Key Challenges in Attracting and Retaining Employees in Healthcare Sector


Employees are the foundation of the healthcare sector as it is important to certify that every subdivision is operated with inspired and skilled human resources.Highly motivated employees of the healthcare sector will always deliver quality services. As health is a right for everyone, it is vital to serve people with affordable healthcare services. However, there are many challenges associated with attracting and retaining highly skilled employees in the healthcare sector. A well-managed organisation ensures that the policies and strategies are employed in such a way that the objectives are attained (Fahim, 2018). So, it is the work of the healthcare sector to create a healthy workplace for the staff in order to intensify the quality of the health services.

In the healthcare sector, there are many departments, physicians, administration, surgeons, nurses and technicians. For the success of the organisation attracting top staffs and retaining them is a censorious factor. Lowered morale and high turnover can give major loss to the healthcare sector. Understanding the issues behind staff leaving the organisation should be the initial step in analysing the problems of attraction and retention. People mainly emphasis on job satisfaction rather than financial compensation.The people in Australia are ageing, with around one-fourth of inhabitants being 60 years or more. Furthermore, this fraction is predictable to upsurge in the forthcoming time (Mellifont, 2018). There is a need of workforce by the healthcare sector to address the demands of elderly inhabitants. This essay will address the key challenges faced by the healthcare sector in attracting and retaining the workforce.

Talent Attraction and Selection

In order to hire skilled staff, it is essential for the healthcare organisations to attract them through advertising on a number of platforms. They can utilize numerous job portals for attaining this objective. Presently, many healthcare organisations are establishing their websites for advertising about job vacancies and skills required in new staff (Maheshwari, 2018). Interested people can register on the website; this will attract more people towards the services and vacancies by the healthcare organisation. However, it’s not easy for these organisations to hire talent from job portals as they require skilled doctors, nurses and technicians. There are numerous unskilled job seekers who are not appropriate for the healthcare divisions.

For dealing with these challenges at the workplace; the organisation should adopt the human resource strategies (Fahim, 2018). This can be done by proper planning and providing work life balance to the employees. To get an superiority over contenders, healthcare industries should develop more revolutionize strategies, while dealing with recompense, reimbursements and pliable workplace atmospheres.Either applicants are fresh graduates or experienced specialists, the organisation should investigate potential of applicants before selecting them. To upsurge the figure of applicants welcoming the job proposals, healthcare industries require to make certain their service is best. Usually, this can be done by intensifying the organisation reimbursements and culture.

However, interruption in taking decisions, insufficient information about the applicants and inadequate knowledge creates challenges for the HR team of the organisations(Maheshwari, 2018). The organisations can also acquire the strategy of recruiting both regional and national applicants.Recruitment advertising platforms suggests prodigious keys for making a sturdier employer organisation. In a healthcare organisation, there is a need of hiring skilled employees rather than candidates who fake documents and no skills.

Generally, in Australia Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is utilised in recruiting candidates for the organisation (Redondo, 2018). The purpose of EVP is to promote the organisation by branding, in order to show the reimbursements of the company to the present employees and applicants. The recruitment drivers of the healthcare industry are demographic.Healthcare organisations should organise recruitment campaigns. These campaigns are a great way of branding the unique location of the organisation through posts on social media and videos.

Talent Retention and Development

Healthcare organisations should implement a talent management strategy for retention of the employees. It is beneficial to have strong communication among the internal and external staff of the organisation.The performance of staff and their provision for achieving organisational goals requires involvement to numerous degrees of the association. The levels proposed here incorporate sending, exchange, inspiration, enlistment, counsel, and employee termination. Therefore, managers should utilize a representative focused methodology in selecting and retaining the workers.

Employee fulfilment ought to be a prime concern. Subsequently, there is a need to include the staff in settling on authoritative choices and arrangements. This intensifies the connection between the representatives and the healthcare organisation which inspires every worker and grows work gratification (Maheshwari, 2017). Employee retention begins from the point when the candidates are selected. It starts with identification of cultural aspects and strategies emphasized by the organisation and then selecting the right candidate.

