High Priesthood of Christ As It Is Developed in Hebrews

Table of Contents


The role of the high priest in Israel's History.

Hebrews unique portrayal of Jesus as being a priest forever (Melchizedek (Heb 5:6 NRSV))

The connotation for Jesus of being new and forever high priest



Introduction to Interceding High Priest and Sacrifice in Hebrews

According to the Bible, High Priest is considered as the chief functionality in the religion of Christian. In this context, it stands observed that priesthood is referred to as the power of god as well as the authority of minister within the church so that the business of god can be effectively conducted within the earth and among the people[1]. The aim of the paper is to investigate the high priesthood of Christ as per the development of Hebrews. The study indulges in evaluating the unique portrayal of Jesus as the forever priest according to Melchizedek (Heb 5:6 NRSV). Initially, the paper will discuss the role of the high priest within the history of Israel. Furthermore, the paper will evaluate the Melchizedek (Heb 5:6 NRSV) in order to draw out the findings in an effective manner. at the end of the paper, the conclusion will be outlined in order to outline the significant factors of the paper in a profound manner.

The Role of The High Priest in Israel's History

From the past centuries, it stands observed that the Christian Theologians have looked forward to articulate Jesus's people as well as work according to the terms of the king, priest, or the prophet. The clearest interplay of Christ is observant in Hebrews.

As provided in the Bible, the priest is one of the most required aspects within the religion which acts as the mediator. They focus on representing the divine being for their subjects. In addition, they connect people to their god[2]. They act as the ambassador and even a vehicle, who had been chosen by the Yahweh God has chosen so that they can serve people profoundly and represent the religious belief on Yahweh’s behalf (Hebrews 10:5)[3]. According to the doctrine of assets, it is being considered that all the humans that are present on earth have a profound access to God with the help of Christ.

In this context, it is noteworthy that Christ is considered as the high priest in all over the world in a true and fair manner. It also facilitated the introducing a democratic element within the functioning of the Church. Therefore, all the Christians are considered as equal (Acts 17:25-28; Verse 26). On the other hand, the belief regarding the priesthood among the overall believers does not look forward to preclude the authority, discipline, or order in the denominational or the congregation’s organisations.

The high priest, often known as Kohen Gadol within Judaism is considered as the religious functionality of the Jerusalem Temple. They hold the unique privilege to enter the inner sanctum, i.e. “holy of holies” on Yom Kippur, once within the year. It is the “day of atonement” where incense stick is burnt and the blood of the sacrificial animal is sprinkled so that their own sins as well the sin of the people of Israel are expiated[4]. On such occasion, the priest wore the linen garments. The priest holds the charge of the overall temple’s administration and finances. In the period of the second temple, the taxes were also collected by the high priest. In addition, they also focused on maintaining the order of recognised political head within the nation.

On the other hand, it was observant that the high priest could not mourn the dead. Furthermore, they also avoid any kind of defilement that has been incurred by the dead proximity[5]. They could only marry a virgin. The office was initially conferred on the Aaron, by Moses, his brother[6]. In the 2nd century BC, due to the bribery several reappointments were undertaken, however, at last, it was concluded that the high priest was appointed by the officials of government or by lot.

As per the tradition, it was observant that there werwas high priest who looked forward to serve the Solomon’s temple within the (c. 960-586 BC). In addition, it was evident that 60 high priests served in the second Temple within the (516 BC to AD 70)[7]. From that phase, there stands no Jewish high priest that served the people and undertaken national sacrifice because it was interrupted permanently due to the destruction of Second Temple.

