Integrated Nursing Practice

Introduction to Carcinogenic Shock Care Intervention

Cardiogeneic shock is potentially complex and is hemodynamic ally diverse state in patient. The condition may result in organ hypo perfusion state and can led to multisystem organ failure (Diapen, 2017). The essay depicts the nursing care requirements and management requirements after the postoperative surgery. The essay addresses the sigh, symptoms, and other medical condition of the patient and also provide the deep knowledge on the intervention adopted for the patient care. The essay describe the possible outcome addressed for maintaining the health of Johnty Clements. Johnty Clements is 71 year old man who has been admitted to hospital for the triple vessel coronary artery bypass surgery. Post surgery, he has developed some symptoms associated with myocardial infection. The essay addresses the cardiogenic

Cardiogenic shock is the life threatening condition which result in low-cardiac output state, hypoxia, and hypo perfusion (Diapen, 2017). The onset of disease is due the dysfunction of myocardium, pericardium, and improper conduction system; impair function of myocardium, and valves. These conditions result in clinical and biochemical effects of tissue hypo perfusion. The clinical criteria of the disease include lesser systolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg. According to Kosaraju (2020), cardiac dysfunction is primarily responsible for carcinogenic shock. The dysfunction for the shock includes myocardial ischemia, acute mitral regurgitation, wall rupture of ventricular, obstruction of left ventricular outflow, aortic stenos is, pulmonary embolus, aortic dissection, and many others (Kosaraju, 2020).

The path physiology of cardiognic shock is complex, multi-potent, and complicated. The ischemia to cells of myocardium cause the derangement of left ventricular function, that further cause the hypertension characteristics. These condition further lead to the catastrophic and vicious spiral, that further cause the reduced cardiac output and low blood pressure. The lower blood pressure cause the development of coronary ischemia, that cause the reduction in contractility (Diapen, 2017). Additionally, it was found that the shock can occur through acute and sub acute derangements of the circulatory system. In this derangement, circulatory compensation and peripheral vasculature are the dominate activities that are witnessed as the cardiac symptoms..

The mechanism responsible for the occurrence of above mentioned heart state are the pathologic vasodilatation. These vasodilatations occurs from the potent inflammatory markers such as various class of interleukins (interlukin-1 and interlukin-6), tumour necrosis factor, nitric oxide, and high levels of peroxynitrite. The increased level of these inflammatory substances create pathologic vasodilatation and responsible for radiotoxic effect. Moreover, the path physiology of the cardiac shock deepens on the self-perpetuating cycle, that further cause global hypo perfusion, multi organ failure, and sudden death (Diapen, 2017).

The disease can be identified and prevented by early reperfusion in myocardial infarction patients. The higher age, hypertension, high sugar level, multivessel coronary artery, subsequent heart attack, and regular surgery are some of the risk factors associated with the disease development (Turker, 2019). The symptoms associated with the disease includes rapid breathing, pale skin, unconsciousness, weak or degraded pulse rate, continuous sweating, inferior or lesser urination, hypertension, rapid and sudden heartbeat, and shortness of breath (Semhar et al., 2017). Similar, Jonty Clements has developed myocardial infarction post surgery. After few hours is not responding properly and showing symptoms such as drowsiness, tired, unconscious with equal and reactive pupils. The patient shows the acute left and right ventricular problem with suspected ischemic aetiology shows the immediate cardiac characteristics for anatomy of the cardiac shock (Vahdatpour, 2019). The anatomy associated with the carcinogenic shock. Monitor the patients central venous pressure, pulmonary artery diastolic pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure and the cardiac output. These characteristics provide the insight knowledge on the guide therapy and cardiac status.

The severity of myocardial infarction depends on the amount of occlusion development, duration of compromised blood flow in heart, collateral circulation in occluded vessel. The mycocardial infarction can damage the heart by two ways: transmutable myocardial infarction and nontransmural myocardial infarction. The transmural myocardial infarction characterise by the thickness of the cardiac wall from endocardium towards epicardium. However, the nontransmural myocardial infarction comprises of partial thickness, tissue damage, degraded tissue in endocardium or extending toward myocardium.

