Leadership in Nursing

Table of Contents


Identification of 2 leadership styles

RN’s responsibilities and methods 

Role model or teaching 

RN standards of Practice

NSQHS standards 1,2 and 6




Leadership skills are essential to influence the groups to fulfill the specified visions and targets. The drastic change of the health care systems, the job role of a registered nurse has become very challenging. The leadership style of an RN nurse is to inspire the subordinates for high-quality patient services. The RN nurse represents various competencies which include analytical thoughts, professional knowledge, experiment with the work culture, social awareness, and vision. The purpose of this study is as a registered nurse on how one can train the subordinates with the leadership style and also listen to their opinions about the nursing leadership ("Nursing Management through the years", 2014).

Identification of 2 Leadership Styles

Health care leadership is a significant topic that protects human health. Nursing Leadership is a profession that is responsible to give unique training and skills to the subordinates. As a registered nurse, she should be aware of her leadership style, system, and services.

  • She can choose the Transformational leadership style because this impacts on patient health care, quality services, and a good culture of health. It will help her to become a positive role model as well as she can interact with her audiences to encourage them about patient health care. It will empower and motivate her subordinates about individual visions and targets. A successful Transformational nurse follows four rules that are encouragement, individual focus, psychological thinking, and personality. At the time of tough situations and crises, she should always inspire her followers with motivational speeches. Personality depends on communication ability and vision. Besides, she should advise her subordinates about innovative thinking and how to do the best performance. The literature review of the transformational leadership depends on the outcomes or performance of the organization (Saccomano, & PINTO‐ZIPP 2011). A registered nurse can influence the subordinates to achieve the targets.There are some benefits to follow this leadership style like:-

1. This improves the performance of the organization.

2. It helps to keep all the commitments and helps the nurses to work for a long time with the organization.

3. The registered nurse can influence her subordinates for the new opportunities that they have not seen before.

4. All the subordinates can be motivated and they can understand what needs to be done to give high-quality services.

5. The registered nurse can influence their subordinates beyond the level of their expectations (Boyd & Poghosyan, 2017).

  • Secondly, she can choose the leadership style of Lasseiz-Faire as an RN nurse. It will allow her subordinates to generate strategies, suggestions, feedback as well as their opinions at the time of engaging the training sessions. This leadership style acknowledges complete independence and chooses a realistic approach.Any registered nurse cannot make any essential decisions and take required actions without monitoring and supervision. The positive features of this leadership are commitment and execution of priorities, strategies, goals, and mobilization of the innovative ideas of individuals. The subordinates can motivate themselves as well as they can find the appropriate solutions at the crisis time independently. They can also create a group among themselves, share their views, take decisions, and make suitable solutions. As they have the responsibility to take care of the patients’ health that’s why she should lead them by following these leadership strategies so that they can take quick suitable decisions when she will not be present at that time (Fischer, 2017).

This section alone is of 20 marks. Need to add more words here. Reduce from discussion in the NSQHS section.

RN’s Responsibilities and Methods

The roles of a registered RN nurse vary according to the field visiting. The nursing job has always good development opportunities and some responsibilities. The registered nurse provides a variety of services which include good working culture, safety, diagnosis and monitoring of the patients’ conditions, giving safety to the patients, consulting with the doctors, and fulfilling all the responsibilities. The registered nurses give high-quality services to their patients in a twenty-four hours shift. They generally are working with patients who have critical diseases and required treatment or surgery. They always encourage those patients for their wellness and communicate with them with a very soft tone. As we know all the patients are facing difficulties for their diseases, they need support and care from the doctors and the nurses. The registered nurses have all the knowledge about patient care and safety. The nurses work in a hospital to provide 24-hour care for the patients (Pennbrant et al., 2013).

The responsibility of an RN nurse is to encourage the patients and their family members about their health improvement and provide a wide variety of health services. Primarily, she should educate her subordinates on how to find solutions for the recovery of diseases. Besides, she should manage the medical databases, implement health care programs. The major responsibilities that she should follow as a registered nurse and also suggest her subordinates are the following ("Celebrate nursing", 2013):-

1. Analyzing and documenting the actions of our patients.

2. The nurses should consult with the physicians and other professionals about their patients’ health recovery and implement customized treatment planning.

3. They should diagnose all the symptoms of their patients and take suitable actions for their improvement.

4. The nurses must maintain all the case history of their patients and the records. They will also monitor the condition of the patients daily.

