Life Water: Marketing Proposal

Executive Summary

The report analysis the case of Life Water that sells bottled water where a marketing proposal and PR campaign are discussed. The company has aimed to promote itself as a green company where according to the company it undertakes all such operations that are friendly towards the environment and further cause the least harm to nature. The marketing proposal creates the new logo and the new slogan for one of the companies named as the Tranquil Water. The proposal further created the social media PR campaign that would promote the company as a greener company and also manages the comments made by its manager.

Table of Contents


Marketing proposal

Problem statement

Marketing strategy

Marketing mix

Target market

Positioning and branding

Social media PR campaign




Marketing is defined as the process where it involves the management of business activities that cover the promotion along with the sales of the products and the services (Mizik & Hanssens, 2018). Marketing is therefore considered an integral part of the overall business where it ensures that the company is recognized in the market and further that the company is able to achieve the marketing objectives. In recent times, the aspect of the marketing of a company has been extended to new areas where the importance of an effective marketing proposal has gained significance. A marketing proposal is defined as the written document that is used to communicate the marketing activities of a company to various stakeholders including the management (Hollensen, 2019). The marketing proposal in this respect is an integral document of the company and helps in devising strategies and plans for the marketing department. An important part of the marketing proposal is the design of the logo and the slogan for the company. Furthermore, it also includes the creation of the PR campaign that further helps the company in communicating effectively in the marketplace and further builds a positive image in the eyes of the general public. In this respect, globalization has led to the emergence of social media as a powerful tool for the promotion of the company where the PR campaign has been focusing on the use of various channels of promotion (Olson et al., 2018).

The assignment aims to create a marketing plan and also manage the public relations of the company. In the following paragraphs, the proposal will create the new logo and the new slogan for one of the companies named as the Tranquil Water. This will be followed by the creation of the social media PR campaign that would promote the company as a greener company and also manages the comments made by its manager.

About the Company

Life Water is a company that is into the operations of selling and producing bottled water. The company is located outside 150 kilometres of Los Angeles in California and is considered to be a multi-million dollars company. The company has aimed to promote itself as a green company where according to the company it undertakes all such operations that are friendly towards the environment and further cause the least harm to nature. The company procures water and makes it suitable and is fit for human consumption. In recent times, the company has been accused of using too much water by the local community. The local community has further stated that the company has been using much of the water specifically in the drought-like situation that is being faced by California.

One of the manger workings is Life Water: Zara Leono has commented through the use of the personal page on social media that it is not just the water bottling company who consumes a lot of water; the other companies that operate in the beverage industry also make extensive use of water to create their products. The manager also added that their company just sells water and does not undertake its major use in any production activity. Along with this, the company has undertaken the launch of an elite and new product line named Tranquil Water where the bottle that would be used to pack the water, would be made up of plastic.

Marketing Proposal

Marketing proposal for a company as highlighted above provides with a detail about the way in which the company would ensure the promotion and the effective sales of the company. It is therefore important that accompany such as Life water that is facing criticism in respect to the usage of water, creates an effective marketing proposal for its new and elite product life that would be more friendly to the environment.

Problem Statement

With the rising activities of industries and rapid urbanisation, the use of plastics has increased over time. Plastic in this respect is considered to be one of the materials that are made from synthetic elements. Plastic is further used in a wide of activities that include where it is majorly used in packaging and as containers for the storage of material. The extensive use of plastics that are further considered to be harmful to the environment has led to greater concerns for nature. Plastics are considered to be non-biodegradable which implies that if it is thrown on land, it will not decompose and further make the soil very unfertile. Along with this, it is not safe for sea life including a wide range of sea creatures and plants. Therefore, there is an increase in various awareness campaigns across the world to reduce the use of plastics. This has further directed the company through the globe to shift to the use of alternatives that are more friendly for the environment.

Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy is defined as the formal plans that a company creates for the achievement of the marketing goals and objectives. The marketing strategy is therefore crucial for the company as it provide the company and its management with the direction to organise the activities so that the company is also to capture higher shares in the market through higher sales and effective promotion. The marketing strategy for the company named Life Water, specifically covering anew product life: Tranquil Water would include the following marketing objectives for the company year:

  1. To promote the product across various medias
  2. To promote the company as a greener company
  3. To emphasize on the use of bioplastics as undertaken by the company
  4. To build product awareness through slogan and logo

The marketing strategy for the company in the coming times will be to promote the company as a greener company that aims to protect the environment through its activities and offerings. Furthermore, the strategy also aims to promote the company through effective use of various social media websites and also through the use of the social media PR campaign. Along with this, the marketing strategy for the company would emphasise on the use of the bioplastics and also ensure effective awareness through good logo and slogan.