Hebrews Unique Portrayal of Jesus as Being a Priest Forever (Melchizedek (Heb 5:6 NRSV))

Jesus can effectively serve as the high priest on the earth because he effectively addresses all the necessary requirements of becoming the high priest[8]. As it stands evident that Jesus is fully a man, he can be considered as the priest of men on earth (Hebrews 2:17). In addition, he is being placed within the position by god (Hebrews 5:5). As per the Psalm 110:4 and 110 involves that “Lord says to my Lord”, verse being quoted within the Matthew 22:44 as well as in Mark 12:35 -37. This entirely psalm represents King as the Priest. However, no point within the history of Israel, it was defined that prior to Christ, king was also considered as the high priest. The humanity effectively facilitates Christ to sympathize with the weaknesses as well as the temptations of the people. Therefore, Jesus qualifies as the ultimate high priest. In this aspect, it stands observed that the Jesus ultimate humanity, sacrifice for the sin, appointment by god, prayers represents his status to be far superior to any of the figure on earth.

God did not only appointed Christ to be the high priest; however, he was also exalted with the honour of becoming the high priest[9]. Therefore, he was also appointed for the rank of Melchizedek, which is considered as the extremely important standards as a human otherwise, Jesus would have been not be appointed for the position of being the high priest. In this context, it is noteworthy that God looked forward to prophesied the statement that "The LORD has sworn and will not change his mind: "You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek” as per the (Psalm 110:4)[10]. It was evident in the Genesis 14 that when Abraham effectively defeated the four kings and rescued the Lot, he was considered as the returning Melchizedek. The priest looked forward to bless Abraham and Abraham gave tenth of everything to the priest (Genesis 14:18-20).

In this context, it is noteworthy that the priest blesses Abraham and the response of Abraham was to give one tenth of all the possessions he has to the priest. After that the regulations of priestly were not introduced for 430 years in the phase of time when Moses used to serve. From the being there were always a priest who served as the highest on behalf of god.

Every high priest is being chosen from among the mortals who are put in charge of the things that pertains to the God on their behalf[11]. The high priest is considered in order to offer gifts or for sacrificing the sins. They also deal with the wayward and ignorant as high priest are subjected to the weakness. In addition, as it stands observed that they offer sacrifice for their sins as well as for the people. In this aspect, it is evident that it is being presumed that the honour is only taken by the God just like Aaron. As Christ did not looked forward to glorify himself of being the high priest, but he was appointed by the one saying that “You are my Son, Today I have begotten you” and it was also stated in the other place; it was stated to Christ that “You are the Christ forever, as per the order of Melchizedek”.

It was observed in the day of Jesus flesh, it was observed that Jesus offered supplications and prayers along with tears and loud cries to the one who effectively looked forward to save him from the death. In addition, he was heard due to his respectful submission. As he was the son, he looked forward to learn obedience through his sufferings. Therefore, he become the source of eternal salvation for other to effectively follow and obey him.

As per the order of Melchizedek, he was designated as the priest (Hebrew 5; NRSV). In other context, it was observed that when god looked forward to promise to Abraha, as there was no one greater by whom he will swear, he swore by himself stating that he will bless Abraham and multiply him. After that, Abraham effectively looked forward to obtain the promise. In this aspect, it is noteworthy that human beings always look forward to swear upon someone who are greater than them. In addition, the path gives the confirmation and puts the dispute to be end (Hebrew 6; NRSV)[12]. In specific, it stands observed that Hebrews had played a much effective contribution in teaching that Jesus is our great high priest. Hence, Christians always believes that Jesus is considered as the messiah spoken of as the “priest forever” as per the Melchizedek (Plasm 110:4)[13]. In this aspect, it stands evident that Jesus plays the role of the King-priest “once and for all”.

Connotation for Jesus of Being New and Forever High Priest

It is evident that high priest Jesus had offered a final sacrifice in order to atone for others sins (Heb 10-14). In this aspect, it stands noteworthy that the sacrifice of Jesus was appropriate, therefore no additional sacrifices are required forever. Such things are taken into consideration because Jesus not only sacrificed his external and physical aspects; however, he also offered himself as the greatest suitable sacrifice. As per the key text of (Hebrews 10:5-7), when Jesus came into the world, he looked forward to state that offerings as well as the sacrifices are not desired by people. People are effectively sanctified through the offerings of the Jesus Christ “once and for all” (Hebrews 10:9).

