Teaching, Learning & Leadership for Clinical Practice 

Introduction to Leadership Skills in Nursing 

In the modern healthcare world, the nursing practice is based on the evidence-based results from the medicines. The care is provided to patients with established effective healthcare systems to produce efficient and effective outcomes. Healthcare professionals play the most important role in providing quality services and integration of services with leadership in the system. Leadership in the form of a relationship between the decision-makers and individuals to provide them guidance and direct them to follow the specific strategies. The leader performs his/ her with the proper guidance by controlling the team members and achieving common set goals by the organization.

Six types of leadership are universally followed, they are laissez-faire, transformational, autocratic, relationship-oriented, transactional, and relationship-oriented. These different styles of leadership are followed because of different reasons (Curry et al., 2018). Working in healthcare organizations is based on productivity enhancement with quality in services to achieve the best possible outcomes. The quality of care is measured based on efficiency, effectiveness, reliability, patient-centered care, and equitability. The outcomes of quality healthcare are associated with infections such as urinary tract infection and pneumonia associated infection, fall rate of the patient, errors in medication, failure rescue ratio, pressure ulcer rate, restraint rate, and mortality rate.

The Transformational Leadership Style

The transformational style of leadership features on creating relationships and motivation among the staff members. In this style of leadership, the leaders are inspired to increase the productivity, communicate with other members with loyalty, job satisfaction, ability to inspire, and respect for all the members to achieve the desired results in attaining the goal (Muls et al., 2015). The work and tasks are allocated by the top management rather than mentors' guidance on how to perform the task. Mobilization of members is done to motivate and development of morale is on major focus for this type of leadership style to build rapport.

The leaders are suspected to have clear goals, self-interest, provide support and recognition, high expectations, working with the model of fairness and integrity for encouragement (Soukup et al., 2018). Transformational leadership style is followed to achieve short-term goals to nourish, create, and inspire new culture in healthcare organizations. The leaders are helped in creating the environment in which the employees feel committed to fulfilling the goals of the organization with high commitment (Curry et al., 2018).

The Autocratic Leadership Style

This style of leadership is followed in emergencies when the decisions are to be taken by a single person. The leader is held responsible to take decisions and opinions on behalf of other staff. The autocratic style has some negative uses also as it can be used as partiality and reinforcement of rules sort of punishment to others. The leader is the controller of the whole situation and shortcomings (Harris & Mayo, 2018). This is the strict form in which mistakes and faults are not tolerated by the authorities. Effective communication is used to convey messages and ideas to other persons to run day-to-day operations.

It involves teamwork and trust as well as for achieving the goals within healthcare organizations (Weech-Maldonado et al., 2018). As presented earlier, this style of leadership is followed to manage the emergencies alongside preventing chaos and time. In different articles, it is said that this is a very powerful style to enforce rules, regulations, policies, and amendments for the security of staff as well as patients. Hence, staff participation is a very low rate also all the managerial and other decisions are taken by superior authorities (Doody & Doody, 2017).

Role of The Registered Nurse in Providing Quality Care to The Patients

The nursing staff is the backbone of the healthcare system which provides their services with quality of care. They are the frontline managers that assist the surgeons in surgeries, data management, bedside patient care management, data collection, and reporting inpatient care. They are also held responsible to do assessment and monitoring of the patient to minimize the risk of potential complications. The nursing professionals also oversee and collaborate with Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), Community Needs Assessment (CNA), and patient care technicians. The nursing professionals educate the patient and family members on the post-medical care at the time of discharge.

The quality in healthcare is increasing day-by-day due to changes in regulations of local government, accreditation process, Non-Governmental organizations (NGOs), insurance companies, and accreditation processes. Although, the quality matters and changes with the change in targets of the organization concerning medical and profit concerns in the healthcare settings. The measurement of employee performance is done based on patient reviews on feedback forms and employee satisfaction surveys (Doody & Doody, 2017).

The measurement is varied from organization to organization, but, then also the accreditation bodies have set up some standards to which all the healthcare organizations have to comply. Patient care performance in the hospitalization services is done based on rate of hospitalization, LAMA rate, DAMA rate, injury inward, ulcer rate, infection rate such as ventilator-associated pneumonia, catheter-associated infection, and urinary tract infection.

However, there are other factors also that are responsible for the measurement of the patient care system based on skill-mix, patient visits in the hospital, turnover rate, smoking-related counseling, myocardial infarction and heart failure rate, and Nursing Work Index (NWI) in the healthcare organization. Patients have become more aware of medical services and ask for quality services in healthcare organizations (Wong, Cummings & Ducharme, 2017). They ask for decision-making, continuity of care, hospitable environment, effective communication with staff, empathy and sympathy by staff members, health care advice, self-managed care, effective investigations, treatment, and medications inpatient care (Curry et al., 2018).

Example of Nursing Care with The Best Quality Service

In my internship days, I was practicing at Stanford healthcare organization to provide the care to a patient with the best quality. I performed the duty with full commitment, honesty, and accuracy for the betterment of patient's health. I took into account the ethics of nursing practice to ensure a high level of transparency, privacy, and confidentiality of medical records to make informed decisions in healthcare. There was a friendly environment in the healthcare setting to face the difficulties and recovering from illness.

