Manage Customer Service

1.1. Plan to meet internal and external and external customer requirements

Five features of products and services

  • The college provides a one-year diploma in which the students have to attend 14 hours classes
  • Students do not need any certificate IV or any other things to this course
  • No online programs are offered as it is a full-time classroom course
  • No rules and regulations need to be employed or have any accessibility to a workplace
  • Five concerns raised by student’s includes:
    Staff is not supportive and they do not clear any doubts or issues most of the time.
  • The college did not have enough study materials should students face difficulties in preparing for exams.
  • Poor communication between students in staff members
  • An effective organization of payment systems and other things (Sun, 2018)
  • The concerns raised by focus groups with customers in close to an unsupported management system
  • Shortage of staff lack of availability and biases and evaluation of students' tasks


Problems with customer service

The root cause of the problem

Ineffective communication between staff and students

The administration did not provide an opportunity to implement transparent communication

Old payment systems

The staff did not implement the innovative technologies in the institution


Root cause


Ineffective functioning of the staff

Providing adequate training to improve the performance of staff and implement online systems for education

Lack of up-gradation

Use a customer satisfaction survey to assess the feedback of students. The feedback can be used to implement new approaches for further improvement

Strategy to address each issue

  • Assess the situation

The administration of shabby college must identify and understand the issues that are affecting the overall learning experience of the students

  • Improving existing courses

The case identified that there are no online programs in the college. Therefore it is necessary to introduce new courses which can provide maximum satisfaction.

 1.4 customer service plans:





Recruitment of new members

The HR will be responsible to hire new members

Improve the learning opportunities


Providing more resources

A person will be responsible to assess the availability of learning resources

Fulfil the learning needs of students

20 days

Revise the curriculum plan

Arranging the meeting to implement other imperative things in the curriculum

Enhance the overall effectiveness of the course

1 ½ month


2 months


The objective customer satisfaction plan is to provide maximum satisfaction to all students enrolled for the course without having any Complaints against our services.

Five strategies of the customer service plan include the following:

  • Hiring some surplus teachers on a contractual basis to deal with excess capacity
  • Implement the E-education and to study system to optimize education service delivery and quality of services
  • Fulfil material requirements as soon as possible.
  • Revise the studies curriculum as described by the national strategy for international education 2025.
  • Arranging effective communication programs


  • Up-gradation of curriculum and policy will take 15 days
  • The implementation of computers and projectors will take 20 days
  • The development of new classrooms programs will take 1 and a half months
  • Also, two and half months are required to provide training and recruitment opportunities

1.5. The case identified that the staff is not supportive enough to provide adequate knowledge to the students. It specified that the study material is not adequate so the students are facing difficulty in exams. Also, there is no socialization between teachers and students in the college. The old payment systems are creating various issues. The root causes of the major problems are related to poor Customer services (Boli, 2020). Furthermore, all these problems falls in the category of Customer Service Management, proactive support, quality management and communication techniques. The administration should make sure to improve these customer service areas.

Importance of effective communication:

  • It will reduce the issue of ineffective functioning
  • Clear expectations about the training courses
  • Improve the relationship between staff and students
  • Reduce conflicts

Task 2.1. To develop a budget plan, the administration must focus on identifying the overall budget and allocate adequate budget to each of the segments. It should find a balance between needs and wants students can enjoy their academics and enjoy new things and concepts. To obtain a better understanding of the expenses the likely to occur in the shabby college the administration will provide annual living expenses budget according to the national average as well as the specific regions of the country in which the students may be enrolled. The budget plan will allow the management to cut down any unnecessary cost that is affecting their overall abundance (Nissimagoudar et al., 2016). There are different timelines and the overall agreed budget which is used to improve the customer service plan. According to the customer service plan and that 3 standards above are the main most effective principles: seek customer feedback: to provide excellent and effective customer service, the staff must understand the needs pain points and experiences of the customers










Six weeks

Strengthening the customer service team:

It is necessary to design effective invaluable training sessions that can improve the overall skills and competencies.

 Implement customer relationship management platform: no systems will help you make sure that everyone is on the same page which is imperative in playing the customer service standards.

Task 2.2. Customer service policy and procedures quality assurance: To ensure quality in Service Delivery the shabby college must focus on five different things:

Correct information: the college will implement advanced software and cloud network to improve the accuracy in data feeding and service delivery systems.

Third-party involvement: the college will provide a unique ID and password to each student so that they can access the necessary information and keep their records including the study reports personal data (Anurrasyid & Sumitra, 2019). Also, the college support staff can access this cloud-only. If any trainer wants any information then they have to give special requests and login credentials to access the document.

