
Robert half is an international human resource firm headquartered in Menlo Park in the United States. It was founded in 1948 by Bob and Maxine half. Since then with the help of its ethical standard and innovation, it became the world's largest staffing and recruiting company across the globe. It has branches in 345 locations in the world. It company operates in three divisions which include permanent placement staffing, temporary and consulting staffing, and risk consulting and internal audit services. Max Messmer tried to negotiate the business from the founder. This transaction helped in setting a new course by purchasing Robert Half Franchises. It helped in creating a centralized corporate infrastructure. The company is even added in the S&P 500 Index.

It ranked first in the Forbes list as one of the best professional research firms in the world. The company as listed again in the Forbes magazine as America’s best employer for women. It is even horned for having best diversities in the organization. Despite so many awards and recognitions in number one magazine, the company still faces a lot of issues in motivating its employees. It is because employees find it hard to identify and recruit the best candidate for a certain position, they find it hard to ensure internal and external compensation equity and so on. All these things affect and increase pressure for the employees who are working in the organization.

It is examined that motivated employees increase the productivity of the organization rather than the ones who feel demotivated at the workplace. The company needs to make employees feel motivated throughout the day so that they accomplish all the goals of the organization. Motivation in employees is linked to many factors like compensation, support from seniors, appreciation for work, communication, negative attitude, failure in accomplishing a task and so on. I being a creative diligent recruitment manager finds that many of my team employees are demotivated. They do not have the enthusiasm which is required for fulfilling duties correctly. It is due to this reason it is utmost important to find out strategies which will help in enhancing the motivation of employees in the organization (Itri, Bruno, Lalwani, Munden & Tappouni 2019). The report also contains research evidence, stakeholder analysis, organizational evidence, recommendations and at last leadership lessons that must be incorporated in an organization to overcome the issue that has been identified in the most famous recurring and staffing company in the United States.

Research Question

After intensive research, it was found that it is very important to understand what is the best way to motivate employees and which factors increase staff motivation in the sales industry.

Employees are involved in the problem as they are the one who feels demotivated and thus decrease the overall productivity of the organization. The aim of the research question to identify ways by which the organization can overcome the issues of employee’s demotivation and convert their thoughts and feelings into motivation. It is important to compare the management technique to increase the motivation level in employees so that they can work to enhance the profitability of the organization by identifying those candidates that make up a good match to the client’s company (Armstrong, 2019). The research question is about the effectiveness of a particular way of selecting candidates for a particular position. Effectiveness means the ability of the employees to give the most desired results.

The question is about motivation process in employees. The motivation process in employees is developed due to a lack of satisfaction. It creates tension and drives employees towards the goals which if attained will reduce stress and tension. Employee motivation is most crucial for an organization as it plays a very important role in the performance of the organization. The research question is based on the cause and effect that is if the organization will create a motivating environment for its employees, the productivity of the organization will automatically increase. In this report, I am trying to investigate a particular management practice that is an employee's motivation. It affects the behaviour of the organization. I am comparing the intervention with the past process where the employees lacked motivation. I am trying to inspire the employees so that they feel motivated which is the need of the hour. Various factors will be taken into account to get the best result.

Research Evidence

The empirical pieces of evidence suggest that there are various factors which affect the motivation of the employees in sales. Each of the factors is discussed in detail. These include KPI’s, sales target, work environment, employee recognition, compensation and so on.

KPI’s is a finance indicator that helps the organization in evaluating whether the amount that they have spent on the employees is paying them off or not. There are various universal employee key performance indicators like revenue per employee, profit per employee, employee billable percentage, average task completion rate, overtime per employee, employee capacity and so on (Bressolles & Lang, 2019). All these are often used to gauge the profitability of the organization. Through analysis, it was found that KPI's of the employees in Robert Half was not up to the mark as a result many of the employees were under pressure. They were not able to cope up with the pressure to perform well and this is the main reason behind the decrease in the motivation. Deflating employees is not a solution to the problem. Robert half must motivate the employees by using constructive criticism.

Employee recognition is another area where the companies must focus because a company cannot force an employee to bust their tails daily when they start feeling as if they are taken granted for the work that they provide (Al Mamun and Hasan 2017). Very few people get regular recognition from the managers. Research states that one in every three employees receive recognition for the hard work-rest two of the employees are not recognized or awarded for the work (Phillips et al. 2017). It is no doubt a top reason for the employees to feel demotivated in the organization. It is especially true for female workers. They receive less recognition in comparison to the men and this is why they are highly demotivated in comparison to men.

Sales target is a long term motivation driver in the sales industry. Employees who can achieve their weekly or monthly sales target are found to be happy in the company than the ones who do not achieve their targets. It is important to set targets but achievable targets (David, Brennecke & Rank, 2020). The targets which cannot be achieved put a lot of pressure on the employee and they start losing grip on the work as a result they do not achieve the target and get frustrated because of the high pressure. The companies must understand and motivate the employees so that they can achieve their target on time.