Marketing Mix

The marketing mix involves the key aspects and elements for a company that aims to achieve the marketing objectives and further align the activities of the company with the overall strategy of the company (Ismail et al., 2018). The marketing mix involves the key aspect commonly known as the 4 Ps of marketing (Datta et al., 2017). The following is the marketing mix for the company:

  1. Product- the marketing proposal covers a new and elite product line of the company that would be known in the market as the Tranquil water. The product would be bottled water where it would use bioplastic for the packaging. The bioplastics packaging that the company would use in this product is considered to be environmentally friendly where it would ensure that the material is capable of being decomposed and is safe for the soil and the sea life as well.
  2. Price- the pricing strategy is another element of the marketing mix where highlights the way in which the company would fix up the price of its products and services. The company would make use of a premium pricing strategy where it would fall into the category of an elite product line (Hinterhuber& Liozu, 2018). This way the price of this bottled water would be more than the ordinarily bottled water. This is also due to the fact that this product would be packaged in a biodegradable material that would eco friendly.
  3. Promotion- promotion is considered to be another aspect of the marketing mix where it includes all are aimed to advertise the products, services and even the brand. In this respect, Tranquil Water should be promoted through the effective use of social media where the PR campaign of the company should also employ the use of social media as a primary means of promotion. These will, therefore, cover social media marketing where social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and others would be employed (Eldredge et al., 2016). The promotion activities should further include the use of outdoor promotion in various malls and shopping centres where there is a potential for sales. In addition to this, the use of electronic media including radio and television can also be made to advertise and promote the product in the target audience.
  4. Place- this element of the marketing mix majorly covers the transportation and the physical distribution of the products so that it can reach the target customers at the right time and in the right quantity. In this respect, the company can adopt the channel of distribution involving the wholesaler and the retail. Cinema halls can be approached to sell the bottles of water where elite people come to watch movies.

Target Market

The target audience is the group of consumers on whom the company focuses all its marketing activities along with the development and the designing of the product. In this respect, the target audience for the company is the people who fall in the age group of 20 to 35 years and are further a part of the higher middle class and the upper class of the society. These people are considered to be more conscious of their health and are much more educated. This segment of the population has further shown an inclination towards the products and the services that are considered to be eco friendly. At the same time, considering the pricing strategy of the company where it aims to make use of the premium pricing would attract more customers from this group of people.

Positioning and Branding

Positioning is referred to as the distinctive place that a brand occupies in the mind of the customers. The positioning of the brand helps it in distinguishing its products from the competitors and thus securing a different image in the market. In this respect, the new product line of Life Water named Tranquil Water would be positioned as the Greener product that would make use of the bioplastics for the purpose of packaging of the bottled water (Blankson& Coffie, 2019). The company would position itself to be one of the companies that are sensitive towards the growing environmental issues and therefore delivery their bit towards sustainable practices and products. The company would also position itself as a promoter of water management where all through its promotional activities and the advertisement campaigns, it should ensure that the public perceives the product to adapt water-saving initiatives.


Branding is another important aspect of marketing management where it involves various activities that are aimed to ensure that the company and its products, as well as the services, are distinctive from the other sellers in the industry (Keller, 2017). In this respect, the logo and the slogan of a company are crucial elements of branding. The following are the logo and slogan for Tranquil Water:

Logo and slogan

The logon is a small design or symbol that is adopted by the company to identify the products and the brand as distinctly by the customers and in the market place. The logo, therefore, provides a unique image in the minds of the customer about a company or brand and helps it in gaining differentiation. The following is a logo for Life water:

logo for Life water

A slogan is a group of words or a phrase that is used by a company to highlight its main message and to further provide the public with a special way to identify the products and services offered by the company. The following is the slogan for the company covering the new product line named as Tranquil Water:

“Switch to bioplastic, save the planet”

Social Media PR Campaign

PR campaign or the public relations campaign is defined as an initiative undertaken by a company for spreading awareness about the product in the public and further informing the public about any significant news of the company. In this respect, the PR campaign aims to improve its reputation as held by a company and reach out to a larger section of the audience. The Public relations campaign of any company relies on the use of various means of promotion (Kendrick, 2017).

In this respect, the company can make use of one of the social media PR campaigns where the use of social media pages of the company specifically the ones on Facebook and Youtube will be employed. The campaign can be arranged in the form of a game where Life Water can make use of the Ads Manager and Facebook's power editor to develop the campaign. Furthermore, in this campaign, the company can also ensure the incorporation of tools of targeting where the people who fall in the age group of 20 to 35 years can be attracted to it.

