Performance Management HR

Executive Summary

Through this report, the purpose is to access the performance management of Human resource management is one of the most vital aspects of an organization, and studies have shown that departments invest a lot of time and effort into making their performance management processes perfect.  A performance management system aims at the development of individuals with the required commitment, skills and competencies that could lead to the shared meaningful objectives that are part of the organizational framework. Simply put, the purpose of performance management is to manage the performance of the staff and help them attain organizational goals and help them grow as well. Since performance management deals with human behavior, it is much more involved and complex. Being a soft skill, it becomes relatively fluid and is also an ever-evolving with its scope and purposes and is a process that is required to change and adapt to employee and business needs. The report would include the findings from the past analysis of the chosen three jobs which are the accountants, recruiter and the environmental



Three occupations and changes last 40 years


The future situation for occupations in 2060


Future situation chosen occupations in 2060

Environmental Scientist

Tasks (2020 year)

The future situation for occupations in 2060






Through this assignment, the prime focus is on the performance feedback and how the appraisals have been an active part of the workplace. Subsequently, it is necessary to have the organizations that can contextually result in the annual or biannual performance feedback cycles which can further help to capture the employee’s potential. To access the risk of bias and how there can be a match with the individual manager and how it would be responsible to evaluate as per the team’s performance reviews and further how to show there can be favoritism towards an employee (Kataria, 2019). The use of performance management is examined asway to deploy a data-driven culture and how the way of key artificial intelligence (AI) which can help to create the human opinion to help garnering the performance feedback. It is necessary to take adequate actions and even help to understand as to how and there can be the AI-led performance feedback mechanisms that can have the derived result. The talent pipelines can help to access the complexity (to derive the shortage of highly skilled workers, and to identify ways to reduce the reducing employee loyalty and to have the secured competitive hiring landscape). It is also essential to use effective’s ways to retain employees. The employee retention strategies can be effective to engage and monitor the delivering effective along with having the regular performance feedback (Kelly, 2018). To access and check the AI that can be helpful to monitor and check for the regularly assess performance and equip managers that can have the right feedback. The main problem of the employee performance changes is to access and monitor, based on the work-based scenarios and how to follow the demand volumes, personal motivators, and other factors (Van Beurden, 2016).  Depending on the feedback and appraisal cycle it is also essential to check about how the companies would like to improve with the condition and providing the relevant performance management.While linking with the traditional models, the performance management has been identified as the ways to understand as to what an employee can do for the organization and how to have the consequent change that can cover the factors in accordance with the talent shortages and advancements. The purpose has changed consistently and how there can be company attributes that can place the measures to keep them engaged, form the content, productive, and motivated. The main role of managing an employee’s performance is centric for establishing systematic. The AI & the Robotics role has a vital role to play in the 70 per cent of companies that have to align with the performance management and holding the set talent decisions, AI and data analytics can also help to derive the truth for managers and further can help to extract valuable insights (Soltani 2017). 

Three occupations and changes last 40 years

Australian Jobs have shown a high involvement and high level of a wide range of factors. Such as how to use career thinking that can have the pragmatic approach and also be linked to the careers which can have the industry you ranging from the employing occupations. The changing career path would help to determine the training pathways, the location of jobs, and to include the key assessment based on future employment prospects. A further value of higher levels of education along with holding the key training skills and the competitive nature that can outline the labor market can help to derive a successful job applicant. The forward-looking information can be helpful to note as to how there can be industries and occupations which have likely to place in accordance with the strongest employment growth.It is important to check the occupations which can help as per the high demand, and it is necessary for the applicants and how there can be recruitment (Kataria 2019).


It is evident, that the role Accountant can be one of the responsible and can manage in terms of the reporting of financial information that is an important part of the organization. The Accountant can also perform all sorts of the job roles which would be essential to need to the tasks that can be part of the accountancy role in smaller companies and it is necessary to have the different accountants which can provide the different accountancy areas that can be made it as the part of the larger companies (Van Beurden 2018). The prime role of financial accounting and management accounting is to distinguish the roles and understand complacence.


As projected, in 2018, the Accountant's job roles demand has increased and there has been substantial growth.  It would be essential to place the importance of the roles, as it is the professional services (Kelly 2017).


The employment is largely concentrated in New South Wales, Victoria along with Queensland. Depending on the quarterof how the workforce can be self-employed, it is essential to have a highly-skilled workforce that can hold 84 per cent holding post-school qualifications. It is important to have professionals that can be distinguished based on 58% of this industry. Only 10 percentpart of the workforce belongs to the aged 15 to 24 years old that can further reflect theways to attain the qualifications. Employment is projected and determined on the basis of five years to 2023 that can reflect the educated workers to hold as a part of the Australian labor market (Kelly2018)


Professionals that are part of the largest employing occupation group that can belong to Australia (the role of the accounting isaccepted by one in every four workers. Further, the group can also record the highest employment growth of any group that can cover the five years (up by 476,100 or 18.7 percent)(Kataria 2018).To hold the significant number of jobs that have been created with the Professionals group. Among the accountant's force, 74 percent is the male, while 36 percent it is the women who are leading. The demand for professional sources has been changing (Sorum 2018).


