Table of Contents


2. Leadership Styles

2.1 Authoritarian

2.2 Democratic

2.3 Transformational

3. Role of team member in organizational change

3.1 Communication

3.2 Risk Management

3.3 Critical Thinking

3.4 Effective Leadership

4. Seven Basic Quality Tools

4.1 Seven basic improvement tools

5. Continuous Improvement Plan


7. Risk Management Plan

7.1 Risk Identification

7.2 Assessment of Risk

7.3 Mitigation Steps

7.4 Contingency Plan

7.5 Risk Tracking




In this report there will be all the recommendations to the Morning Dew’s senior management about what actions are acquired to adapt in the process of expanding the business. It's been researched the kind of leadership styles that can be adopted by a project manager for making changes successfully. The measures that should be adopted for lean principles and agile practices are also explained. In the study various major factors have been demonstrated like the skills that are required to be an effective team member and project manager for the efficiency in change, further there are improvement plans and risk management plans are elaborated. In a continuous improvement plan there will be an outlay in the report on how Morning Dew can initiate to improve the quality of products with the time whereas the risk management consist of the report in which the strategies and techniques are demonstrated.

2. Leadership Styles

Leadership styles are the factors that document the employee’s satisfaction and team productivity. There are several forms of leadership but in the project of Morning Dew, there are three major leadership styles that the project manager can adapt for effective change. The three leadership styles are transformational, democratic and authoritarian. All these three styles have different approaches to getting the work done but they are the most useful styles for the organizational change (Lyubovnikova et al., 2017).

These are the recommended leadership styles to the project manager of THE TEAM TIGER for the less risk and profitable returns. Every style of leadership is different from each other but a leader needs to understand that when to use all of these three styles of leadership. If a leader is required to make tasks done with specific instructions and narrow guidelines then he or she can use an authoritarian style of leadership. If a project manager needs the opinion of team members and involvement of the team members in decision making then he or she can apply the democratic style of leadership whereas a project manager should also understand that at what time he or she should use the transformational.

2.1 Authoritarian

It refers to the skill of a manager who is strict in nature and only wants to get the task done at any cost. In this leadership style, the project manager creates many procedures that dominate the work done by the team members. In this style of leadership, a leader or project manager likes to do everything in a structure and with consistency (Harms et al., 2018). The team member has no liberty to give any suggestions and inputs in the meetings. In the authoritarian style of leadership, a leader is said to be a dictator that dictates the team’s actions and provides very few opportunities to the team members. This kind of leadership can be applied in critical situations like emergencies or when the Morning Dew gets the orders in bulk. In the democratic leadership, team members usually feel frustrated and controlled as they are not free to put any inputs by themselves and the workload is very heavy.

2.2 Democratic

In this style of leadership a project manager or a leader have a very familia nature and also asks for the involvement of the team members. Democratic style of leadership encourages the team members to share their ideas. The project manager appreciates the team members for sharing the ideas but the project manager or leaders have the control to provide the guidelines by analysing everything. In the democratic style of leadership, team members feel that they have been valued at organization and they feel encouraged. A project manager can adapt this style of leadership when the workload is very low and the project needs more creative ideas to be involved to get the successful outcome.

2.3 Transformational

In this style of leadership, a leader works with the team member for the organizational changes. A project manager creates a vision for the changes and motivates the team member to work on the same goal. Transformational leadership helps in achieving the drastic changes an organization expects to do. With this style of leadership, the team members are always encouraged and inspired for the future success of the project. This style of leadership demands the ownership mindset and the individual efforts to make the project successful. In the transformational style of leadership, a project manager explains the project’s vision and goal to every team member and also explains to put their extra efforts to get work done. Transformational leadership is not oriented with the strict actions of the leader but it is oriented with team work with a proper ownership mindset and full of efforts. In this style of leadership, team members are usually motivated to get the project done successfully and instead of having workload they feel very appreciated because of the support of the leader.

All these styles of leadership can be useful for the project manager of the Morning Dew. Each and every style has to be applied when it’s needed. If the workload is very high and need immediate response from the team members then a project manager can use the authoritative style of leadership while having a strict nature for the better actions and immediate efforts from the team members, If the workload is low and the project needs more creative ideas then team member can involve and share their ideas and inputs whereas Morning Dew needs a change in organization then the project manager can apply the transformational style of leadership.