Along with this, the company can also promote itself as a greener company where it has launched a new and elite product line named Tranquil Water. Through the campaign, the company can update videos that provide provides the benefits of using bioplastics and the way in which a company makes use of bioplastics for packaging of the water. In addition to this, with the aim of managing the comments as made by the manager, the company can also update video where the practices that it adopts for the purpose of water management are highlighted. Such a video will help the company in demonstrating that the practices and the activities as undertaken by the company do not lead to any kind of wastage of water.

The campaign can also include the infographics that depict the internal processes as implemented by the company in order to make people understand the way in which the company ensures water conservation. In his respect, the campaign can further include the hashtags. This will ensure conservation online and further become a strategy for public relations objectives. This way the hash tags can be contributed towards the brand message. The campaign can also ensure the development of a relationship with the influencer and the media. Through social media, the relevant information about the product would be shared with the influencers and the media.

A special social media campaign can be launched with a teaser that just comes out on the social media page of the company before the launch of the product line in the market. The use of a number of filters and photo editing options can be used for highlighting videos and images. The campaign can further be associated through hashtag programs that would, in turn, add to the success of the campaign by attracting a wide number of people and thus spreading the awareness about the benefits of bioplastics and also about the company. The campaign can be named BioWater that would help the company in spreading an idea about the campaign just from its name. Along with this, the company can also prepare an app that regulates the water intake of a person.

The social media campaign that the company would run through the social media pages can emphasis the use of this application that would further ensure brand awareness in the public. The download option for the application can be provided on the social media page of the company that would further ensure that more and more people come across the campaign and attach themselves with it. The campaign should be made active for a period of 2 months while defining the cost and the timeline. This way the social media PR campaign of Life Water will ensure that the people especially the target audience of the company is able to understand the benefits of bioplastics. Along with this, the campaign would also enable the management of comments made by the manager where the campaign will at various points of time highlight the fact that it does not make extensive use of water for any of the processing activities.


From the above discussion and explanation, it can be concluded that marketing is a process where it involves the management of business activities that cover the promotion along with the sales of the products and the services.

 It is considered an integral part of the overall business where it ensures that the company is recognised in the market and further that the company is able to achieve the marketing objectives. In recent times, the aspect of the marketing of a company has been extended to new areas where the importance of an effective marketing proposal has gained significance. A marketing proposal is defined as the written document that is used to communicate the marketing activities of a company to various stakeholders including the management. The marketing proposal in this respect is an integral document of the company and helps in devising strategies and plans for the marketing department.

The above section of the report has created the new logo and the new slogan for one of the companies named as the Tranquil Water. This has been followed by the creation of the social media PR campaign that would promote the company as a greener company and also manages the comments made by its manager. Along with this, the report has highlighted the number of key aspects that are a part of the marketing proposal of a company that includes the marketing mix, problem statement, marketing strategies, targeting and branding. The report has provided a detailed explanation of each of the aspects to ensure the effectiveness of the proposal. Through the report, the aim has been directed to ensure that the company is promoted as a greener company and further that the new product line has been effectively advertised by it.


Blankson, C., & Coffie, S. (2019). Branding and Positioning in Base of the Pyramid Markets in Africa: Innovative Approaches. Abingdon: Routledge.

Datta, H., Ailawadi, K. L., & Van Heerde, H. J. (2017). How well does consumer-based brand equity align with sales-based brand equity and marketing-mix response?. Journal of Marketing, 81(3), 1-20.

Eldredge, L. K. B., Markham, C. M., Ruiter, R. A., Fernández, M. E., Kok, G., & Parcel, G. S. (2016). Planning health promotion programs: An intervention mapping approach. United States: John Wiley & Sons.

Hinterhuber, A., & Liozu, S. M. (2018). Thoughts: Premium pricing in B2C and B2B. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 17(4), 301-305.

Hollensen, S. (2019). Marketing management: A relationship approach. United Kingdom: Pearson Education.

Ismail, M., Zainol, F. A., Daud, W. N. W., Rashid, N., & Afthanorhan, A. (2018). Application of entrepreneurial marketing to the marketing mix: Why it matters to SMEs in Malaysia?. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(12).

Keller, K. L. (2017). Managing the growth tradeoff: Challenges and opportunities in luxury branding. In Advances in luxury brand management (pp. 179-198). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Kendrick, J. (2020). How to create a strong aesthetic clinic marketing campaign. Journal of Aesthetic Nursing, 9(3), 135-137.

Life Water. (2020). Home. Retrieved 8 May 2020

Mizik, N., & Hanssens, D. M. (Eds.). (2018). Handbook of Marketing Analytics: Methods and Applications in Marketing Management, Public Policy, and Litigation Support. United States: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Olson, E. M., Slater, S. F., Hult, G. T. M., & Olson, K. M. (2018). The application of human resource management policies within the marketing organization: The impact on business and marketing strategy implementation. Industrial Marketing Management, 69, 62-73.

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