Job Roles (1970’s)

  • To regular check the bank statements and reconciling with the general ledger entries

  • To note the expenses taken for the employees

  • To check for the equal incoming payments from accounts receivable and how it would be outgoing payments accounted for the accounts payable

  • To have the financial reports that can include the information.

  • To check the data collected and to have the company’s financial health (Sorum 2018)

Current 2020 year

 Job accreditation

To secure the degree from the Certified Practicing Accountants (CPA Australia)

To get the degree from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (CA Australia)

To get a degree from the Institute of Public Accountants (Sorum 2018)

The future situation for occupations in 2060

Due to the global professional recognition and the degrees, the demand of the accountant is seemed to be progressive and high in demand.


The role of the recruiter based on the past role was to scout the employees and place them in the organization system. But the role of the recruiter in 2020 is not only to search the global talent and also judge the relevant means that can help to note the important aspect of labor supply. For example, if the company wants to expand in China, from Australia, the role of the recruiter would not be limited to the job search role, understandinghis qualification, job roles, descriptions but also how to fit the employeeswithin the Australia parent organizational setup. The role of the recruiter would be to search, check the job details, check the manager's demands, and also to finalize from the scouted employees depending on the cost, budgeting, and placing them in the one framework (Sharma  2017).  There has been significant lowest unemployment rate in the past three decades, in the recruiter file, but ever since the globalization has happened and the organization has started to expand, the recruiter demand has risen from the 40 percent to the 70 percent, as they are not only placed domestically but also have to do job roles globally (Sorum 2018).

Job Roles 1970’s

In the past, the job role of the recruiter was to scout, hunt, and recruit the workers on the basis of the talent and the qualification. 

Identify the job description and understand the organizational structure. 

Make the regular pay-checks and also access the worker's attendance details (Kulkarni 2017).

Job Role 2020

The HR is now in the higher demand and are placed at par with the management structure,

The main role of the recruiter is t map, how much resources are required while opening the offices globally and to place the employees by training and accessing the recruitment.

To place them culturally fit for their jobs and how to understand the gap between the individual and the organization recruitments.

Australia has a high demand of the recruiter, who not only follows the IT sector (growth by the 57percent) and in the non-IT sector (80percent), to analyzing the job role requirements and placing the people. To identify the job crux and how the employee would be potentially are fit (Kulkarni 2017). For example, if the China office has to be open, the recruiter would be SHRM and how to identify the relevant job roles that can create a niche of the market. For example, the Legal officers or the consultants, how much the individual job role would help to access the market and how to place them culturally fit, in mapping the market and for the growth perspective. The executive hired would be the one who can handle the bureaucrats and the policies, while opening the office. 

Future situation chosen occupations in 2060

As globally every Australian organization is forecasting to penetrate in the new territories, the role of the recruiter is projected to rise further (Kulkarni 2017).

Environmental Scientist

The average salary for the Environmental Scientist is $104,994 each year in Australia and there is a high demand for the environmental scientist, with the lucrative career growth opportunities. The salary identified with the 40 salaries submitted has been recorded by the Environmental Scientist employees, users, who have drawn a relevant past and present job advertisements the given timeline of 36 months within the 1-3 years (Kulkarni 2017).

In the 1970s the job role of the environmental scientists was limited to the few demands and it was considered lucrative but the toughest option to achieve.

Tasks (2020 year)

  • The task includes the evaluating habitat, wildlife along with placing the fisheries needs and also forming the ways to formulating short and long-term management goals along with having the objectives

  • To enforce the laws and regulations and work for the ways to conserve and protect fish along with the wildlife (Cappelli 2016)

  • The  environmental impact assessments for a wide range of development projects

  • To hold the solutions that can further include the ways to address negative environmental impact

  • To have the constructive approach in relation to the factors, covering the terrain, altitude, climatic and environmental change and having the sources of nutrition, predators along with the key impacts of humans, on animal and plant life

  • To determine the ways of pollution, atmospheric conditions, accessing the demographic characteristics, ecology, mineral and even identifying the soil and water samples (Arthur 2016)

  • To note the conservation along with having the set management policies for biological resources,and to include the fish populations and forests, and ways to have the establishing standards and developing approaches that can understand the control of pollution (Dickmann 2016).


As observed, Australia has a high demand for environmental scientists are largely due to the large share of forest covering and the ecological setup. The demand has increased from the 1970s (10percent) to the high demand of the 40percent (average in 2020) (Cappelli 2016). The job role is challenging and mainly the Environmental Scientist works across the Canberra, NSW, and across the Queensland region. The demographic is young and engaging which fall form the 25-50 years (Aquinas 2016).


