Lead Effective Workplace Relationship

1 C.

Four ways through which the organization can encourage employees to participate and contribute are:

  1. Removal of barriers to participation

There are chances that the organization has unknowingly implemented strategies that might hinder the employee's participation. The organization should identify these hindrances and remove them as soon as possible so that the employees of the organization can easily participate in decision making without any fear.

  1. Encouraging the team

It has been identified that if the employees of the organization are made to feel good they try to help the organization by increasing their participation as well as contribution. If an employee is praised he will feel motivated which will directly impact his/her performance positively.

  1. Brainstorming and Questioning

If the employees are provided with an opportunity to brainstorm and question each other, it will surely impact the participation and contribution positively in the organization. With the brainstorming and questioning activity, most of the employees of the organization will be provided an opportunity to participate. And the results of the brainstorming activity will help the organization to identify new ideas. Thus the employees will be able to participate as well as contribute to the organizational activity

  1. Keep the employees of the organization updated

If the employees of the organization are not updated about the current trends and the office environment they might stop themselves from participating in any important meeting which will, in turn, affect the employee's contribution towards the organization.


The following methods can be utilized for providing quick feedback to the employees:

  1. E-mail

An individual can be provided quick feedback with the help of emails. E-mails have completely changed the way the organizations used to work two decades ago, now any official feedback, whether it be negative or positive can be provided to the employee in just a matter of seconds.

  1. Face to face feedback

This particular model of feedback is quite swift as well as effective. As when this particular method is utilized for providing feedback there are no chances of the communication gap in terms of negative feedback and the information can be transferred from one person to another in a matter of seconds.



Team morale plays a significant role in any organization, the team morale is low there are chances that the organization's performance will get affected negatively. It has been identified that team morale is directly linked to the way the individual perceives the work environment and the overall satisfaction in the workplace.  

The following sources can be utilized to enhance the team morale of an organization.

  1. Work generated as per the skills of the individual

The human resource department is liable for this particular process. The human resource department must assign work as per the skill set an individual possesses. If the HR department is creating tailor-made job vacancies for individual then they will, in turn, increase the revenue of the organization.

  1. Providing recognization

If the employees of the organization are performing well they should be rewarded this helps to enhance the workforce motivation. If an organization follows a strategy of providing rewards in terms of exceptional performance. All the employees of the organization will feel empowered and might even take an interest in the jobs assigned to them.


Every organization follows a hierarchy, to raise and resolve an issue an individual can follow this particular hierarchy

  • Manager

  • Human resource

  • Upper management


i) Keep your word

An organization needs to identify when to say yes and when to say no. if any business changes its words in later stages of the business cycle, the credibility of the business suffers greatly.

ii) Staying strong to commitments

Every time a business is conducted commitment plays a significant part of it, whether it be in the case of delivering the goods or attending a business meeting if the organization is not able to stay strong to its commitments, it is quite possible that the other party might not provide the organization the time to win the other party’s trust.

 iii) Taking up responsibility

It has been identified that there are very few individuals, who take responsibility for their mistakes. Every human in this world makes a mistake whether it be in the case of professional life or personal life, nobody is perfect. However, if an individual dares to take responsibility for the mistakes that are made by him/her. Then the individuals, as well as the organization's integrity, will strengthen

iv) Proper analysis of facts

It has been identified that most of the business disputes arise as there is no proper analysis of the facts. For example, there are chances that the supplier was not able to provide the product because of an accident. In these cases, the organization should empathize with the supplier and identify whether he is telling the truth or not.

v) The organization should respect their employees

Any organization needs to understand the importance of respecting their employees. If the organization can provide its employee the respect that they deserve, then the organization can do well in the market. as it has been identified that if the employees are treated well, they will, in turn, treat the consumers with respect. There have been instances where the employees have taken out management issues with the consumers of the organization. 


Five ways to maintain effective relationship are as follows:

  1. Effective data management

It is important for the organization to all the information that is linked to work responsibility should be identified collected from legitimate sources. The communication process that will be used to share the information should not be objectionable, that is it does not discriminate any individual working in the organization

  1. Development of trust and confidence

All the people in the organization should be treated in such a manner that they do not feel that they are a burden to the organization. The organization needs to empathize and respect all the people on the premises as well as outside the premises. It has been identified If the organization can showcase competent performance then it is quite probable the relationship between the organization and its stakeholders will enhance significantly.