3. Role of Team Member in Organizational Change

A team member is a person who is a part of the team. While working in Morning Dew a team member has to be efficient for the organizational change. Efficient team member refers to a team member who effectively participates in the project and has an ownership mindset. According to study Harms et al. (2018), efficient team members are equals to an asset for an organization. Project managers should also have some major skills to be effective for the organization. An effective and efficient team can only help the organization with the best inputs and efforts that are needed the most for the successful organization change. There are some skills required to be an effective team member and a project manager of THE TIGER TEAM includes: -

3.1 Communication

Communication is important for the team member as well as for the project manager. A project manager should not always be the one who articulates themselves to make every team member understand what he or she wants to convey but also listen to the team member’s opinion and views. If there is always a one sided communication where a project manager tells the needs that to be done by the team members then it can create a vast communication gap between team members and project manager, whereas a team member should always communicate to the project manager about the problems that he or she has been facing in the work area. Communication also includes asking the questions, if someone asks a question directly then the chances of the conflicts decreases. One of the major responsibilities of a project manager is to communicate with the client’s as well. So, the project manager of THE TIGER TEAM has to communicate with the team members efficiently as well as the clients on the Morning Dew to get the clear vision and feedback from them.

3.2 Risk Management

While working in a team that is oriented with the project management, it's very important that the project manager and the team member manages the risk so that the outcome of the project can be profitable for the organization.Risk management is a process in which project manager measure the cost involved in the investment of the project In the early days, risk management was a proper responsibility of only the project manager but now the team member also has the responsibility of managing the risk. Risk management is a process that includes Identifying the risk, analyzing the risk, evaluating the risk, treatment of risk and reviewing the risk.

3.3 Critical Thinking

The project manager should not be the only one who thinks and creates ways to make the task done but the team members should also come with the various creative ideas to help the team. Critical thinking refers to handling a situation by evaluating and analyzing every aspect of that situation and making decisions that are profitable for the organization. Team members and the project manager should always have a critical thinking that benefits the organizational change.

3.4 Effective Leadership

Leadership is the quality that can help the organization to reach the organizational goals by working in a team. Leadership quality is very necessary for the project manager as well as the team members. If the team members take initiative then the process of the organizational change becomes very easy to get done successfully. With this leadership quality, every team member takes initiative and has an ownership mindset whereas the project manager’s role is to guide the team and provide them the correct knowledge.

4. Seven Basic Quality Tools

The recommended continuous improvement plan for Morning Dew is “ Seven Basic Quality Tools”. There are many improvement plans that are adopted by very large organizations but the seven basic quality tools are suitable improvement plans for the Morning Dew . It's very necessary to keep on improving the quality of products and the services of an organization and the continuous improvements leads to the customer preferences toward the products and services that are provided to them and also improvement gives the growth opportunity to an organization. Morning Dew is an organization with a lean process (Phadermrod et al., 2019). Lean process refers to the method that is adopted by the organization for the effective outcome without wasting any resources of organization.

4.1 Seven Basic Improvement Tools

figure illustrates Seven basic QC tools

Figure 1 Seven basic QC tools

Source: Self

  1. Cost and Effect Diagram: - It has six major groups that includes machines, environment, methods, materials, measurement and personnel. All these sources provide the expected source of problem in the organization

  2. Check sheet - The qualitative and the quantitative data are collected in the check sheet.

  3. Stratification - The stratification tool is to separate the people into groups and also used to sort the objects and the data. This is useful to maintain the data of the products, materials, equipment or it can manage the week days as well.

  4. Histogram - It is a tool which is used when the frequency of data has been broken down into various categories. The week days, measurement, age and various kinds of categories can be undertaken in this tool.

  5. Pareto Chart - The pareto chart has an 80/20 rule to operate in order to be a quality control tool. The major goal of this tool is to provide the importance of relative parameters that allow us to identify the efforts on the factors which have bigger impacts.

  6. Scatter Diagram - The scatter diagram is one of the most important tools which helps in assuming the relationship that two variables share.

  7. Control Chart - The control chart helps in providing the quality assurance. It saves the time of organization and the money as well.

5. Continuous Improvement Plan

The continuous improvement plan has various major factors that can help an organization to improve efficiency and growth. The plan has influencing factors including:

  1. Resources allocation - Resources allocation refers to the process of managing and assigning the resources in order to get the efficient results according to organizational goals. An organization like Morning Dew that follows lean processes desires to not to waste any useful resource and get the maximum optimization of the resources. Resources allocation also helps in reducing the cost as well.

  2. Workforce ability enhancement - For continuous improvement, an organization or project manager needs to enhance the ability of the workforce by providing them the suitable working hours so that they don’t end up getting sick by working extra hours (Magsamen-Conrad et al., 2016). The training should be conducted for the team members to enhance their skills.

  3. Auditing - When the production has been on a large scale then the chances of mistakes also increases. For that purpose there should be an auditor in the Monday Dew to audit all the quality of products that are going to be delivered to the customers.

  4. Feedback from the customers - Monday Dew should adapt this factor as the most important factor for the organization. It's very important to make changes according to the preferences of the customers. An organization can face failure if the reviews and the feedback are neglected.