The future situation for occupations in 2060

Globally, the demand of the Environmentalscientists is still bleak, but within Australia, it is high in demand it is projected to grow more, due to the recent forecasted weather changes (Cappelli 2016).


As per Adam's Equity theory, which is based on the belief that employees can eventually become demotivated, and to bring in a better scope ofthe job and their employer, and it is essential to follow the setinputs that can be identified with the outputs. Employees would also have substantial demand and how to draw a relevant conclusion. The identified factors can bedemotivating and how to have the set of the employee that can be perceived as the disparity between the inputs and the output. To hold reduced efforts and how there can be disgruntled ways of becoming extreme cases to be disruptive (Cappelli, 2016). The theory indicates ways to improve the employee’s performance, has to be in line with job satisfaction, motivation level, and be done by acquiring every job level.


1. Strategic

As technology is central to every organization, the internal systems need to be aligned with such systems that performance management gets aligned with overall organization goals followed through department goals and individual goals. This would ensure that the organizational goals are aligned and there is no lacuna in performance management or understating of certain human behavior.

2. Administrative

Since the performance management can be one of the factor for an employee's promotion, demotion, salary increment, and also relate with the similar attributes, it also imbibes administrative powers and helps identify the performers, non-performers, or underperformer employees in an organization. It is important to merits the competency and skilled employees and thus a robust performance management system helps determine the roles as desired by the management decisions.

3. Communication

Communication is the lifeline of an organization and an effective communication channel is central to inform employees with regards to the goals, job responsibilities, key deliverables along with having the better performance standards (Aquinas 2019). A proper communication channel also serves as an indicator to recognize or help in the improvement of an employee's performance. A proper communication channel also provides a platform for learning and training and thus helps grow on skill set and improve on employee's knowledge base and enhance results.  

4. Developmental

A sound performance management system has a developmental agenda as its core structure and serves as a medium for communicating positive feedbacks and to further include the improvement areas along with the development plans (Aquinas, 2019). The manager deploys various methods like the training that can cover the team members' help perform better.

5. Organizational Maintenance

A performance management system is also a one of the trick to measure employee performance and assess organizational achievements and thus identify and evaluate the gaps found from multiple tools and techniques. Thus the performance standards are met and maintained.

6. Documentation

The HR manager needs to maintain proper documents and records various records purposes and also for management reviews. All the feedback and forms need to be properly documented to help make a trial and possible trend to study and identify the structural change shaping up in an organization. Besides, documents and records help an organizationto hold the new set targets, to have the design developmental needs and include the desired design training, and learning programmers, and career progression for any individuals within the department.


To conclude, performance management system purpose is to have the sense of development of individuals that can relate with the commitment, skills and competencies to hold as per the organizational framework. Simply put,  purpose of performance management is to manage the performance of the staff and help them attain organizational goals and help them grow as well. Since performance management deals with human behavior, it is much more involved and complex. Being a soft skill, it becomes relatively fluid and is also an ever-evolving with its scope and purposes and is a process that is required to change and adapt to employee and business needs.


Aguinis, H. 2019. Performance Management For Dummies. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Arthur, J.B., Herdman, A.O. and Yang, J.2016. How top management hr beliefs and values affect high‐performance work system adoption and implementation effectiveness. Human Resource Management, 55(3), pp.413-435.

Cappelli, P. and Tavis, A. 2016. The performance management revolution. Harvard Business Review, 94(10), pp.58-67.

Dickmann, M., Brewster, C. and Sparrow, P. eds., 2016. International human resource management: contemporary HR issues in Europe. London: Routledge.

Geimer, J.L., Zolner, M. and Allen, K.S. 2017. Beyond hr competencies: removing organizational barriers to maximize the strategic effectiveness of HR professionals. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 10(1), pp.42-50.

Kataria, A., Garg, P. and Rastogi, R. 2019. Do high-performance HR practices augment OCBs? The role of psychological climate and work engagement. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.

Kelly, C. and Rapp, K. 2017. The HR Function in 2021: Models & Competencies.

Kulkarni, D.N., 2017. A Study on Relationship Between Employee Performance with High Performance HR System in Automobile Industry of Nagpur. Journal of Management, 4(2).

Sharma, A. and Sharma, T.2017. HR analytics and performance appraisal system. Management Research Review.

Soltani, E., Liao, Y.Y. and Iqbal, A. 2017. A context-specific perspective of HR performance management in quality-oriented organizational contexts.

Sorum, M. and Singh, A.K. 2018. HR in reinventing its fundamental practices to gain competitive advantage: A reflection of innovative performance management practices of HR in Indian private insurance companies. SMS Journal of Entrepreneurship & Innovation, 4(2), pp.43-59.

Van Beurden, J., Van Veldhoven, M. and Van De Voorde, K. 2018, July. When are HR practices effective for job performance? The role of employee HR Effectiveness ratings. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2018, No. 1, p. 14185). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.

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