  1. Building and maintaining network as well as the relationship 

It has been identified that networking is one most crucial components to build a relationship. If networking is strong it can help the organization to enhance its relationship with all its stakeholders.

  1. Problem management

According to multiple scholars, one of the biggest reasons why organizational relationships become distorted is because the people working in the organization are susceptible to conflict if the organization has an enhanced conflict management system. Then the organization will surely be able to portray effective relationships within the walls of the organization.

  1. Identify the needs and wants

The organization needs to identify the needs and wants of all the stakeholders of the organization. If the organization can identify the needs and wants of its stakeholders, the company will be able to satisfy them and in the process enhance its relationship with its stakeholders.



1.  Three ways through which the organization can gain and maintain the trust of its stakeholders are:

i)   Communication

It has been identified that communication is one of the biggest element which helps an organization to gain and maintain the trust of its stakeholders. However, it has been identified that there is a difference between communication and effective communication, and for an organization to gain and maintain the trust of its stakeholder's effective communication is required. 

ii)  Mutual respect

the whole concept of business is structured on the idealogy of giving and take. If the organization will give respect to its stakeholder then only it can expect respect from the other party. If both parties can respect each other it is quite evident that the level of trust will increase significantly. 

iii)  Explaining the reasons behind taking any decision

the businesses need to keep its stakeholders aware of any decision that has been taken by the organization the main reason behind it is, everyone’s perception is different, which can become quite problematic in the long run, if a business can make the other party understand the main motive behind its decision then they can simply strengthen the relationship as well as the bond between the two parties.


The professional code of conduct can be identified as a reliable way through which an individual can showcase competent performance. It has been identified that gaining and maintaining the trust and confidence of their colleagues, suppliers as well as customers with the help of competent performance is a very essential part of managing a team. If an individual is not able to abide by the code of conduct that is set by the organization then there are chances that the organization might lose its credibility, as its stakeholders will not be able to trust the organization or the individual.         


A visitor with little knowledge and understanding of your organization and business, who you need to show around the workplace

When the visitor will enter into the office premises they will be greeted and welcomed politely, so that they can experience a warm feeling. Always ask the visitor if they would like to have something before touring the office premises. Any individual needs to deal with the visitors quickly, however, it is also important to show your visitors some respect. Every time a visitor comes the tour of the offices should be swift and efficient because if an individual will take a lot of time catering to a single employee he/she might not be able to complete their daily tasks. 

An apprentice/school leaver joining the organization, who you need to provide an introductory talk to about your work department 

Watching the organization so close for the first time can make a new joiner nervous and confused. It is important to be patient with the individual and help him to get a grasp of the organizational culture. It is important to be kind and polite so that the individual can feel comfortable and understand his/her role in the respected organization.

An employee who has recently moved to Australia from another country, who you are giving instructions to.

Whenever an individual moves from one part of the world to another, linguistics can play a significant role in helping the employee. However, it has been identified that in organizations, individuals use their mother tongue which can become quite problematic for any employee who is not part of the same community. The people in the organization need to help the individual to fit in the organization. Until the time the new employee is completely comfortable each individual in the organization should try to help him.


It has been identified that networking is one of the most essential parts of the modern business environment. It is not only helpful in discovering new contacts within the industry but it also helps to maintain and enhance the profile of an organization. It has been identified that there are multiple methods of networking namely, face to face networking, E-mails, and Phone calls. 

  1. Face to Face Networking

This particular method is undertaken with the basic aim of building new business contacts. The world is constantly developing in terms of technology, because of which the virtual platforms are the potential place where the individuals can make new contacts. However, there is a lack of personal touch. Face to face networking helps to build that personal touch which helps to enhance relationships as well as trustworthiness. 

  1. E-mails

It has been identified that email is one of the most prominent technique which can help to connect people. According to studies almost 91 percent of the global population check their emails daily. If the emails are effective and have the touch of empathy, it helps to strengthen the relationship between two communicators, providing them a chance to amend valuable relationships among themselves. 