Customer complaints

  • Identify queries and issues from students
  • Ask questions to collect more information
  • Investigate the matter without any further delay
  • Accept the mistakes and apologies for the delay
  • Identify the solutions to deal with the issues

Email to the staff

Hello team

 We are pleased to announce that our college has implemented effective Customer services to provide maximum satisfaction to the students. Also, the process policies and procedures can help to guide the company and provide additional support. Also, every student will be responsible for their behaviours and learning growth. The case revealed that the college is facing issues in improving effective customer services. The customer service plan will provide these services and guidance to the students so that they can achieve desired results. The policies and procedures have also been designed to work closely with customer service complaints. The procedure will be highly effective in providing the right guidance to the teachers. We will also be recruiting some of the new teachers as there is a shortage of skilled teachers in the college. We recognize that our students are always up for learning new skills and knowledge. I am sure that the changes in the current customer service plan will increase the customer satisfaction level of students and improve their learning experience.

 If you have any questions on matters to boarding this you can revert on this mail.

Task 2.3. Implementation of staff support strategy

The shabby college can implement effective actions to improve customer service delivery.

Train your staff to identify the needs: if the staff understands what the student wants from them they can provide effective and accurate services most effectively. The training will include the study of consumer behaviour and basics about the services so they will be able to identify what students expect from them. If teachers can recognize the latest needs then they can assist them to solve their issues and queries. They can also help the students to identify and manage different college courses offered to them.

 Keep database: a cloud system will be operated in college where teachers will receive any doubts queries and even materials required for the exam so that students would not feel a shortage of material (Wawre & Deshmukh, 2016). Furthermore, it will also assist them to set before going to class that what is to be done today. The cloud-based network database will be designed to provide the necessary information so that students can prepare for the exams more effectively.

Education training: Apart from classroom teaching the teacher will teach on the online platforms. It has been identified that the college did not have any online programs that can guide a large number of students. With the help of effective online platforms, teachers can use it to conduct classroom teachings and provide extra support to the students. Also, effective training will be given to them so that they can use the online platform without any troubles. Online teaching can be done anywhere and it can be accessed by the student at any time. It can reduce the burden of teaching and provide more support to the students.

 2.4. The administration must focus on Auditing of the courses that are provided to know its relevance in the current scenario. Also, the teacher's assessment will be done to provide updated knowledge. Also, study materials should be arranged properly so that it will fulfil all the requirements. The policies will also put major emphasis on the availability of material and the person will be responsible to check material availability at regular intervals.

3.1. The commitment to the ongoing improvement as a feature of the international customer service standard model. Furthermore, various methods can be implemented by the shabby college to improve the existing systems. Also, the major Emphasis will be on developing an effective database

Monitoring purposes:

The main purpose of this database is to monitor the issues and the need of the material during exams (Hilliger et al., 2019). With the help of effective monitoring, the college department can provide the necessary services promptly. Another effective strategy will focus on implementing a range of feedback mechanisms: In this phase, the administration will use different feedback mechanisms like questionnaires and survey to assess the level of customer satisfaction. The students can use this questionnaire to define their concerns and their level of satisfaction regarding the learning opportunities and availability of staff and teachers. Another effective strategy to amend current policies and procedures: the customer service policies and procedures will be designed to provide the right direction to the management including teachers. Furthermore, policies will be used to understand what the students want and it will also act as an effective instrument to increase the trust of the students.

3.2 Develop strategies to obtain customer feedback and monitor progress

The customer satisfaction survey will be used to assess the level of customer satisfaction and identify the issues that are affecting the overall experience of the student.


On the scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the staff of the shabby college? 


How likely are you to recommend our services to a friend or colleague? (1-10)?


Did customer support help you to find the solution you were looking for today?


To what extent do you agree with the following statement: the customer services of shabby college were simple straight forward and painless?


 How is it we make it to solve a problem?


 Do you think online classes are more effective than the full-time classroom?

The survey questionnaire will be distributed through email and social media. Both the platforms are Highly Effective in engaging a large number of people. The target market for this questionnaire includes the people who are studying in college and they want excellent learning opportunities and support from the staff.

The customer satisfaction survey has been designed to analyze the satisfaction level of the student studying in the shabby college. The particular case revealed that the students are facing various issues due to lack of opportunities for learning resources, study materials and ineffective Customer services. The information gained through the customer satisfaction survey can be analyzed and compared to form feedback. It is also valuable to allow your customers in the decision-making process and thank them for their help. Furthermore of customer satisfaction survey will also reveal data that can be used to gorgeous estimated customer satisfaction rates of competitors. In this case, the satisfaction survey will be used to improve the overall learning and delivery of the course (Omari, Alomari & Aljawarneh, 2020). The overall feedback gain from the Student will be used to implement new changes and approaches that can provide maximum learning opportunities and support 