Workplace culture plays a very important role in the motivational level (Al Saadi and Suleiman, 2020). If the employees like the work culture of the organization, they are found to be more productive. Besides, if the employee does not like the culture of the company in which it is working, it makes him or her miserable and demotivated (Ahmed et al. 2018). Workplace culture affects employee engagement and happiness level. It is found that employees who find it hard to align with the company's policies and work culture are found less likely to effectively.

Another factor identified for employee low motivation level is low compensation (de Coning, Rothmann and Stander 2019). Everyone needs to start their career from somewhere but getting low pay offers little reward. Seeing the current scenario getting an insufficient amount of money is like compromising with the needs of both the family and own. The sacrifice they do force them to find a job where the pay is sufficient to meet the needs. It is found that companies that provide low compensating do not have good career opportunities (de Coning, Rothmann and Stander 2019). Employees these days want both monetary and professional growth. They do not want to work for the sole benefit of the employer. A person stays in those companies more where there is 100 per cent probability to advance career and earn more. In research, it was found that less than 30 per cent of the employees think that their company provide them with ample opportunities to grow (de Coning, Rothmann and Stander 2019). The companies where the employer fails to understand the employee's needs results in low motivation. Thus the organization to motivate employees must give good compensation.

Training and Development

Training of employees regularly to keep pace with digitization and automation can be a motivating factor for the sales team. It is often observed that people lose motivation when they have to work with new technology. They find it hard to accept the change and this is why they are unable to cope up with the new challenges. They get demotivated and it directly impacts the productivity of the organization (Noe & Kodwani, 2018). The companies must train the employees so that they can overcome the challenges of new technology. Training will not only help them to enhance their professional life but will also help in the development of personal life which is equally important. HR management of the organization must provide the training based on the role of the employees

Working Hours

In a survey, it was found that 70 per cent of employees think that the working hours in a week are not enough to complete the work assigned to them. Too much of work at each week decrease their motivation level (Collewet and Sauermann 2017). It is found that when the employees work for long they become prone to high stress (Li et al. 2018). It was also identified that three out of five employees state that they are burned out in the work that they are doing (Hall 2019). These over burned employees are always wait for the opportunity in the other organization where they find a work-life balance. As soon as they get, they leave the current organization. It is necessary because stretching limit mentally and physically is not an option. It was also identified that employees who work extra hours in the organization diminish their personal life (Li et al. 2018). They do not get time for themselves which decrease their work performance and increase frustration.


There are two types of stakeholders in the organization that is external and internal (Cardwell et al. 2017). Both the stakeholders of the organization will have a certain kind of impact on the organization. Employees are the ones who work for organizations to achieve their goals. Board of directors is the ones who take the most important decisions in the company. Customers are the clients of the company who are looking for candidates for a suitable job position whereas candidates are the ones who are looking for a good job in some reputed organization. Suppliers, in this case, is an initiative taken by the organization to improve the condition of the women, veterans and disabled people.

Employees Employees are the worst suffers as they have to work extra hours for the organization. They have no work-life balance even they get less compensation for the work they do for the company. Since they are not satisfied with the culture and the working hours thus they think to leave the organization internal (Cardwell et al. 2017). Even in Robert half, the condition of employees is worse. They feel demotivated and are under stress because of the pressure of the work.

Board of Directors

The company is run on the decisions made by them so to bring a policy or procedure for improving the condition of employees, it is the sole responsibility of the directors to bring the change and increase the productivity and thereby the profitability of the organization (Garcia-Torea, Fernandez-Feijoo and de la Cuesta 2016). The board of directors find it hard to identify why the key performance indicators results are low and how to improve the employee’s motivation level so that they start performing well.

Customers and Clients

Customers are the ones who are looking for a good job whereas clients are the ones who want to hire the right candidate for the job position in their company internal (Cardwell et al. 2017). Clients of Robert half suffer because they do not get the right candidate and customers suffer because they do not get the company based on their specialization and this end up the good relation that employee set up with the client with lots of effort.


Suppliers of the Robert half are trying to improve the condition of the women and disabled. They are the most affected ones because in the race of selecting the best they are often left out and this is the reason suppliers try to improve their reputation.

Organization Evidence

There are two types of data collection method that is primary data and secondary data. Primary data is collected from the people by either conducting a survey, interview or questionnaire whereas the secondary data is collected from the scholarly journals, articles, industry reports and so on (Paradis et al. 2016). In this case, data of the organization would be collected from the secondary sources that are scholarly journals, articles, industry reports and so on (Paradis et al. 2016). The data collected would then be analyzed to understand why it is important for any organization to emphasize the motivational level of employees. It would help us to understand why there is a need to understand the factors that increase the stress-level of the employees and the reason behind them.

It also raises the need to find how the organizations should increase the satisfaction level of the employees so that they remain in the organization and help the senior management to achieve the goals assigned by the organization to them (Kampkötter 2017). From the data collected it was identified that employees of the Robert half are not satisfied with their job and are highly demotivated (Al Saadi and Suleiman 2020). Employees are one of the most important stakeholders and this is why the employees of the organization must be provided with opportunities so that they not only help in the growth but also experience their growth while working at Robert Half. If the employees will feel satisfied they would enjoy working in the organization and will start feeling motivated. The company need to understand employees are its biggest assets (Cardwell et al. 2017). If they are performing well, the organization will automatically achieve its goals.

