Project Scope, Time and Cost Management

Executive Summary of Website Designing Project

The report demonstrates the importance of project management in the real life scenario. Along with this, the paper discussed the illustrative of live IT (information & Technology) project, where the IT sectors now a day’s work in a team to meet the client’s requirements. Moreover, the paper also demonstrates the importance of scope management, schedule and cost management of the project. The project is outlined to describe the importance of project in IT sectors, where paper focused on the implementation of schedule management along with the team work handling the project for efficient delivery of output.


Executive Summary.

Introduction to project case.

Overview of project management for project implementation.

Scope Management Plan.

Schedule Management Plan.

Cost Management Plan.



Introduction to Project Case

The group decided to work on the real and live project where group together selected the project called website designing. The reason for selecting the project is to demonstrate the importance of manual testing in today’s world. The selected project is based on the website designing. Along with this the project comprises of software designing, handling clients requirements which includes a whole team to work on the project. The project need to be outlined and should meet following criteria’s.

  • Create a new website of online tutoring and e-books selling which should match the client’s requirement list.
  • The client requirement list comprises of a homepage including the design displaying different books which client’s is offering for sale. Along with this, the image should be specified with auto-rotate option, view option and the manual option for the website visitor.
  • The home page should display the menu bar which includes home, blogs, and store about and contact with the graphical images for each section, so that the visitor can easily go through the required information which helps him to make a transaction.
  • The page should display the price section, list of products which the client offers and the updates section, where it displays the new launching products.
  • The font size of the headers should be 20 in size bold and paragraphs should be left aligned with the text size 14. The font style to be used in this project is Times New Roman.
  • The paragraphs and images should be provided with the alternative link, so that user can visit the links for exploring more information on the particular topic.
  • Above are the requirements of the client to create the new website. To clarify the requirements, team can contact client.

Overview of Project Management for Project Implementation

Project is the set of tasks, where employees in the organization divided into the team to work on a particular task assigned by the project manager to reach the specific goal. Every organization undertake the new projects to complete the task in a given period. The project plays a major role in IT (information and technology) organization, where those organizations are always engaged in solving the client’s requirements and managing those projects plays a crucial role to ensure the smooth flow of work of the team on project requirements. In a nutshell, project management is defined as planning and controlling the project with the application of skills and knowledge of the assigned team to meet the project requirements that can deliver the output (Safapour, Kermanshachi & Jafari, 2020). Project management acts as a key component to ensure the flow of work. Projects may vary in organizations. The project can also include restructuring the firm, developing the current software systems, launching new software and many more, where the objective of every project is to deliver the expected output. The initial challenge of every project is to plan the project, control the resources, coordinating the team and accepting the resources and time which are provided to us to use in the project (Newton, 2015).

According to Jamali & Oveisi (2016), PMBOK (The Project Management Body of Knowledge) is accepted as a best practice and also internationally recognized standard, which provides principles which can be applied on the project. It covers the scope, time, cost, risk, quality, communication management of a project, whereas PRINCE2 is an approach which covers the process and provides the methodology for all types of projects. The process part divided into five categories. The first category is initiating, as it defines the start of the project. The second category is planning. It is the key category, which defines the overall design of the project. The third category is executing states the process of work to be started as per the planning of the project. The fourth category is monitoring and controlling which focuses on the project requirements, keeping track of work performed by the individuals in the group. In this category, the project manager can also identify the areas where change is required. The fifth category is closing when the project comes to an end, it is closed. Principles of project management needed to apply to every project as it clearly defines the objective of the project. Principles of project management also include the vision and mission of the project which measures the accountability of every individual of the team.

Most of the IT organizations perform their projects on the software. For example, projects like manual testing require proper planning and coordination between the team. The project is undertaken by a minimum of seven to 8 members. There will be a project manager for the team, who guides the team with all the guidelines of the project. Every team individual has his responsibility to perform the task. Tasks are divided into the whole team where the project is to bring the new requirements in software, System analyst’s responsibility is to write down all the requirements and coordinate it to the team, then the UX designer will create a dummy page which includes all the features, as the client suggests to add in the software. After completion of the sample page created by UX designer, developers will work on the creation of the page. Lastly, the QA (Quality Assurance)/ software tester, will check all the features and ensure that all the features are matching with the client’s requirements. These projects are mostly performed under the agile management tool named Jira (Ozkan & Mishra, 2019).