Firstly, the primary and secondary care need to be adopted to treat the patient and prevent him from developing shock characteristics. The primary care require cardiac rehabilitation. The cardiac rehab is found to show the reduced symptoms and prevent the health condition of patient. According to Warriner and Matok (2019), 25% patient shows positive response and also improve the health quality. Mr. Jonty Clements has developed mycocardial infarction post surgery. After few hours of surgery, he is not responding properly and showing symptoms such as drowsiness, tiredness, unconscious with equal and reactive pupils. Thus, his condition shows the vital sign of temperature, respiratory rate, saturated oxyen level, reduced heart beat per minute hypertension condition, and mild pain assessment. Thus, this is the critical condition that has been arise therefor the critical care with proper health management tips need to follow for bringing the patient out of danger and increasing his recovery rate.

The primary care includes physical, psychological and therapeutic care which help the patient to health properly and prevent complications. Electrocardiogram should be performed within fifteen minutes and check for any ischemic changes. Regular checking of responsiveness, breathing, airway, and proper circulation need to be done. The registered nurse should look into the evidence of the patient response in different parameters such as development of hypo perfusion, hypertension, pale skin, impaired cognition, tachycardia, and other vital symptoms. Check for symptoms associated with left heart failure with hypoxia, aggressive oxygenation, stabilisation of airway, diuretic therapy, and after load (Abadeeret al., 2017). Ausculate the patient lung for decreased ventilation and check for the presence of any adventurous sounds. The checking ensures the presence of pulmonary capillary permeability and increase level of intra-alveolar edema. Primarily asses for the respiratory rate, rhythm, and depth with the regular monitoring of oxygen saturation with the help of pulse dosimeter must be done. Along with this, the arterial blood gas level should also be checked because the gaseous levels are responsible for acidosis and hypoxemia (Donovan, 2019). As the patient is in diseased condition, his gaseous rate may vary. Monitor the patient’s central venous pressure, pulmonary artery diastolic pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure and the cardiac output. These characteristics provide the insight knowledge on the guide therapy and cardiac status. Along with this, the registered nurse must maintain the hemodynamic status of the patient. Arterial lines¸ electrocardiogram status, cardiac, pulmonary status must be evaluated on regular basis and should be reported to the supervisor (Donovan, 2019). .

Treat the patient immediately with ventricular arrhymias because of the degraded cardiac output and exacerbation of myocardial ischemia. The registered nurse should continuously check for the cardiac health by monitoring with the proper devices. For the betterment of patent, should administer less than 90% of oxygen in respiratory distress and check for intravenous access. The patient can be treated with prophylactic IV beta-blocker, which can prevent the arterial fibrillation and flutterness (Patarroyo, 2020). .

The registered nurse need to have a good knowledge, experience and clinical practices in relation to the patient’s history and potential causes of carcinogenic shock. Common causes include rapid breathing, pale skin, unconsciousness, weak or degraded pulse rate, continuous sweating, inferior or lesser urination, hypertension, rapid and sudden heartbeat, and shortness of breath (Smear et al., 2017). A full assessment of the patient should be undertaken to identify any signs and other sever condition (Behnam, 2019). If reparatory rate and pulse rate continues to show inferior level or if the situation is not resolved, the body is unable to maintain its compensatory mechanisms, and signs of inadequate tissue perfusion will become evident. These may be due to the rising inflammation activates of the metabolite insider the patient body. These conditions are associated with the pumping disability, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, and massive pulmonary embolism (Hussein, 2015).

