process of interpersonal bonding (Wheeler, 2018; Holmes, 2013; Holmes, 2018). These interpersonal relations help in making diplomatic decision in healthcare organisation.

One of those times few days back, when I had worked as a nurse counsellor. It is the only clear memory I have of this role. I think this because I still have positive concerns about the work I did to support a junior student nurse diplomatically. Through one of my colleague, I found that one nurse was struggling in the required skills and competences. She had work hard to join the organisation and have being the topper in her bachelors. But, somehow she was unable to perform well in clinical practice. Then I was keen to know more about her. I ask my colleague a favour of one consultant meeting with that nurse. My colleague fixed the meeting of mine and that nurse. I sat with that nurse in counselling room and ask her to tell me about herself more.

Through the discussion, I found that there is a gap between her academic knowledge and clinical practice, due to which she is unable to meet her performance. I not utter a word but after the meeting, I ask my one of the colleague who is supervising the nurse to invest time on her in terms of extra-activities, clinical practices, and understanding. I made assessment papers for her so that she can figure it out and bridges the gap between academic knowledge and clinical practices. I assigned a mentor for her who take care of her and provide her proper training, seminars, and clinical workshops so that she can better relate the things practically.

After some 2 months, I found that, now she had a lovely sense of humour, adept at making patients comfortable, empathetic, extremely patient caring personalities. Now, she is admired of her work in hospital. It was clearly mentioned in paper (Holmes 2013, Holmes, 2018) that interpersonal bonding and interaction helps in making diplomatic decision and also sometime make one realise of what his/her capability is all about.

According to book published by Geraedts, 2017, it state that the adaptively capacity in a healthcare organisation can be split into organisation flexibility, process flexibility, and product flexibility. Moreover, Boylan and Turner, 2017, opined that individual adaptability is a mindset and a cognitive ability. It defines as the action of individual personality, a way of thinking, how the leader confronts the challenges and view changes. These adaptability actions and beliefs made me to understand the situation from where I can learn, grow and adapt the environment for the benefit of organisation as well as my own professional carrier. Here I would like to limelight one of my experience with respect to adaptation, which I would like to share.

During my graduation, it is necessary to go for live training for 6 months, so for that I had joined one of general hospital as management trainee in health management department. In my starting time, I feel very sad about the work schedule, work profile and other work related issue. The person senior to me, everyday gave me the module for reading. The reading material consists of management overview, health management tips, and implementation of health management plan. On daily basis, I have to read and understand the things and give a test. One more responsibility I had is that I had to take a round in hospital with my senior management team and look into matter. How boring work I supposed to do here, it is causing effecting my inner work esteems.

But, when I completed about 15 days of training I found that the work culture is helping me to gain things theoretical as well as practically. As if I started adapting the hospital environment and their kind of work. As time passes on, I quickly learnt the things of health management and health plan, which further helped me to attain a professional identity. I think this is the best time I have ever had in my learning experience, as from this I learnt the thing theoretically through modules and practically by taking hospital round. I think that in my learning, I get the full support from my senior and my management team.

I felt that without their immense support, their willing to make me understandable, their hard work on me and their practical knowledge, I wouldn’t achieve the professional identity who am I now.This thing can be clearly reviewed from paper (Sulistiani, and Handoyo, 2017) that career adaptability is affected by the external factor too, such as social support of parents, and support from your senior, which impede life satisfaction, sense of power, carrier certainty, career management, and achievement.

It is Cleary stated in paper written by Sulistiani, and Handoyo, 2017, career adaptability leads to psychosocial development which shows individual resources to overcome and anticipate the task, transitions, and traumas in any of the job profile. They have conducted a study and found that the career adaptability is associated with multiple demographic factors, emotional disposition, future orientation, optimism, and self-regulation. I think these are the factors which oriented me towards the adaptation of my new role as management trainee in hospital. The researcher found that the positive emotional disposition, goal orientation of learning, goal setting, positive attitude of the future and future orientation, belief in ability, and proactive personality are the significant predictor of career adaptability during learning (Chong and Leong, 2017; Negru-subtirica and pop, 2016).

Management is a generic term which includes how to organise, manage and administer the situation in life. According to book written by Brech, it defines management as “Management is a social process which entails responsibility for the effective and economical planning and regulation of the operation of the enterprise”. Management determines the self dynamic nature of individual in professional world, how one can make decision, implement work and deliver the output. Success in any of the profession is determined by the management techniques. The paper published by Batool, Khattak, and Saleem, 2016, it was found that good management can be attained through specialised and technical knowledge, proper healthcare organisation allocating resources, inform about the team members and their expertise, team members capacity of work, good communicator, and self awareness.

I remember one of my life experience of management when I am a studying my bachelor degree. There our professor ask us to do an assignment on health management plan, where we suppose to make a theoretical plan for implementation of management plan with authenticate source and live examples. For the assignment our professor has divided a class into group, each group comprises of 5 members and has also assigned the team leader. In my group I was team member and responsible for the execution and implementation of work. Now all responsibility is on me, and we have to deliver the work in next ten days. I initiated the task with the quick introduction of team member and their expertise, and how they contribute their effort in this task.

Then, I started making notes of each member’s expertise and allocate the work according to their ability. I divide the task into small task and made the person responsible who are specialised in that, one task is to take live pictures and live interview with doctors and nurses. I assign this kind of task to two people who are good in communication and who live near to hospitals. The other two members were assigned with data gathering through books, articles, research papers, as they have done a short course on data mining. I myself make responsible for statistical calculations with respect to health management models and plans. I was also responsible for the supervision and work quality as a whole. Then before two days of submission, we all made a good report on our project and on time.

The division of the work and responsibility made each one aware of the project demand and understanding. This make me feel good and optimistic as through the proper management of work and good team support, we gained highest marks in class. From this live experience, it also proves that management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in the groups efficiently and effectively accomplish the selected aims (National council of education and research, 2015). For the development plan, one should hold the management skills to attain the desired goal. The manger should be responsible for the registered nurses, medical staff, and health development staff. He/she should also make regular supervision, performance evaluation, budgets vision, new plans for development, and also keep an eye on sustainable health development (Xu, 2017).

These professional characteristic mentioned above help health care mangers to maintain the proper health development plan in accordance with the available resources and team members. This will lead to implement the good planned decision and help the healthcare organisation to grow sustainably. Hence, a toolkit which provides the work through the outlined steps in health management plan would help the workers, caregivers and mangers to sign in their duties. They can also make the records of consultation and risk management actions undertaken by them in any situation of their work life.

Conclusion on Health Manager Development Plan

The reflective essay depicts the ways and characteristics an individual need to have to attain successful professionalism and meet the healthcare organisation successful goals. The various characteristics mentioned above are present in individuals to tackle the real life situations. For the health development plan, one should use their inner ability of caring, diplomatic, dedicated, adaptability, and management skills. All these characteristics in an individual help in building trust, self-esteem, responsibility, leadership, and affection towards work, team, and organisation.

The professional behaviour moves parallel with the person qualities, and thus both responsible to tackle any unforeseen situation and come with positive output result. Hence, concluding this with a line stating that for any task, one need to orient herself toward it, make sustainable plan for it, implement plan, look on alternate options and other implications associated with plan formed. So, a proper planning, execution and implementation would result in proper and healthy task deliverability.

Reference for Health Manager Development Plan

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Xu, J. H. (2017). Leadership theory in clinical practice. Chinese Nursing Research, 4, 155-157

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