  1. Phone Calls

This particular method is one of the most conventional sources of networking. Even today multiple organizations use this particular method to interact with the people. It helps to lead generation and thus creating a business opportunity for a given organization. phone calls help businesses understand the needs and preferences of any given contact, the people can personalize their conversation to build a relationship with their potential or loyal contacts. 


  1. We could use hone calls to reap benefits from our relationship, and it is being done by multiple organizations. it has been observed that the people in the organization try to convince people to identify the needs and wants of a particular customer. When an individual showcases a sense of trust on any given organization they can simply pose their business idea politely so that they can convert the potential consumer to their loyal customers

  2. Emails are the most prominent examples to take advantage of the relationship. It is important to understand that the role of email can be has a superior impact on a consumer after delivering the product and services. If the organization tries to reach and ask for feedback from the consumer, the organization can provide itself with valuable data and at the same time they can pitch their other products to their existing consumers helping them to convert these one time consumers to loyal consumers


In scenarios like these, a manager or the top management needs to identify what the main problem is. All the organization tries to recruit individuals that are apt for a particular job and if the employee performance has depleted swiftly there are chances that the employee is facing some difficulty. The first step would be to resolve the conflict that took place among the employees of the organization. secondly, the management should try to resolve the issue that the employee is facing, if there are no serious issue that can be linked to the employee performance than a training session should be proposed where the individual can strength all his/her KPI's even if still the employee is not able to perform well than a coaching session should be organized. The most important part of the coaching session is that it takes place on a one to one basis so that the employee can feel comfortable and identify where he is lacking. It has been discovered that the employees who undertake to coach have improved drastically, another reason why coaching helps improve employee performance is that this particular stage is the last stage where an employee can improve after that he or she might get terminated from their job.


1. Five steps that should be taken to support the colleagues are as follows:

  1. Using the situational, behavior, impact model

The primary step in this particular model is to make the individual aware of the situation, there are chances that the colleague might not know that he/she is underperforming. The second step is to observe their reaction, it will help to identify whether the individual is underperforming knowingly or unknowingly. and finally, the colleague should be told how his underperformance is impacting the team.

  1. Empathize

There are instances where the individual is underperforming due to the issues that are faced by him/her. All the members of the team need to understand the scenario with deeper knowledge. For example, one employee might be working exceptionally well and is judging the other person on their performance. However, the one with excellent performance lives in luxury and has applied for the job just to get a corporate experience. But the other person who is underperforming has multiple responsibilities on their shoulders and has to fulfill their personal as well as professional duties. In these cases, if the team could support the underperforming individual then it might help to decrease the professional burden and thus increase his/her performance. 

  1. How can I help

These four words can make a world of difference for an underperformer, as these four words portray genuine concerns for the colleague. If these words are used at the right time there are chances that the colleague might open up and provide detailed information about why he is not able to perform as per their capabilities. 

  1. Showcase tour interest in their success

An individual can help his colleagues by providing them with the list of achievements they have fulfilled in the previous years, this will help them to relive those moments and probably motivate them. This helps an individual to identify themselves as an important asset of an organization. 

  1. Make a plan for your colleague

Throughout the world, people are not satisfied with their jobs, but the biggest problem in this competitive environment is that they cannot leave their jobs even if dissatisfied because they might have a family to feed and fear that they might not be able to get a job of their liking. A colleague needs to understand their situation and provide them with a plan which can help them to perform well in the same organization or perform well in ad different organization. the relationship between two employees plays a very crucial role in implementing the plan, if the underperforming colleague does not trust the person making the plan then there are chances that the plan will only be capture in papers and no groundwork would be conducted. 


Three extra sources that will help the colleagues that are facing work difficulty are

  1. Provide the colleague with alternatives

Every organization wants its employee to help and add value to the organization, but there are cases where the organization recruit a wrong person for the wrong job. The team members have to identify the problems that are faced by their colleagues. If the colleague is not able to enhance his/her performance even after multiple warnings and suggestions then its better to provide him with job options that might help him enhance his/her performance. No organization wants to let its talent get acquired by their rivals. So the team needs to help the individual facing difficulty remain updated about any job opening within the organization.

  1. Be blunt

Sugarcoating is not the only way to enhance the performance of any team members, there are times when you need to be blunt and make them understand how their performance is negatively affecting the whole team as well as the organization.