Promoting employees provides responsibilities and path to compensations, which makes the employees to feel that they are valued and are an important part of the organisation.To keep away from the authoritative bottlenecks related with the adjustment time frame, the administrators ought to build up a technique with clear steps for familiarizing new candidates with their new duties and to the arrangement of qualities that will be anticipated from them. Efficacious onboarding training programs can bring down tension levels and permit new candidates to feel welcomed and agreeable in their new condition. Expanding information consumption in the primary basic weeks when a recently recruited representative is finding out about corporate culture will be helpful in retention of employees in the healthcare sector (Maheshwari, 2017).

Regular feedbacks for good work through acknowledgment sessions and individual commendations gives motivation to the staff. It has an increasing impact on worker practices that progress the organisational result. The healthcare organisations can use Artificial Intelligence for analysing about the staff which will reduce the risks of high turnovers due to employee departure (McCloughen, 2018).

The organisation can conduct several training programs or sponsored courses for the nurses and technicians. This will make them feel that they are developing professionally and personally. Furthermore, mentoring from the experienced physicians can boost cooperative essence among the new candidates and the experienced professionals.Assuring that workers are given duties that are judicious with their aptitude and experience level is likewise significant for retention and advancement of abilities of an employee (Redondo, 2018). An additional duty too prematurely can suppress a representative, while insufficient obligation will leave them with the feeling that they are underestimated and have deteriorated expertly. In both thecircumstances, the ensuing demoralization could prompt weakened or lower quality outcomes and can force the organisation to hire new candidates.

Management of Performance

When the staff of any healthcare organisation gives their best for every task and are happy at there workplace, patient care is enhanced. It is important for managing performance in the healthcare sector as its is important to save and make life better for the people. Performance management is a process of aligning goals, missions and objectives of the organisation by utilising available resources. In the healthcare sector, performance can be measured by consistent inspection, surveys by the public, statistics and assessment by a third-party (Redondo, 2018).Public survey will measure the areas of patient gratification and experience.

Specifically, it gives managers and dependents an equivalent chance to communicate under organized conditions. Dealing with this procedure successfully isn't simple. It requires an elevated level of co-appointment, focused data stream, and expedient audit. Irrespective of whether workers are at a solitary spot, or spread over different areas, the utilization of technology can benefit in improving the total procedure for progressively successful data management. A performance management system includes consistency, motivation, retention, organisational impacts, training requirements and eliminating risks (Delaney, 2018).

Providing feedback to the staff about their duties can have great influence on their performance. Employees also need trust from the higher authorities of the organisation in order to perform their best (Delaney, 2018). Byimproper management system, many staff members of the healthcare organisation can feel that it’s too risky to perform good and it requires too much of hard work. As a result of this, staff members are blocked to their zones only, and they don’t learn anything.While precise assessment is frequently suggested for the healthcare staff in making “good workers better”. Assessment can spot the employees who need training in their specialisation to work in a better way. Every one who requires training cannot be among the new candidates.

It is generally expected that when a representative has finished the typical training process, the individual is prepared. In the healthcare sector, well-trained staff is very important as it is related to an individual’s life. Inadequate knowledge of their job roles can risk the patient’s life as well as the market reputation of the organisation (Delaney, 2018). For performance management of the organisation, the supervisors can make different teams of different sections of the organisation like nurses of child care department, woman healthcare department, or intensive care unit (ICU) department. This will improve collaboration among the staff members which will make the workplace environment better.

Managing Work Health Safety

In order to build long term relationship with the internal stakeholders in the healthcare sector, hospitals need to focus more on giving their internal stakeholders safety and security while they perform their duties. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and safe working environment encourages them to serve their patients properly. A clean workplace environment helps both the patients and the doctors to believe on the healthcare system.Moreover, if the doctors assured about their life, they will work efficiently and provide their services. Health and life insurance policies boost their confidence over the healthcare system that they are being looked after (Kasperson, 2019). Every physician carries out his/her duty, in return for salary.