Role-Modelling of A Nurse as An Educator During the Shift in The Award

Education and training are all time the vital player to achieve organizational as well as individual objectives. Now, training is said to be the major contributor to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of staff. It is an essential part of developing and promoting the staff to get success over the plans (Wong, Cummings & Ducharme, 2017). These activities are done in the organization to achieve productivity and employee retention through career development and job satisfaction. It means that vocational training is an essential part along with theoretical knowledge to lead innovative ideas and technical assistance for ensuring quality (Durphy, 2018).

The training programs are designed in such a way that more and more participants get involved to achieve desired results. Role-modeling takes into account the use of measures to educate the patient and help in achieving productive results. This requires competent skills usage and empowerment for the best understanding of the patient's condition to achieve goals in terms of quality care (Doody & Doody, 2017).

The teaching lessons are mostly provided by role-modeling because this is how the learner understands the mechanism in a good way (Durphy, 2018). By following this, more and more patients get involved and lead to an improvement in quality care. This results in the achievement and improvement of high-quality standards with the updation of skills and knowledge (Pelzang, 2016). Hence, it serves in the improvement of professional skills enhancement and development of occupational knowledge to improve the best practices to fulfill responsibilities and various tasks.

This leads to the effective participation of members and getting guided by instructors by direct involvement. This technique is used in medical education to create awareness and educate more on emerging topics (Enterkin, Robb, & Mclaren, 2015). Although, this empowers improvement in the education system, individual learning, and organizational development. The patients in this matter are involved in self-learning to design and implement practical learning under strict clinical supervision. The design and implementation are followed by problem-solving and motivation to empower the individuals within the system. Hence, empowerment is considered as a service training model for nursing professionals and patients. This owes implementation and empowerment of education facilities that enhance professional as well as competency skills (Durphy, 2018).

Standards of Practice in Nursing Care

Standards are the broad and legal concepts that every profession strictly follows. These are set to ensure that the professionals are performing the duties within the compliance in the system. Similar is the concept of nursing, the Registered Nurse is given the professional standards that they have to follow while practicing their fieldwork. The government has set up this system so that nursing professionals perform their tasks with the best abilities, knowledge, safety, skills, and welfare in the system. The standards are followed to provide standardized care to the hospitalized patient in the respective wards of the hospital. The standards observe the major points such as length of stay, transparency in the system, accountability in care, effective communication, and responsibility of members (Enterkin, Robb, & Mclaren, 2015).

NSQHS (National Safety and Quality in Healthcare) Standards

National Safety and Quality standards in healthcare are set up by the Australian government to ensure the delivery of care with the best possible outputs (Ndoro, 2015). The team of all the related medical agencies like charitable institutions, mission hospitals, voluntary organizations, non-governmental organizations, private hospitals, and government-run institutions is enrolled under the standards to deliver the best possible care. NSQHS provides the benchmarks to health systems so that the organizations provide standardized care in the delivery of services (Boamah, 2018).

The NSQHS standards are there to make the improvements in the system by the following: clinical governance, partnering with customers, prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections, medication safety, comprehensive care, communication for safety, blood management, and recognition and response to acute deterioration. The clinical governance, partnering with customers, and communication for patient safety are the patient-centric standards that have to be very carefully conveyed to the patient to get effective results in inpatient care (Curtis, Vries, & Sheerin, 2016).

Standard 1: Clinical governance

This describes the quality and safety of the system through clinical governance to maintain reliability, safety, and quality in healthcare organizations so that they can lead to improvements in health outcomes (Aspinal, Addington, Hughes & Higgison, 2018).

Standard 2: Partnering with customers

It involves strategies and systems to create a patient-centric environment in which the patients are made responsible to take decisions for their care. This enhances the development and design of healthcare delivery from a consumer perspective (Curtis, Vries, & Sheerin, 2016).

Standard 6: Communication for safety

It describes the use of effective communication between patients, carers, and professionals with multi-disciplinary care approach (Lynn, McMillen & Sidani, 2017.

Literature Review of Leadership Skills in Nursing 

Rosenthal and Shannon in the year 2017 stated that patient care should be directed towards achieving the best possible medical care and the high results are to be achieved. The importance of patient care is emphasized to know the services delivered in hospitals. This way, patient care is marked and focused to achieve quality care with improvements in the system. Though, patient care is important for the measurement of care provided with patient satisfaction and standards set. This results in a more critical phase when the quality of services meets needs and expectations in nursing care (Curry et al., 2018).

Conclusion on Leadership Skills in Nursing 

Hence, from the above discussion, it is noted that leadership styles have their importance in achieving quality care by meeting the standards. This impacts the whole healthcare delivery system and closes the gaps within the operations in hospitals. The leadership styles are used to address the challenges by ensuring technical and professional expertise in balancing the priorities and skills in service provision. The outcomes of the health system are reviewed periodically to provide suggestions in practicing the profession. From the above statements, it is known that nursing care is provided through multi-faceted, dynamic, and collaborative platforms. This way, the researchers have also included the use of a multidisciplinary approach in healthcare settings. It gathers the involvement of clinical as well as non-clinical professionals in fulfilling patient needs and demands in a healthcare institution.

References for Leadership Skills in Nursing 

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Boamah, S. A., Laschinger, H. K. S., Wong, C., & Clarke, S. (2018). Effect of transformational leadership on job satisfaction and patient safety outcomes. Nursing Outlook, 66(2), 180-189.

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