The registered nurse must investigate the decreased cardiac output as per the changes in myocardial contractility or inotropic activity. Regular monitoring of excess fluid volume must be assessed timely because of decrease in renal organ perfusion, higher level of sodium, hydrostatic pressure increase, and decrease plasma protein (Thompson, 2019).. With respect to these observations, the registered nurse must observe IV infusion because patient may witness tissue necrosis and sloughing if the vasopressin drug infiltrate in the tissue (Baran et al, 2019). The junior nurse must ensure the counter pulsation of intra-aortic balloon to maximise the effectiveness by synchronisation with the cardiac cycle (Kataja, 2017). During the treatment with intra-aortic balloon counter pulsation, the patient must perform passive motion exercise in supervision of registered nurse or the medical care provider. The exercise will prevent the breakdown of skin (Kristen & Bigham, 2014). The registered nurse must review the chest radiograph to evaluate the progressive of worsening condition of lung. Administer diuretics or other vasodilators as prescribed to reduce the circulating volume and decrease the preload effect. The registered nurse may adopt various pharmacological medicines for the treatment of patient condition. This medicine includes dobutamine, nitroglycerine, dopamine, and some vsoactive medications such as epinephrine, non-epinephrine, and vasopressin (Dittman, 2019).

Some of the key points that need to be kept in mind while dealing with the patient health are that the nurse has to manage the vitals before and after the administration of medicines and IV fluids. Properly administer fluids, medicine, and diet to patient and ensure no side effect must be accompanied (Jones et al, 2018). Regular asses that IV infusion site for bleeding or any other allergic response. The register nurse must also monitor for the urine output, urine volume, pus formation, serum release, and blood urea nitrogen. These parameters help the nurse to identify the chances of renal dysfunction. The renal dysfunction is one of the common sequels of carcinogenic shock and can lead to development of acute kidney injury (Abadeeret al., 2017).

Conclusion on Carcinogenic Shock Care Intervention

From the above discussion it can be concluded that the adoption of proper intervention procedure help Mr. Clements to recover early. The timely adoption of critical care practices and care priorities fulfil the needs of patient and help her to maintain health. Nurse with the effective clinical reasoning skills shows the positive impact on the patient health and outcomes. The diagnosis of the priority-listed disease must be done before medication. The nursing care practise require for maintaining the health of Mr. Clements must be clearly defined and discussed with the supervisor before implementing. Although with the adoption of health strategies and measure, Mr. Cement’s health shows positive response and the vital sign was under control. His pulse rate, respiratory rate, and heart rate are under the normal standard.

References for Carcinogenic Shock Care Intervention

Abadeer, A., Kurlansky, P., Chiuzan, C., Truby, L., Radhakrishnan, J., Garan, R., Topkara, V., Yuzefpolskaya, M., Colombo, P., Takea, K., Naka, Y. & Takayama, H. (2017). Importance of stratifying acute kidney injury iin cardiogenic shock resuscitated with mechanical circulatory support therapy. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 154, 856-864.

Baran, D., Grines, C., & Bailey, S. (2019). SCAI clinical expert consensus statement on the classification of cardiogenic shock. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv, 2, 1– 9.

Behnam, N. (2019). Standadised team-based care for cardinogenic shock. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 73, 1-12. DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2018.12.084

Diapen, S., Katz, J., Albert, N., Henry, T., Jacobs, A., Kapur, N., Kilic, A., Menon, V., Ohman, E., weitzer, N., Thiele, H., Wshmanx, J., & Cohen, M. (2019). Contemporary management of cardiogenic shock. AHA Scientific Journal, 136, 232-268. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000525

Donovan, K. (2019). Management of cardiogenic shock complicating T-segment elevation myocardial infarction:2. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 14, 80-85. DOI: 10.12968/bjca.2019.14.2.80

Dittman, B (2019). Percutaneous biventriculate mechanical heart support in cardiogenic shock: A nursing case report. Critical Care Nurse, 39, 15-28. DOI: 10.4037/ccn2019477

Hussain, A. (2015). Assessment of nurse’s knowledge concerning ardiogenic shock for patients in cardiac care unit at Baghdad hospital. IASJ, 2, 1-7

Jones, T., Nakamua, K., & McCabe, J. (2018). Cardiogenic shock: Evolving definitions and future directions in management. Heart Failure And Cardiomyopathies, 1, 1-5.

Kosaraju, A., Pendela, V., & Hai, O (2020). Cardiogenic shock. StatPearls Publishing, Finland.

Kataja, A. & Harjola, V. (2017). Cardiogenic shock: current epidemiology and management. Continuing Cardiology Education, 1, 121-124.