Regular inspections guarantee that organizations are following the quantified rules that are set to supervise the security and wellbeing of the work environment. Additionally, from a corporate point of view, the wellbeing and safekeeping norms of the organization can be customised up by the presentation of it in the organisation's general rulebook for workers. This rulebook will comprise of the measures which the organization try to keep for its workplace and the staff safety.A noteworthy purpose behind possessing up comfort and safety in the workplace is that incapability to do so be disproportionatelyvery expensive.

The consequences of not up possessinggenuinesecurity and safekeeping practices can run from having cost related pay-outs, to death of staff members.Other consequences are lower efficiency levels byinjured specialists as they don't deliver a similar quality and amount as do wellbeing staffs of the healthcare organisation (Kasperson, 2019).

Significant levels of objections from the patients can lower the service qualitywhich would make them miserable. If the superiority of the organisation is not addressed, it can bring about a misfortune in the customers which can bring misfortune in the revenues of the healthcare organisation. Furthermore, greater expensescan emerge out of various sources counting: payment of protection claims for indemnities, cost of replacement for debilitated or harmed clinical staff, and reimbursements for the harmed staff.Itis a delusion that wellbeing and security in the working atmosphere just comprisesassuring that there aren't any perils inside the hospitals, however, it ought to be noticed that the staff can also be a risk.

Clinical staff members who have liquor issue or drug addict can likewise be dangerous for other staff members (Gilroy, 2017). Fierce employees can likewise be deputized a risk. For eliminating this problem at the healthcare organisations, testing of an individual about their medication and liquor testing, mental tests and so forth should be done.Because of this duty to guarantee representatives are protected grinding away, a business may initiate guidelines and strategies that would entail the deliberation from and consistence of staff members. As an outcome of this duty to ensure thatstaff members are harmless at workplace, an organisation should follow a set of rules and policies that would ensure the safety of the employees.

Strategic Reward Management

For the reward management to be powerful, the primary segments are rationality, value, culture, key arrangement and truthfulness. The administration of any organization that adjusts rewards must utilize these segmentsto guarantee boost of remuneration activities. Aside from money related and non-budgetary, prizes can likewise be substantial and elusive. Recognition can be money related in nature, including rewards and paid leaves, endowments and heath covers by the healthcare organisation. Seminars and awards can be organized by the organisation for rewarding their employees, for their best performance and achievements (Gilroy, 2017). Publicly praising of doctors and nurses boosts their morale for giving their best to the community.

These highly specific rewards must be declared for all employees, but basic remunerations for work must also be the foremost priority.Regular salaries and appraisal system help in boosting the morale of the healthcare workers. Proper and full amount being credited to the doctors’, help them in believing that their and their family is secure. To begin with, the new employees must be encouraged for participating in the daily workshops and seminars, so that they can also add some value (Gilroy, 2017). Just like the experienced healthcare personnel, the newbies must also be treated with equal respect. Building of healthy relationship between employees through interactive sessions makes the entire healthcare system more productive in the offing.

Healthy competition between the colleagues is beneficial for the community as a whole. Proper investment in continual learning helps the employees in gaining knowledge about the latest instruments and diseases in the country. Reward frameworks must be preplanned and thus must be designed to figure out how to improve overall efficiency and control work cost. In-line with this, it can be said that overall growth and development of the entire healthcare workers will prove to be good for the country in the future (Webb, 2019).

A reward framework will decrease absenteeism in the healthcare organisation. Representatives like being compensated for their best performance in their role. Also, if there is reward recognition set up, staff will be less persuaded to take sick leaves and not appearing for work. Additionally, by having this management system the workers will be more vibrant about the purposes and aims of the organisation as they will be remunerated when specific targets are attained. So, by having a recognition system as an encouragement they will be more averse to be inattentive from work.


On a concluding note, a well-managed healthcare organisation ensures that the policies and strategies are employed in such a way that the objectives are attained. While recruiting the staff for the organisation, the mangers can utilize job portals. This will attract more people towards the services and vacancies by the healthcare organisation.Regular feedbacks for respectable work through recognitionsessions and individual commendations gives motivation to the staff. Additionally, from a corporate point of view, the wellbeing and security norms of the organization can be set up by the presentation of it in the organisation's general rulebook for workers. Furthermore, strategic reward management will encourage the staff members to give their best and ensure a healthy workplace environment.


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