3.3 Use strategies to monitor progress in achieving targets

The customer service report is designed to highlight the issues and strategies that will be used to improve the overall customer satisfaction rate. It has been identified from the overall analysis that the staff is not supportive as they are not able to clear doubts and issues of the student most of the time. Also, the college staff failed to provide any additional or supportive resources during exams. The student’s complaint that there is no effective communication with staff which is creating more issues. The main aim of this report is to highlight the implemented Strategies and future strategies will be implemented to improve customer satisfaction in the Institute. The effective strategies implemented by the college include the up-gradation of the current study curriculum as prescribed by the national strategy for international education 2025. The college has also decided to implement E-education into the study system to optimize education service delivery and quality of services. One of the most effective strategies implemented by the college includes the recruitment of surplus teachers on a contractual basis to deal with excess capacity. Another strategy implemented by the shabby college includes the fulfilment of material required by the students for their exams. Apart from these strategies the administration has decided to implement more effective strategies shortly. It has been identified that the teachers will use a variety of assessments to understand 


Subject: Improvement of customer service

This mail is to inform you that we have implemented various strategies to improve our customer satisfaction in our Institution. It has been identified from the overall feedback that the students are facing various issues due to lack of learning resources, unavailability of staff, ineffective communication between staff and teachers. We have decided to implement effective strategies that can improve our customer service department most effectively. I am inviting you to be a part of the meeting and offer valuable suggestions regarding the improvement of the Customer Service Department.

If you need anything else then feel free to contact me.

Thank you for your consideration

Yours sincerely

3.4 Manage records, reports, and recommendations

For the effective record management the staff with appropriate qualifications skills and experience. To ensure that they have the key people staff the RTO needs to: 

  • Identify the requirements of the staff including the number of staff skills knowledge capacity.
  • Periodic assessment of staff performance and suitable feedback through a formal performance assessment process that can identify the training needs of the staff.
  • It is necessary to compare the overall capabilities of Record management staff with the identified requirement to determine the necessity for new staff and identify any skill deficiencies.
  • Development of human resource management plan for record management staff

The record of the management function or unit should also offer record management training and development activities to the staff so that they can manage the records most effectively. it is also necessary to monitor their activities continuously so that they remain effective and relevant. 

Strategies will also focus on sound record Management which requires all the staff to comply with the RTOs record management policies and procedures. To do this the staff must be aware of the policies and procedures and understand the significance of sound record management. Also, effective communication can promote the significance of good record management to help the staff to understand their responsibility for record management and obtain a working knowledge of the Agencies record management policies and procedures. The monitoring mechanism will include the following: it will include a compliance program that monitors the RTO address to its record management policies and procedures and Standards (Farand & Tavares, 2017). Information related to the operations and performance of the different departments and the record management systems. Information related to the progress in the delivery of strategies also is recorded in the record management system.


The recommendations are as follows:

  • The establishment of Record management policies and procedures will direct the staff and improve their capacity to hold the necessary information.
  • Without suitable monitoring and reporting procedures are those that cannot be sure that their policies and procedures are being complied with their objectives.
  • It is necessary to assure the management that the RTO's record management objectives and policies are being used.
  • Another factor strategy is to provide feedback to management on how the initiatives are tracking against the budget and timelines.
  • it is also necessary to manage different resources and provide maximum satisfaction to improve the efficiency of the courses 

References for Manage Customer Service

Al-Omari, Z., Alomari, K., & Aljawarneh, N. (2020). The role of empowerment in improving internal process, customer satisfaction, learning and growth. Management Science Letters10(4), 841-848.

Anurrasyid, A., & Sumitra, I. D. (2019, November). Elementary School Learning Media Application Based on Android with Customer Satisfaction Index Method. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 662, No. 2, p. 022017). IOP Publishing.

Boli, G. (2020). Design of a RTOS teaching environment.

Farand, P., & Tavares, J. R. (2017). A concept inventory for knowledge base evaluation and continuous curriculum improvement. Education for Chemical Engineers21, 33-39.

Grossman, H. M., & Layne, C. M. (2018). Conducting a Collaborative Curriculum Improvement Project. In Session presented at AECT conference.

Hilliger, I., Miranda, C., Celis, S., & Pérez-SanAgustín, M. (2019). Evaluating Usage of an Analytics Tool to Support Continuous Curriculum Improvement. In EC-TEL (Practitioner Proceedings).

Kumar, M., & Misra, M. (2020). Evaluating the effects of CRM practices on organizational learning, its antecedents and level of customer satisfaction. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing.

Martínez-Vela, C. (2016). Benchmarking research and technology organizations (RTOs): a comparative analysis. Work Paper Series, MIT Industrial Performance Center. MIT-IPC Working, 16-005.

Nissimagoudar, P. C., Mane, V., Shamshuddin, K., Gireesha, H. M., Joshi, R., Kiran, M. R., & Desai, B. L. (2016). Integrated Course projects in Automotive Electronics and RTOS. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations30(2), 71-78.

Sun, G. (2018). Development of an Embedded RTOS Educational Platform–Hardware Design and Development. In Proc. Conf. Ind. Educ. Collaboration (pp. 1-4).

Wawre, S. V., & Deshmukh, S. N. (2016). Sentiment classification using machine learning techniques. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)5(4), 819-821.

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