Kristen, A. & Bigham, M. (2014). Cardiogenic shock. The Open Paediatrics Journal, 7, 19-27.

Semhar, Z., Liu, S. & Winters, M. (2017). Cardiogenic shock. Cardiology shock, 36, 53-61. DOI:

Patarroyo, M., Manrique, C., & Kar, B. (2020). Methodist Debkey Cardiovasc Journal, 18,50-56 articles/PMC7137632/ 

Turker, F. (2019). Cardiogenic shock. IntechOpen, 1, 1-15. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.76688 ·

Thompson, D. (2019). Mangement of the patient with acute myocardial infarction. Clinical Myocrdial Infarction, 9, 34-38. doi: 10.7748/ns.4.9.34.s35.

Vahdatpour, C., Collins, D., & Goldberg, S. (2019). Cardiogenic shock. Journal of American Heart Association, 9, 1-10.

Annotated reference:

Abadeer, A., Kurlansky, P., Chiuzan, C., Truby, L., Radhakrishnan, J., Garan, R., Topkara, V., Yuzefpolskaya, M., Colombo, P., Takea, K., Naka, Y. & Takayama, H. (2017). Importance of stratifying acute kidney injury iin cardiogenic shock resuscitated with mechanical circulatory support therapy. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 154, 856-864.

“The author describe the various option that could be used for the treatment of the disease. He has also depicted various sign and symptoms associated with left heart failure with hypoxia, aggressive oxygenation, stabilisation of airway, diuretic therapy, and after load”

Diapen, S., Katz, J., Albert, N., Henry, T., Jacobs, A., Kapur, N., Kilic, A., Menon, V., Ohman, E., weitzer, N., Thiele, H., Wshmanx, J., & Cohen, M. (2019). Contemporary management of cardiogenic shock. AHA Scientific Journal, 136, 232-268. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000525

“ The author describe the cardia state of the person sufferin with mycocardial infarction. According to author, Cardiogeneic shock is potentially complex and is hemodynamically diverse state in patient. The condition may result in organ hypoperfusion state and can led to multisystem organ failure.”

Hussain, A. (2015). Assessment of nurse’s knowledge concerning ardiogenic shock for patients in cardiac care unit at Baghdad hospital. IASJ, 2, 1-7

Jones, T., Nakamua, K., & McCabe, J. (2018). Cardiogenic shock: Evolving definitions and future directions in management. Heart Failure And Cardiomyopathies, 1, 1-5.

“The author depicts the nursing interventions required for the patient care. He stat that vitals before and after the administration of medicines and IV fluids. Properly administer fluids, medicine, and diet to patient and ensure no side effect must be accompanied”

Kataja, A. & Harjola, V. (2017). Cardiogenic shock: current epidemiology and management. Continuing Cardiology Education, 1, 121-124.

“ In the paper author describe the importance of counter pulsation. According to him, the counter pulsation of intra-aortic balloon help in maximising the effectiveness by synchronisation with the cardiac cycle”

Kristen, A. & Bigham, M. (2014). Cardiogenic shock. The Open Paediatrics Journal, 7, 19-27.

“The author and colleague provide the information on the importance of During the treatment with intra-aortic balloon counter pulsation, the patient must perform passive motion exercise in supervision of registered nurse or the medical care provider. The exercise will prevent the breakdown of skin”

Thompson, D. (2019). Mangement of the patient with acute myocardial infarction. Clinical Myocrdial Infarction, 9, 34-38. doi: 10.7748/ns.4.9.34.s35.

“The author describe the importance of regular monitoring of excess fluid volume must be assessed timely because of decrease in renal organ perfusion, higher level of sodium, hydrostatic pressure increase, and decrease plasma protein”

Vahdatpour, C., Collins, D., & Goldberg, S. (2019). Cardiogenic shock. Journal of American Heart Association, 9, 1-10.

“The author depicts the possible symptoms associated with the cardiac disease. According to the author, the acute left and right ventricular problem with suspected ischemic etiology shows the immediate cardiac characteristics for anatomy of the cardiac shock”

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