  1. Be patient

Providing time to an underperforming employee is another option the team members can incorporate. It has been discovered that covering up for a team member is a common practice that can be witnessed in an organization. an individual can help his/her colleague until he can cover up for them, though it might increase the workload on the individual there are chances that the employee performance will increase sooner or later. 


  1. The following processes are involved in performance appraisal

  2. Establishment of performance expectation

The organization needs to provide a detailed explanation of all the expectations that the organization has from the respected employee. Setting up specific criteria helps an organization to easily assess the performance of an individual employee.

  1. Regular feedback

Feedbacks play a very significant role in an organization, it helps the employee to understand whether or not they are on the right track. Feedback helps the employees to correct their mistakes promptly.

  1. Measurement of actual performance

The actual performance of an employee can only be judged through multiple reports, statistics, and written or oral feedback. The measurement criteria should be planned in such a manner that all the employees in the organization can identify that all the judgments are unbiased

  1. Comparison of actual performance with a set expectation 

In this particular stage, the employee's actual performance is compared with the expectations that have been set by the organization. this helps the managers to identify whether the employee is underperforming or overperforming. In these particular steps, the organizations try to implement the carrots and stick policy.

  1. Discussion of the result

In these particular steps, the performance appraisal process will be discussed with the employee so that they can analyze their work performance more critically. This particular step provides a platform for effective feedback. As the results are discussed on one to one basis.

  1. Identify the corrective measures

This particular step is only legitimate for underperforming employees. If the employees are not able to fulfill the expectation of the organization, corrective measures will be provided to them. In this stage, the primary focus is given to those areas where the individual required maximum improvements.

  1. Three benefits of performance appraisal are:

  2. Clarification of expectation

The employee needs to understand what is expected of him while he will be working in any given organization. Performance appraisal helps the individual clearly understand what the organization wants from him.

  1. Annual Planning

It helps the organization to enhance its policies and at the same time develop new goals for its employees to achieve in the coming years. 

  1. Motivation

Performance appraisal helps the organization to implement the carrots and sticks policy. That is if the employee has worked efficiently the organization might provide him with rewards such as a salary hike, whereas if the employee has underperformed than the organization will punish the employee by providing him with coaching or training. 


  1. Three steps involved in managing poor work performance are

  2. Informal conversation

Informal conversation can help employees open up to the top management and they can share the problems that are faced by them daily. Also, the key role of the manager is to identify what can be the main reason for the poor performance portrayed by the employees. Rather than assuming that the employee is at fault. Informal communication can help bridge the gap between misunderstanding and facts.

  1. Provide training

If even after multiple written warning the employee is not able to perform, then the organization must train the employees, so that he can identify all the areas that need improvement. Also, the training process can help an individual to clarify the basics that might be required to operate effectively.

  1. Coaching

If the individual is not yet able to perform than the only option that is left is coaching. Coaching is a one to one session, which helps an employee to open up and share any issue that he/she might be facing. the importance of coaching is that the individuals can identify all that is the main cause of their poor performance. Also, coaching is tailo0r made and every employee coaching process is different from one another 

  1. The most basic thing that I can do to improve my colleague's performance is that I can simply talk to him. If my relationship with my colleague is good, he/she will tell me what exactly is the reason behind her underperformance. 

If the problem is related to the job role I would try to encourage my colleague to shift from one department to another. Also, I can help my colleagues by motivating them and giving reference to their past achievements that can help them feel motivated.

If I am not able to help my colleagues, I would consult the top management, and ask for their assistance to help the employee perform well.


  1. The following guidelines should be followed when addressing conflict in the workplace

  • Communicate with the other person

  • Keenly identify the behavior and the event, not the other person's personality

  • Become a keen listener

  • Identify all the points that can be agreed upon

  • The area of conflict should be prioritized

  • Develop a plan that can help to encounter the problem at hand

  • Implementation of the plan

  • Feedback.

  1. Further assistance will be required for conflict management in the following cases:

  2. When no outcome can be derived after applying the above-given steps.

  3. When the other party is not ready to listen to any solutions provided by an individual.

  4. When both the parties ignore the disagreement


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