To deliver the aimed output, every project needs the proper methodology. PMBOK had set up the processes, which determine every field of the project. It focuses on every segment of the project which ensures the process of work is flowing systematically, as it involves planning, implementation of the planning process, scope and objectives of the project, smooth flow of communication in a group, managing the team and monitoring and controlling to keep track of the work done and review the work accordingly, by which, a project manager can also forecast the project closing date (Hill & Nelson, 2019). To ensure the qualitative delivery of the work, project management also has its functional areas which need to focus on Functional areas are ‘managing the project team’, which includes managing the individuals of the project and communicating them about their assigned tasks. ‘Managing the project scope’, which defines the project boundaries that clearly states what should be included in the project. ‘Managing the project schedule and quality’, defines the project period to complete the project and managing quality ensures that the project meets its requirements or not.

One of the complex activity in every organization is project management. It requires a lot of efforts if the project is not properly structured and planned. This activity requires a procedure that will enable the project handling team to manage the project. This paper aims at describing the concepts of project management and its importance in the organizations. The paper also focused on the key process of PMBOK, Agile and a glimpse on PRINCE2 methodology of project management which plays a crucial role in the implementation of a project. Manual testing illustrative was provided in the paper to demonstrate how the project is performed in IT organizations.

Scope Management Plan

One of the major component of project management plan is scope management. To describe the scope of given project. It specifically demonstrates the boundaries of the project which assists the team to work within the boundaries. Every project is the endeavor of whole team to bring a new or unique product and service to the market and understanding the scope of project plays an important role (Roseke, 2020). Scope management of a project includes record of requirements, stakeholders, project’s scope statement, work splitting structure, roles and responsibilities of the team and acceptance of the stakeholders. Following are the components demonstrated in detailed way (Alkhaffaf, 2018):

  • Requirements: It is the identification process which helps in identifying the client’s requirements of the project. This is the first step of identification where the team can contact the key people and prioritize the requirements along with this the team can also add the more requirements by suggesting the client’s.
  • Project scope statement: It is important to explore the boundaries of the project, so that one act his role within the boundary. This drives the team to know the project boundaries and acceptance criteria so that team can easily ignore the scope exclusions.
  • Work splitting structure: It is also called WBS (Work breakdown structure) which includes the division of projects work, tasks and responsibilities. Here the each tasks are analyzed through the project schedules and the statement of project scope including the tasks. Different tasks are performed by the project management team, where there will be the project leader, whose responsibility is to demonstrate the projects requirements and execution plan. In traditional days, waterfall method was used to implement the project. Due to the increased client’s requirements, projects are using Agile platform, Jira project tool to handle the project. In the project handling platform, the responsibilities and tasks are divided among the team which clearly demonstrates the task, time of the task, requirements of the task and many others which are related to the execution of project.
  • Roles and responsibilities: This component specifically demonstrates the importance of roles and responsibilities of team for effective performance of the project. Responsibilities of the team often changes as per the requirements of the client. In this project, the team and the responsibilities are divided. To write down all the requirements, it is the responsibility of system analysts. To proceed further, the UX designer creates a duplicate page with the given requirements by the system analyst and shares the page to the team, so that the team can get an idea of creating the website with particular requirements. The intention of system analyst is to make team to produce the website where outlook of the project should match the client’s requirement. Developers work on the font, color and the backend processes of the website. Project manager is there to lead the team.
  • Deliverables and stakeholders acceptance: Deliverable is the result of the product which is intended to deliver to the customer. Whereas he stakeholders acceptance is defined as acceptance of team and the client for the project execution. Identifying the stakeholders plays a major role for every organization, which helps the organization to know the efforts of the organization and assists to neglect the unnecessary concerns which are not needed to the business. 
  • The internal and external stakeholders, to identify the influence of main stakeholders, there are three categories divided for the stakeholders which include primary stakeholders, secondary stakeholders and the key stakeholders. Primary stakeholders are the individuals who have a direct interest in an organization includes customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers and others who have the financial interest on the product. They are called users or beneficiaries. Secondary stakeholders are also known as external stakeholders, who do not engage directly, but they get affected by the changes in business, includes the general public, media and suppliers. Key stakeholders are those official bodies who plan and enforce the law includes government, policymakers, financial institutions (Kumar, Rahman & Kazmi, 2016). Stakeholders’ acceptance plays a major role in project’s execution. Stakeholders are categorized into two which includes the primary stakeholders and secondary stakeholders. The primary ones are defined as the people who have a direct relationship with the organization are known as internal stakeholders. These are the people who are greatly impacted by the outcomes of the business. Internal stakeholders are the employees, investors, shareholders who have a direct relationship such as ownership, employment and investment, where the external stakeholders are defined as those people who are not directly linked with the business such as the customers, suppliers, government (Gooyert, Rouwette, Kranenburg & Freeman, 2019). The stakeholders for the particular project includes client’s, customers, employees, organization, board of directors, society, government and shareholders of the company.