6. Assumptions

  1. The continuous improvement is not always possible due to various major factors.

  2. It’s not necessary that continuous improvement is always good for the organization.

  3. The factor of continuous improvement can also vary from organization to organization (Memon et al., 2019).

  4. If there is something wrong in the process of organizational change then it can be fixed.

  5. The infinite improvements can be done.

7. Risk Management Plan

Risk management plan is a document that is prepared to identify the problems related to risk before it occurs. It helps in handling the risk before it occurs and taking appropriate steps while doing activities needed for the project. Throughout the project life, the risk management plan is always involved. The risk management process includes Identifying the risk, analyzing the risk, evaluating the risk, treatment of risk and reviewing the risk. There are two factors that need to be addressed are contingency plan and mitigation steps (Dippenaar & Bezuidenhout,2019). Contingency plan is either implemented before the project or during the project to reduce the risk and the impact. Mitigation steps are taken to reduce the probability of the risk that going occurs during the project and it is cost oriented. The project manager of the Morning Dew can adapt both factors for managing the risk. Risk management plan includes: -

7.1 Risk Identification

Risk identification is a process that is a responsibility of the project manager to identify that can affect the project on a very long run. Risk is a hindrance for the project managing team so it's important to identify the major risks at the initial stage. There are some risks which can occur during the project and they are unidentified at initial stages and they can make a bigger impact on the project (Rudolph et al., 2017). It has various impacts like cost impact, quality impact, scope and scheduled impact.

7.2 Assessment of Risk

Risk assessment is oriented with “cause and effect”. The cause refers to the reason of the risk that is going to occur and the effect refers to the impact that risk has done to the project. The risk assessment deals with quantifying that a risk can make an impact on the factors. There are factors which can be affected like the pre-estimated cost fixed by the organization, the delay in the project implementation and the quality can also reduce are the cases that can be estimated and it can document the risk assessment and the measures of project management tools can be used.

7.3 Mitigation Steps

Mitigation steps are taken to reduce the probability of the risk that going occurs during the project and it is cost oriented. It also involves the preparing of contingency plans so that the project manager can deal with the risk. It is oriented with taking steps initially so that it can reduce the involvement of risk.

7.4 Contingency Plan

Contingency plan is a set of activities or pre planning of the acts that should be taken for the adverse risk. Project manager should document the contingency plan on the basis of the mitigation strategy. The training should be conducted for the emergency situation. Contingency plan needs to be updated when it’s necessary.

7.5 Risk Tracking

Risk tracking refers to the continued activities that involve the risk assessment, risk identification, monitoring the risk, planning for new discovered risks, updating contingency plans and monitoring them. This involves the reporting or tracking the risk on the daily basis (Yu & Huatuco, 2016).

The various risks which can be envisaged for the Morning Dew Company are:

table shows various risks which can be envisaged for the Morning Dew Company
table shows various risks which can be envisaged for the Morning Dew Company

8. Conclusion

In this report, the major steps for the successful change in Morning Dew has been researched and studied. There are various major factors that can help in making the organizational changes that includes the required skills of the team members and the project manager needed for the effective work ethics, the leadership styles that should be adapted by the project manager to enhance the quality of work, continuous improvement plan for the best lean business processes and the risk management plan to prevent the organization from the major loss and the profitable returns.

9. References

Dippenaar, A., & Bezuidenhout, S. T. (2019). The development of a robust risk management plan for the continuous supply of water to hospitals in the Western Cape Province. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 30(2), 190-204.

Harms, P. D., Wood, D., Landay, K., Lester, P. B., & Lester, G. V. (2018). Autocratic leaders and authoritarian followers revisited: A review and agenda for the future. The Leadership Quarterly, 29(1), 105-122.

Lyubovnikova, J., Legood, A., Turner, N., & Mamakouka, A. (2017). How authentic leadership influences team performance: The mediating role of team reflexivity. Journal of business Ethics, 141(1), 59-70.

Magsamen-Conrad, K., Dillon, J. M., Hanasono, L. K., & Valdez, P. A. (2016). Developing an intergroup communication intervention curriculum: Enhancing workforce skills across generations. In Developing workforce diversity programs, curriculum, and degrees in higher education (pp. 140-161). IGI Global.

Memon, I. A., Ali, A., Memon, M. A., Rajput, U. A., Abro, S. A. K., & Memon, A. A. (2019). Controlling the Defects of Paint Shop using Seven Quality Control Tools in an Automotive Factory. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, 9(6), 5062-5065.

Phadermrod, B., Crowder, R. M., & Wills, G. B. (2019). Importance-performance analysis based SWOT analysis. International Journal of Information Management, 44, 194-203.

Rudolph, J. L., Archambault, E., & Budd, M. A. (2017). Delirium: Risk Identification, Mitigation, and Intervention. In Practical Psychology in Medical Rehabilitation (pp. 235-239). Springer, Cham.

Yu, C., & Huatuco, L. H. (2016, April). Supply chain risk management identification and mitigation: A case study in a Chinese dairy company. In International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (pp. 475-486). Springer, Cham.

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