5. Sometimes changes of treatment are required based on the response of patients.

6. The working environment should be very hygienic and secure.

7. Instant treatment is required at the emergency time such as heart attacks, accidents.

8. The treatment procedure should be discussed with doctors or physicians for critical diseases.

9. They should maintain all the health prevention guidelines and help the doctors at the surgery times.

10. They should also describe and educate the family members of patients about the details of the disease and treatment process.

11. They should encourage and motivate their patients about their recovery or get well.

12. They should watch every physical activity of their patients and make sure they are maintaining proper diets.

13. The room where the patients will stay should be well-prepared and all the instruments, materials should be cleaned properly.

14. Gathering technical and professional knowledge, participating in the workshops are very important.

15. They should resolve the difficulties that their patients are facing and fulfill their demands.

16. These all are the major responsibilities that a registered nurse can advise to her juniors so that they can enhance knowledge from her (Nagle et al., 2019).

Role Model or Teaching

We always consider a positive role model to be a person who encourages us all the time and expects the best outcomes from our side. We consider the teachers, the parents, friends, siblings as the role model who always influences us at any critical circumstances (Boyd, & Poghosyan 2017).

The team leader is a positive role model to provide teaching to their juniors during the shift. If someone has a passion for his/her job role, he/she can lead an entire team perfectly.

The team leader should follow these necessary steps:-


This is a very essential characteristic of a team leader. The integrity includes admitting the mistakes, being genuine in front of others, and rewarding their juniors in front of the audiences. The team leader should keep his/her all promises and commitments. If any person makes mistakes, he should correct them. He should not insult someone in front of the public. Besides, building trust and making strong bonding with the team members are also necessary to lead a team effectively (Fonseca, 2012).

Focus to build a strong relationship:-

This is a crucial characteristic of a team leader. Focus on the relationships includes listening to other opinions, building trust, and clearing all the expectations in front of other people. This creates positivity among the other people and they also get confidence to make better changes regarding their job role. Any person can learn from their mistakes and overcome all the uncertain obstacles. Always being rude to others is not a proper solution to lead an efficient team (Soffer, 2014).

RN Standards of Practice

The principles of the Registered Nursing (RN) follow some essential guidelines focusing on the performance during the nursing period. All rules and regulations provide the competent treatment procedure of a registered nurse. The main focus of the registered skilled nurse is to guide their subordinates and teach them what to do or not to do in critical or uncertain circumstances. High-quality health care should be the first preference of all the nurses. The three major practices are:-

Professional quality of treatment describes the skills for diagnosis, assessment, and intervention (Casey & Clark, 2010).

Professional progress criteria define the responsibilities of patients treatments, consulting, and assurance of the quality services.

The guidelines for medical treatments are the recommendations of the patients’ care.

The clinical practices of nursing and specialists are involved in public health care.

The NMBA nursing standards are the following (Nagle, & Stelfox 2016):-

1. The nurses should continue the practices and think critically.

2. The nurses should maintain professional relationships.

3. The nurses should maintain all their capabilities for the practices.

4. They should develop proper planning.

5. They should provide safety, appropriate and responsive quality nursing services.

6. They should evaluate the outcomes to inform the nursing practices.

7. They should conduct the assessments comprehensively (Hunt, 2013).

NSQHS Standards 1,2 and 6

The National Safety and Quality Health Service(NSQHS) was developed by the government of Australia in partnership with healthcare experts, the states and the territories, the patients .The main goal of NSQHS is to provide high-quality health services to the public. There are a total of eight criteria in the NSQHS that should be provided to the people from health care services. All the eight criteria of NSQHS cover health-associated disease, high-prevalence outcomes, professional communication, safety, and high-quality services and prevention procedures. This process provides all the services that the customer expects from any health care center (SACCOMANO & PINTO-ZIPP, 2011).

These NSQHS standards are:-

1. The clinical governance

2. The partnership with the consumers

3. Prevent and control health-care-associated infections

4. The safety medication

5. Comprehensive caring

6. Communication process

7. The blood management

8. Recognize and respond to acute deterioration (Fischer, 2017)

1. The Clinical Governance Standard:-

This implies that all the leaders in a health care center should complete their all responsibilities to improve their services constantly. All health care services should be safe and curative. This implies getting goals and strategic guidelines for the healthy and effective clinical services and all the guidelines should be delivered among the staff and the health-care communities. The organization of the health care department implements a structure and a mechanism to ensure safety and quality services. The health care agency develops and monitors policies to fulfill the organization’s protection. They give priorities to the aboriginal and Torres states islanders. The experts have outlined the requirements of clinical governance and this is an integral part of corporate government health care (Simon & Simon, 2012).