Schedule Management Plan

Schedule management plan is defined as the planning process of project schedules throughout the project’s life cycle. It sets the policies and expectations for project scheduled practices involves planning process, developing process, controlling and executing process (Carson, 2011). The schedule management plan comprises of components like roles and responsibilities, updating, progress feedback, change in schedules reviews and approvals. It plays the major role for the execution of project, as it schedules the every task. After completion of particular task, feedback is taken for the progress. The projects are performed by the team under the agile project management tool. The system analysts writes down all the requirements in the section, and it is divided into the sprints, where team members can proceed with their particular responsibility. For example, the requirement of adding auto-rotate option to the image displayed in homepage can be issued with the latest update of auto rotation for three seconds as per the client requirement. To proceed the task efficiently, different tasks are distributed among the team to deliver the good output (Suresh & Sivakumar, 2019). After completion of the project, then the responsibility of manual tester will come in existence. Manual tester checks each and every project requirements and match them with the requirements given by the client and then the project is executed…

Cost Management Plan

Cost management plan defines the deliverable of project’s estimating, issuing and controlling of costs from the required resources to finish the project (Pogorelov etal, 2018). It is necessary to implement the cost management plan to execute the project in approved budget. This component of project management plan includes planning and managing the costs for the projects. For creating the new website, the project requires a domain name. Along with this, for graphical designing of webpage the graphical designers will charge. The performing teams will also be provided with the incentives and other benefits. This component of management plan also allows to keep the rules for the performance measurement, where the performance of the employee can be easily appraised. Reporting of cost is included in the plan which assists the project manager to maintain the report with cost recordings on daily basis. After completion of the project, the duty of quality assurance (QA) is to check the step by step process to ensure the project has met the client’s requirements or not. The tester need to prepare functional reports. In addition to his, he needs to testify each and every processed requirement to execute the final project.

Conclusion on Website Designing Project

The above report discussed the importance of project management in IT sector. Modern era is moving digitally and every business organization are maintaining the website the drive in more traffic. To enhance the customers for the business, companies are also promoting through social media marketing and other paths of digital marketing. One of the most efficient ways of marketing online is search engine optimization. It is where all the organizations are investing more on building the efficient websites. The above project is based on designing the website where the report aims at demonstrating the key concepts of project management. Moreover, the report has discussed the key components of project management which includes scope management of the project, schedule management and the cost management of the project. The findings of the report is the project can be planned in the efficient way with the application of key components of project management. Moreover, the paper has discussed the descriptive and theoretical part of the project and the components of project management planning. The paper aims at demonstrating the team responsibilities and the project’s execution process of project of creating online website.

References for Website Designing Project

Hill, A. T. Jr., & Nelson, M. L. (2019). Application of project management body of knowledge (PMBOK) in an interdisciplinary capstone: The AISC steel bridge competition. International Journal of Engineering Management, 3(1), 17-24. Retrieved from 10.11648/j.ijem.20190301.14

Jamali, G., & Oveisi, M. (2016). A study on project management based on PMBOK and PRINCE 2. Canadian Center of Science and Education, 10(6), 142. Retrieved from

Newton, P. (2015). Principles of project management.

Ozkan, D., & Mishra, A. (2019). Agile project management tools: A brief comparative view. Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 19(4), 17. Retrieved from 10.2478/cait-2019-0033

Ozkan, D., & Mishra, A. (2019). Agile project management tools: A brief comparative view. Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 19(4), 17. Retrieved from 10.2478/cait-2019-0033

Safapour, E., Kermanshachi, S., & Jafari, A. (2020). Effective project management principles and strategies in transportation infrastructure projects. Retrieved from

Roseke, B. Components of a scope management plan. Retrieved from,is%20the%20project%20scope%20statement.

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Suresh, D., & Sivakumar, A. (2019). Impact of schedule management plan on project management effectiveness. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), 9(1). Retrieved from

Alkhaffaf, M. M. (2018). The role of user involvement in the success of project scope management. Retrieved from

Pogorelov, Y., Kozachenko, G., Ovcharenko, L., & Illiashenko, O. (2018). Use of methods of operational cost management in planning and accounting organization at the enterprise in Ukraine. Retrieved from

Kumar, V., Rahman, Z., & Kazmi, A. A. (2016). Assessing the influence of stakeholders on sustainability marketing strategy of Indian companies. Sage Open, 6(3), 4-8. Retrieved from

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