The establishment of new covenant is the biblical interpretation that was derived originally from the Book of Jeremiah phrase (Jeremiah 31:31-34) in the bible of Hebrew. It was primarily believed that the new convents were established based on the teaching of bible that includes the statement "For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth". In this aspect, it was believed that the convents came into the force after the Jesus Christ’s death. However, the statement was also reaffirmed by the “Roman Catholic New American Bible”. Therefore, Christians believes that Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant and thus the Christ’s blood was shed when he was crucified[14]. It was the required blood for the covenant.

The sacrifice of Jesus was extremely perfect as well as complete that undertook one time in order to undo appropriately and completely everything and everyone that was corrupted by sin. It is necessary for people to know otherwise they will be unproductive and ineffective in their entire life (II Peter 1:8-9).

On the contrary of Levitical system, there are two things that stands out of the Hebrews 9. Firstly, Christ did not look forward to enter the man-made sanctuary (Hebrews 9:24). On the other hand, it was observed that the there is no requirement for him to sacrifice himself again and again (Hebrews 9:25). As the priesthood of Christ’s is vastly considered as superior from the first covenant. In contrast of the two systems within the way, it stands observed that the New Covenant superiority makes Jesus as the guarantor. In this context, it is noteworthy that it only occurred once, and when it occurred it also occurred in heaven[15]. Therefore, as it only happened once, the sacrifice that was made by Jesus worked in a much effective manner (Hebrews 10:22).

High priest is considered as one of the many titles that is being applied to Jesus such as the saviour, son of man, son of god, messiah, friend of sinners and many others. Each of the name looks forward to focus on the aspect about the personality and functionality of Jesus. As it stands observed that in the books of Hebrews, Jesus is considered as the High Priest (Hebrews, 2: 17; 4: 14). This signifies that the Jesus was one of the most profound High priests who effectively looked forward to mediate towards the religious services. When Jesus is signified as the high priests, in the context of the previous priesthoods such as the Melchizedek, then Jesus is considered as the priest apart from the law stated on the Mount Sinai (Hebrews 5:6). As it was observed that the Levitical priests continuously looked forward to offer sacrifices to god[16]. However, Jesus sacrifice was so pure and deep that his sacrificed obtained everlasting reclamation for those who come to god with the help of Jesus (Hebrews 9:12).

On the other hand, one of the most significant fact for the priesthood of Jesus is that Jesus become the man who suffered death and served as the high priest through god from perpetuity (Hebrews 2:9). Therefore, Jesus is greater than any of the priest and he is considered as the “great high priest” (Hebrews 4:14)[17]. They effectively give the boldness to Jesus to come within the throne of grace so that people can obtain his mercy (Hebrews 4:16 KJV).

Conclusion on Interceding High Priest and Sacrifice in Hebrews

From the study it can be concluded that Jesus is considered as actual as well as lasting and true forgiveness of the sins because his sacrifice was much valuable than others. On the other hand, it is identified that Jesus is considered as great high priest. He is referred to as the superior than any high priesthood stated in the Old Testament because Jesus looks forward to minister within the heaven also. In Hebrew 1:3 and 10:12, it was already being stated that Jesus sat down towards the right hand of God, when he effectively looked forward to purify his sins permanently. In this context, it is noteworthy that the sacrifice of Jesus was much effective, because he did not stay dead, however, he was raised to a highly everlasting life.

Being in the right hand of God, signifies that he had victoriously conquered the death along with sin and enemies (cf. 1:13; Ps. 110:1). Therefore, there is no one than Jesus, who had gained such closer access to the God’s throne because he is the steadfast as well as the sure anchor of the soul. In addition, Jesus also holds the power of forgiving the sins and is much associated with the divinity. Hence, Jesus is the royal priest king whose priesthood reigns forever after the Melchizedek’s order.

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