The partnering with the Consumer standards:-

The leaders of the health care center create, introduce and manage systems in collaboration with the customers. Such partnerships are linked with the decision-making, implementation, assessment, and the analysis of the treatment. All the systems are developed to help the patients and their families with the help of consumers. The health care center has set some protocols for the clinicians. This implies that the clinicians can take decisions in collaboration with the patients or any substitute for decision making, communication, set the targets, and their future treatment procedure. The target of this protocol is- 1. Build a strong relationship with the patients, and 2. Involve patients with their treatment actively (Sellman, 2014).

6. Communicating for safety standard:-

The Health Care Organization establishes the mechanisms and systems to support successful communication. This communication should be between the multidisciplinary departments, the clinicians and the patients or their families. The standard understands the value of efficient communication and its functions in promoting organized and secured care for all the patients. The activities in this protocol describe the risky circumstances when effective communication is necessary for patient treatment. The purpose of this communication is patient safety and high-quality service. The multidisciplinary departments and the clinical department use this communication system to give an alert about the patients’ treatments, release vital information

For a registered nurse leader, these three NSQHS standards are very crucial. The clinical governance standard helps a nurse to provide a high-quality service and take all the responsibilities. Partnering with the consumer standard helps a patient to build a strong bonding with the patients and their families. Safety communication helps the nurses to inform all the information about patients’ health and listen to their patients’ needs (Havers et al., 2016).


The nursing leadership is very essential as it improves the skills of all the nurses. The new Zealand health care center has implemented a leadership structure for the clinical nurses to make them productive and improve the delivery of nursing services. But the application of this hierarchical and nonhierarchical leadership style depends on the circumstances, the staff nurses and the physicians. This is very crucial for a registered nurse to understand different types of leadership styles so that these can reflect on different circumstances and improve their values. A registered nurse should be well-trained as we know she is doing a very sensitive job. Any type of carelessness is harmful to patients’ health (Zyblock, 2010).


Boyd, D., & Poghosyan, L. (2017). Measuring Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist Organizational Climate: Instrument Adaptation. Journal Of Nursing Measurement, 25(2), 224-237. https://doi.org/10.1891/1061-3749.25.2.224

Casey, D., & Clark, L. (2010). Professional development for registered nurses. Nursing Standard, 24(17), 35-38. https://doi.org/10.7748/ns.24.17.35.s57 Celebrate nursing. (2013), 8(3), 4. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.ccn.0000429388.00171.12

Fischer, S. (2017). Developing nurses’ transformational leadership skills. Nursing Standard, 31(51), 54-63. https://doi.org/10.7748/ns.2017.e10857

Fonseca, C. (2012). Nursing Care Indicators to Nursing Homes. Journal Of Nursing & Care, 01(03). https://doi.org/10.4172/2167-1168.1000107

Havers, S., Hall, L., Page, K., & Wilson, A. (2016). Turning policy into practice – Infection control practitioner perspectives on implementation of Standard 3 criteria 10 aseptic technique of the NSQHS standards. Infection, Disease & Health, 21(3), 143. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.idh.2016.09.119

Hunt, J. (2013). Nurses have come a long way from unquestioning practices. Nursing Standard, 27(40), 33-33. https://doi.org/10.7748/ns2013.

Nagle, C., McDonald, S., Morrow, J., Kruger, G., Cramer, R., & Couch, S. et al. (2019). Informing the development midwifery standards for practice: A literature review for policy development. Midwifery, 76, 8-20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.midw.2019.05.007

Nursing Management through the years. (2014), 45(10), 10-11. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.numa.0000455278.94722.1b

Pennbrant, S., Nilsson, M., Öhlén, J., & Rudman, A. (2013). Mastering the professional role as a newly graduated registered nurse. Nurse Education Today, 33(7), 739-745. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2012.11. 021

Registered nurse leadership style and confidence in delegation. Journal Of Nursing Management, 19(4), 522-533. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2834.2010.01189.x

Sellman, D. (2014). Slow and nursing. Nursing Philosophy, 15(2), 79-80. https://doi.org/10.1111/nup.12056

Simon, R., & Simon, D. (2012). Nomadic nursing: Opportunities in travel nursing. Nursing, 42, 49. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.nurse.0000408213.36527.6b

Soffer, A. (2014). Tracing detached and attached care practices in nursing education. Nursing Philosophy, 15(3), 201-210. https://doi.org/10.1111/nup.12052

Zyblock, D. (2010). Nursing Presence in Contemporary Nursing Practice. Nursing Forum, 45(2), 120-124. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-6198.2010.00173.x

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