Forcing employees to work extra hours and keeping an eye on them through the tracking system is not a good practice. The company needs to make its employee feel that they are a valuable asset and need to introduce some programs that would not only help the organization to retain the lost motivation of the employees but also help to decrease the cost invested on training and development (Baptist et al. 2019). It is the responsibility of the organization to create a healthy and trustworthy environment for people to work. They must ensure that it has a positive work culture, besides they must also recognize the achievements of their worker. It will help them in restoring their enthusiasm for the work and will put extra efforts to remain on the top.


Preface of the email

I have taken employees in this case because they are an important asset for the organization.

Here are some recommendations that the company must put to increase the motivation of the employees in Robert half.


Employees must not be given those responsibilities which increase the stress-level. It increases the frustration level of the employees which have a direct impact on the client relationship.


It is often seen that many of the employees have a creative idea but they do not share their ideas with higher management because they have a fear that their idea will get ignored. Thus, the manager of the organization must motivate the employees to share their ideas and consider them.


The company must motivate the employees to achieve more for the organization by making them learn new skills rather than forcing them to commit to complete their KRA’s (Itri, Bruno, Lalwani, Munden & Tappouni, 2019). When employees will see their growth, they will feel motivated and will remain in the organization for a longer period.

Quality of Life

It is observed that the working hours of the company is very high as they find it very hard to get the right candidate for the right position thus they have to spend extra hours in getting them as a result they are unable to meet the needs of the normal quality life and it enhances their stress level. The managers of the company must motivate the employees to have a balanced life.

Monetary Incentive

The company must give monetary benefit so that employees enthusiastically perform their responsibilities and feel excited to work for the organization even when the circumstances are not suitable. It motivates the employees to enhance productivity and reduce absenteeism.

To: Head of the department

From: Manager

Subject: Employee retention techniques

This is to inform you that Robert Half to increase the productivity of the employees is pressurizing employees to get the right candidate for the position. It is increasing their stress level and they are not able to maintain the right balance. It is observed that they are not even able to fulfil their responsibilities properly. The company to overcome this must try to motivate the staff members by asking them what motivates them and also establish trust between the staff members and make them feel proud of their work. They must come forward and try to give them the freedom to share their ideas and problems that they are facing. If required they must train employees so that they can complete their task efficiently without worrying for anything.

The atmosphere also plays an important role in motivation. Managers must create a healthy environment which fulfils the needs of the employees so that they enjoy working with the company for the long term. These small steps can help in motivating employees of the organization. Along with these steps they must also employ motivational theories in the organization. Some of these theories are Maslow's hierarchy of needs which fulfils all the needs and motivate employees to perform well and Tow factor theory of Herzberg which motivates employees by recognizing their work. These theories will improve the motivation level of the employees of Robert Half.

Thanks & Regards

Leadership Lessons

I have learnt through this report that motivation is very important for employees as it helps them to work consistently even when they face challenges. I observed that strong employee motivation helps in inspiring staff productivity and engagement. It helps the organization to achieve its goals and succeed. I learnt about various approaches in the report which can be applied in Robert half to their employees. I realized that the best way to increase motivation is by communicating with the employees asking them when they feel motivated and which task demotivate them. Also, managers must keep the conversation of motivation regular and find out what things needs to be changed to make the employees satisfied (Alasousi & Alajmi, 2017). I even realized by understanding theories of motivation that recognition of hard work makes the employee feel appreciated. The report of workplace happiness of Robert half sated that one of the key drivers of success is recognition. I learnt about the two theories which increase the motivation of the people include Maslow's hierarchy of needs and two factors theory of Herzberg.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

The organization to increase the satisfaction level of the employees must fulfil the hierarchy of needs that is the psychological, esteem, self-actualization, love and belonging and safety needs of the employees (Hopper 2019). It is often observed that the organizations who meet the needs of the employees have motivated employees.

The Two-Factor Theory of Herzberg

Employees can also be satisfied by paying attention to hygiene and reward factors. It is observed that an organization which takes care of the health and hygiene of the people have a large number of employees. Employees perform well when the leaders of the organization recognize their work and appreciate in front of all the team members (Alshmemri et al. 2017). These factors will increase the job satisfaction level.

Apart from these, I also came to know that managers must customize the feedback in such a way that employees take it positively and start improving on them rather making them feel neglected and ignored. I also learnt that it is very important to engage employees in training and development so that they can improve their skill base. Employees generally feel satisfied and motivated when they know they are professionally growing and have a good career ahead. Another way of increasing employee motivation is by increasing monetary benefits.

A person who gets a sufficient amount of salary is happy to work overtime in comparison to those who do not get. I also felt that apart from monetary gains or incentives an employee feels motivated when the manager or the higher authority treats the employee well instead of making them feel insulted in front of many employees for not fulfilling KPI’s. I also observed that that non-monetary motivators foster team spirit in the organization. Managers of the organization must the fore keep conversation with the employee and also celebrate the small wins of their employees to make them feel an important part of the organization. Sometimes monetary gains do not have much impact than the non-monetary ones.


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